Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3279: God helps me too

There is no doubt that this person is Ji Tianxing.

Not long ago, he parted ways with Chao Qingyu and Lan'er, and drove the divine ship all the way south.

Yunyao, Ji Ke, Zhenhong and others practiced in retreat in the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun and others stayed in the secret room of the divine ship to practice.

Everyone was busy improving their strength, and Ji Tianxing did not disturb them, driving the divine ship alone.

On the way, he also thought about the next plan.

The Tianbei Region is at the northernmost end of the Haotian Continent. He wants to leave the Tianbei Region and fly all the way south until he leaves the Haotian Continent.

After leaving the Haotian Continent, he will fly to the southeast.

Crossing the two ocean areas and the island of reincarnation, you will arrive at the chaotic continent.

Thousands of years ago, his territory, Tianshan Mountains, was on that continent.

Although, the battle of the gods thousands of years ago caused him and his relatives and friends to fall.

But he still has an old ministry in the Tianshan region, and countless loyal masters and guards.

On the Continent of Chaos, he also has some friends who have deep friendship and love and righteousness.

Even if a thousand years have passed, the God Realm is already a human being, he still wants to go back to the Chaos Continent.

He wanted to know whether his former subordinates and guards, as well as those close friends, were still alive?

If there are still people alive, are you willing to follow and help him get revenge and return to the top?

Taking a step back, even if his former subordinates and friends are gone, he still wants to go back to the old place and revisit, right to remember and pay homage.

Of course, this is just a preliminary plan.

He also thought about another possibility, if he broke through the Divine King Realm during his journey to the Chaos Continent.

Then he changed his plan and chose to enter the Samsara Island, go to the Dragon Realm through the space channel, and search for Ji Wuhen first.

Anyway, he is now the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and will soon be able to become the Peak God Sovereign.

One step further can break through the Divine King Realm.

And even if he traveled from the Haotian Continent to the Chaos Continent, even if the journey went smoothly, it would take two or three years, let alone.

If the journey is not smooth, it may take tens or hundreds of years!

With these thoughts and plans, Ji Tianxing is full of expectations for his future journey.

Unconsciously, he entered Ye Nan's Kingdom of God three days ago.

On the way, he found that the situation in Ye Nan Shen Guo was a bit tense.

Many counties and cities sent elite troops to the south at full speed, seeming to converge in one direction.

At that time, Ji Tianxing felt strange and guessed what happened to Ye Nan Shen Kingdom.

Tonight, when he arrived in the Yanling Mountains, he suddenly realized.

Hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers from various counties and cities, as well as more than a thousand gods, all gathered in the Yanling Mountains, forming a mighty defensive formation.

Ji Tianxing stopped the divine ship above the Yanling Mountains, suspended in the clouds.

He condescendingly looked down at the mountains of tens of thousands of miles, and secretly speculated: "For no reason, Ye Nan Shen Guo will not launch a war, nor will it mobilize more than 600,000 troops and gather here.

Unless it's... it's invaded by a powerful enemy, and you have to call an army to defend!

The Kingdom of Yenan is in the southernmost part of the Great Yan Empire, and further south is the border line, and beyond the border is the Fengshuang Empire.

Could it be said that the army of the Wind and Frost Empire came? "

Mindful of this, Ji Tianxing guessed the answer, 80% sure.

"The Great Yan Empire and the Fengshuang Empire are old rivals and have not fought for nearly five thousand years.

But before that, the two countries have been entangled and killed for more than 20,000 years!

Moreover, the incident in the Sapphire Shrine caused the top powerhouses of the Great Yan Empire to wither, and more than 300 middle and high-ranking gods fell.

The power of the Great Yan Empire is weak, and the Fengshuang Empire must have noticed it, and will take the opportunity to send a large army to attack..."

The relationship between the two empires is not complicated. After a little analysis, Ji Tianxing guessed the answer and the truth.

He didn't want to care about these mundane matters, so he could just leave.

But he hesitated, and decided to stay and watch the changes.

After all, Yan Yongning once helped him by allowing him to enter the library and read the precious books of the Great Yan Empire.

And he went to Qingyu Shrine, undermining Yan Yongning's nine-year plan, snatching the king-level materials from the shrine, and releasing the suppressed Laner.

Those series of events led to the fall of more than 300 gods in the Great Yan Empire, and even Yan Tiangang was killed by him.

Speaking of which, he was still a little ashamed of Yan Yongning and the Great Yan Empire.

Now that the power of the Great Yan Empire is empty, the invasion of the Fengshuang Empire's army can't get away from him.

So he decided to observe the situation.

If possible, he is willing to help and resist the invasion of the Wind and Frost Empire.

In this way, it can be regarded as a little compensation to Yan Yongning.

He had just made up his mind, and the 600,000 troops in the Yanling Mountains had been lined up for battle.

A total of fifteen battle formations, distributed in the mountains with a radius of 50,000 miles, are waiting in full array.

Before long, there were two divine lights galloping in the southern night sky, carrying a shockingly powerful divine might.

Ji Tianxing used his spiritual knowledge to explore and found that they were two divine ships.

"Huh? Not the army of the Fengshuang Empire? There are only two divine ships?

How many people can it hold? A few hundred people at most, less than a thousand, right? "

Ji Tianxing frowned, quite puzzled.

The next moment, UU reading www. The uukanshu.com army also discovered the arrival of two divine ships.

Under the command of many gods and generals, hundreds of thousands of armies jointly launched an attack and killed the two gods.

And the speed of the two divine ships did not decrease at all, nor did they mean to evade at all.

Both divine ships fired at full strength, releasing hundreds of divine power beams, pouring down from the night sky.

At the same time, there were more than two hundred dazzling divine lights flying out of the divine ship.

It was more than two hundred high-ranking gods with murderous aura, all wielding magic weapons and using magical powers to destroy the world and launch an attack.

A great disparity in the number of people broke out in an instant.

After Ji Tianxing used his spiritual knowledge to see the more than two hundred gods, his eyes were relieved.

"It's no wonder that the two divine warships dared to invade the Great Yan Empire, and also caused the Ye Nan Divine Kingdom to scream and mobilize 600,000 troops to resist.

It turned out that the vanguard group of the Fengshuang Empire turned out to be more than two hundred high-ranking gods!

Such a powerful vanguard group is enough to sweep everything and slaughter a 600,000 army! "

Seeing the realm of strength of those gods, Ji Tianxing expected the result.

If he doesn't help, at most two hours later, the 600,000 army will die.

After all, a high-ranking **** can be thousands of sergeants in the heavens.

More than two hundred upper gods join forces, and even the lower gods have a chance to besiege!

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing decisively put away the divine ship.

He sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword, entered a state of invisibility, flew quietly to the battlefield, and launched a surprise attack on the nearest dozen high-ranking gods.

Just at this time.

In the divine ship where the Emperor Fengshuang is.

Sitting in the secret room, Yanke suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a dense surprise.

"It's him! The **** little beast, he delivered it to the door himself.

God helps me too, hahahaha..."

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