Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3278: Meet

At that moment, Yan Yongning's face was blue, his eyes were as cold as ice, and his whole body burst into anger.

"More than five thousand one hundred years... the two countries have been in truce for five thousand years!

The **** Emperor Fengshuang, why did he start a war at this juncture?

Despicable bastard!

He must have gotten some news, knowing that his country is seriously frustrated, he will take advantage of the fire! "

Yan Yongning roared angrily, his forehead was blue veins violently, and his expression was a bit hideous.

If it had been in the past, even if the Fengshuang Empire launched a war, he would not be afraid and retreat.

Although the Great Yan Empire's power is slightly weaker, as the defensive side, the problem is not big.

But now is different. As soon as the Great Yan Empire suffered a heavy blow, the Fengshuang Empire came to surprise.

If it is not handled properly, the situation of the Great Yan Empire will definitely get worse.

In the slightest, the national fortune was greatly damaged, and the city was lost.

The heavy and the strong withered, and millions of troops were slaughtered, causing many kingdoms of God to be in turmoil.

All in all, this is an extremely severe test!

The fate of the Great Yan Empire is very likely to be rewritten!

After taking a few deep breaths, Yan Yongning forced herself to calm down and frowned to analyze the situation.

"Two hundred high-ranking gods are pioneers? The Wind and Frost Empire has really lost its blood!

With Hun Dangshan's 100,000 defenders, they would definitely not be able to resist, I am afraid they would be slaughtered in two or three hours.

Even if I immediately gave an order to mobilize a large army from a nearby kingdom of God to rush to support, there would be no time!

The General Zhennan also understood this, so he didn't ask me for help, but let me take precautions early.

Presumably, the general is ready to sacrifice for the country. "

Thinking of this, Yan Yongning's complexion was even more gloomy.

He hurriedly summoned the Generalissimo, the commander of the Imperial Guard and a dozen generals, rushed to the study to discuss the military situation.

After a while, everyone received an urgent order from Yan Yongning and rushed to them as quickly as possible.

Half a quarter of an hour later, all the highest generals of the Great Yan Empire arrived.

Everyone had a foreboding that something extremely serious had happened, and their mood and expressions were very serious.

Yan Yongning explained the situation in a low voice, and decisively issued an order to give the generals a task.

"The Fengshuang Empire is coming so fiercely, Soul Dangshan will definitely fall tonight, and the Zhennan General may also die for the country.

What the 100,000 defenders can do is just buy time for us.

Immediately send the information to Ye Nan Divine Kingdom, summon the army and the strong at the fastest speed, rush to the Yanling Mountains in the middle of the Divine Kingdom, and intercept the vanguard group of the Fengshuang Empire.

In addition, I issued an order in my name to inform the great kingdoms of God to mobilize the army in the shortest time and rush to the imperial city to gather and guard the imperial city..."

Yan Yongning also guessed that the target of the Fengshuang Empire's raid was probably the imperial city.

He asked the countries along the way to send armies to intercept the two divine ships of the Wind and Frost Empire.

On the one hand, they transferred a large number of powerful men and troops from other kingdoms to **** the imperial city.

He calmly issued one order after another, and assigned corresponding tasks to the generals and generals.

Everyone did not delay time. After accepting the task, they quit the study and executed the order.

When everyone left, only Yan Yongning was left in the study.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared in the corner of the study, came behind Yan Yongning, and stood respectfully.

"Your Majesty, the Wind and Frost Empire has recharged for five thousand years. Taking this opportunity to launch a surprise attack will definitely not be that simple.

Two hundred upper gods are the vanguard, and there must be a million army after that.

With the current situation in this country, it is absolutely impossible to withstand the invasion of the Wind and Frost Empire, and can only delay time.

Perhaps within a month, the army of the Wind and Frost Empire was about to kill outside the imperial city. "

This person is the Heiyan Governor, Yan Yongning's absolute confidant.

After hearing these words, Yan Yongning was not angry, but nodded in agreement.

"Yes! What you said, I had already expected it.

Therefore, the deployment I just made was just doing my best and delaying time.

I really want to defuse this war and avoid army casualties, so I can only ask the host to come forward! "

The Heiyan Governor pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Although the Lord of the Domain is closed all year round, Shenlong sees the head but not the end, and his whereabouts are very mysterious.

However, he had long ordered that in order to maintain the peace and stability of the Northern Territory, the empires were prohibited from launching an all-encompassing war.

As long as your Majesty reports this matter to the lord of the domain, he will definitely intervene. "

Yan Yongning didn't say anything any more, and immediately left the study and went to the underground palace of the imperial palace.

In the underground palace, there is a secret room closed all year round.

There is an altar inside, which is specially used for sending messages and contacting the Lord of the Tianbei Region.

Of course, Yan Yongning didn't dare to open that secret room until the situation was critical and was a last resort.

Now, the situation is imminent.

He had no choice but to open the secret room and call for help from the Lord of the Northern Territory through the communication altar.


Two days passed in a flash.

The two divine ships of the Fengshuang Empire galloped in the territory of Yenan Divine Kingdom without encountering any resistance.

After all, the defenders and powerhouses of the counties and cities are very weak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They can't even detect the whereabouts of the godship, how can they intercept it?

It was late at night, the sky was full of stars, and the moonlight was bright.

Within the godship.

Standing in the secret room, Emperor Fengshuang bent his waist respectfully and reported to Yan Kezi: "Go on, Lord Qi, 500,000 miles ahead is the Yanling Mountain Range.

That was a major pass in the middle of Ye Nan's Kingdom, and it was also the only way for us to go north.

With the style of Emperor Dayan, he will definitely deploy heavy troops in the Yanling Mountains to intercept us. "

Yanke sat cross-legged on the big jade chair, with his eyes closed and meditation.

In fact, he has been performing the magical secret technique of monitoring the heavens and the earth, exploring the situation in a radius of 40,000 miles.

He searched every place he searched along the way, but did not find his target.

But he firmly believes that the auras of Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu and Lan'er are all special.

As long as he appeared forty thousand miles around him, he would definitely not escape his detection!

After a moment of silence, Yanke said blankly: "Don't be too entangled, cross the Yanling Mountains as soon as possible, and you can't delay the king's business."

Emperor Fengshuang immediately bowed and saluted, and said, "Old slave understands!"

Afterwards, Emperor Fengshuang withdrew from the secret room and sent the order.

Yanke did not move, and continued to perform the magical secret technique.


at the same time.

A dark divine ship, galloping from the north to the south, is about to reach the Yanling Mountains.

In the cockpit of the divine ship, there was only a human youth with black hair and white robe.

He drove the divine ship by himself, but his divine consciousness extended to investigate the situation in a radius of 30,000 miles.

Seeing tens of thousands of gods gathered in the towering mountains ahead, he couldn't help frowning, showing a puzzled expression.

"What happened to Ye Nan Divine Kingdom? Why did I go all the way south, and see all the counties and cities have large troops marching out, quickly gathering south?"

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