Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3274: Yanke's plan

Emperor Fengshuang is the pinnacle **** with unparalleled skill.

The person who can defeat and control him and turn him into a puppet can only be the king of gods!

This matter should start more than twenty days ago.

At that time, Yanke, who was seriously injured, tried his best to escape from the sea of ​​clouds.

He was afraid of Ji Tianxing and chasing Qingyu, so he didn't dare to stay or rest, and flee south without stopping.

After just two days, he fled the territory of the Great Yan Empire and escaped into the Fengshuang Empire.

At this moment, he saw that Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu were not chasing him, so he relaxed his vigilance and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

His injury was too serious, not only was his divine power exhausted, but his divine body was also severely injured, losing an arm and a leg.

If he continues to flee south, he will be like Chao Qingyu, and will be unconscious after a short while.

In the completely unfamiliar Tianbei Region, once he fell into a coma, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, he decisively decided to stay in the Fengshuang Empire and make plans after recovering his injuries.

Although he brought a lot of training resources with him, enough for him to retreat and heal his injuries.

However, he didn't have a suitable retreat, only relying on that little training resources, his injury recovery was very slow.

Seeing the prosperity of Fengshuang Empire and abundant cultivation resources, he had an idea.

He first entered a certain kingdom of God, and entered the kingdom's royal city.

After half a day, he ascertained the situation of the royal city and managed to sneak into the royal palace with a little trick.

In the dead of night, he found the treasure house of the kingdom of God, cracked the defense formation, and sneaked into the treasure house to search for resources.

Although the treasure house contains a large amount of cultivation resources and treasures, it can be described as extremely rich.

But Yanke couldn't look down on those ordinary treasures and resources at all, and only found a few top resources and treasures over and over again.

After escaping from the treasure house, he quietly left the king's city, hid in a deep mountain, and recuperated for seven days.

The cultivation resources and the miraculous medicine he stolen are the topmost in the kingdom of God, worth more than 50 billion.

But even so, he consumed those resources and the **** pill, he can only heal the trauma and restore 30% of his strength.

To completely heal the injury and return to the peak state, he must get more advanced and more resources and treasures!

The ordinary kingdom of God can no longer meet his needs.

His goal naturally fell on the Fengshuang Empire.

So, he used magical secrets to pretend to be the Frost Protoss and rushed to the imperial city of the Fengshuang Empire.

The imperial city is indeed magnificent, large in scale, and prosperous.

Yanke lurked in the imperial city for a day, and then learned about the national strength and heritage of the Fengshuang Empire.

He suddenly changed his mind and was not satisfied with sneaking into the treasure house and stealing a lot of resources and treasures.

He had a bolder idea!

It was another month of black and windy night, Yanke sneaked into the palace invisibly, searching for the whereabouts of Emperor Fengshuang.

Although the palace is heavily guarded inside and outside, and there are many strong men sitting in town, it can be described as a strong defense.

But that can only guard against the strong gods, and absolutely cannot stop him, the **** king.

With his strength and means, he was in the palace without being noticed by anyone.

At that time, Emperor Fengshuang was handling government affairs in his study, in a tired and laid-back state.

After all, the Fengshuang Empire has been peaceful and peaceful for five thousand years.

No foreign enemy threatened, Emperor Fengshuang also relaxed his vigilance.

He is the pinnacle **** king again, and there is no need to retreat and practice until he has the opportunity to break through the **** king.

On weekdays, he just cultivated his moral character, understood the truth of the world, and handled the government affairs of the empire.

In such a situation, Emperor Fengshuang was completely unprepared, he had already been targeted by the king of gods.

The result is beyond doubt.

Without knowing it, Yankeshen broke into the study room without knowing it, and used a king-level magic formation to seal the study room.

In this way, the outside world will not know anything that happens in the study.

Emperor Fengshuang was immediately alert, offering his dragon sword to hunt for the enemy.

But he was destined to be tragic, and nothing was going to work.

In order to save time, Yanke did not show up without making too much noise.

He remained invisible, and blatantly attacked Emperor Fengshuang, wounding him with one move.

Emperor Fengshuang supported his injury, and was about to call for help and resist.

Yanke displayed his secret technique again, and attacked one after another.

Emperor Fengshuang had no power to counterattack, and was directly beaten.

Within three breaths, he was subdued by Yanke and captured on the spot.

Only then did Yanke reveal his true colors.

Standing ten feet tall, he was extremely mighty and majestic. Standing in the study, his head almost reached the ceiling.

The broad and huge palms firmly grasped the Fengshuang Emperor, sealing the opponent's power and making it impossible to move.

Seeing Yanke's appearance, Emperor Fengshuang was shocked, and there was a storm in his heart.

"Foreign race? God king strong?"

Although he was panicked and confused, Emperor Fengshuang quickly calmed down, pretending to be calm and asked: "Where did I offend your Excellency and let your Excellency be so aggressive?"

He believes that there is no hatred for no reason.

As long as we can communicate and communicate with Yanke, things have room for change.

However, Emperor Fengshuang did not expect that Yanke never thought of communicating with him.

What Yanke needs is not negotiation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but simple and crude manipulation!

Under the horrified and flustered eyes of Emperor Fengshuang, Yanke didn't say a word, and directly performed magical secrets to control Emperor Fengshuang's spirit.

Emperor Fengshuang struggled fiercely and had a strong desire to survive.

He first tried to communicate with Yanke, and then begged Yanke for mercy, expressing his willingness to obey.

However, Yanke Youyan didn't enter, and didn't listen to what he said at all, and used the Divine Soul Secret Art without expression.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Emperor Fengshuang fell into a coma, and the soul was controlled by Yanke.

Yanke then let go of Emperor Fengshuang, playing a divine power to stimulate him to wake up.

Although, the Emperor Fengshuang after waking up did not seem to have changed.

But he became taciturn, and he was very tame and respectful when facing Yanke.

From this moment on, Emperor Fengshuang became Yanke's puppet, obeying Yanke 100%.

Even if Yanke ordered him to commit suicide on the spot, he would not hesitate at all.

of course.

Yanke turned him into a puppet to plan major events, so how could he let him die?

"This king needs a good place to practice and retreat for a period of time.

In addition, this king also wants the top **** pill, **** stone, and training resources of the Fengshuang Empire, so be sure to get it as soon as possible.

Moreover, this matter must be kept strictly confidential, so that no one except you can know.

Everything you do and the orders you give must be in your name, and you must never mention this king. "

Yanke didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and directly gave orders to Emperor Fengshuang.

Emperor Fengshuang listened, and after Yanke finished speaking, Zheng nodded his head and said: "Because of the Lord's order, the old slave will do his best to make it happen in the shortest time!"

In the past, the majestic and majestic Lord of the Fengshuang Empire became Yanke's servant.

This is the power of the soul control secret technique!

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