Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3280: Behind the scenes

After entering Yenan Divine Kingdom, Yanke has been performing magical secrets, searching for the breath of Ji Tianxing, Chaoqingyu and Lan'er along the way.

Despite this behavior, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

But he thought to himself that the three hundred high-ranking gods marching north and slaughtering many defenders will definitely cause the Great Yan Empire to panic.

Powerhouses like Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu, and Lan'er will most likely rush to help out once they learn the news.

At the worst, I will come to check the situation in person.

After all, the three of them are citizens of the Great Yan Empire, and they have some feelings for the Great Yan Empire.

In this way, Yanke has the opportunity to seize Ji Tianxing and kill Chaoqingyu and Lan'er.

But this is just his plan, and he is not sure enough to ensure success and when it will succeed.

And now, the surprise came too suddenly!

Yanke was completely unprepared and suddenly found the trace of Ji Tianxing, and he was immediately ecstatic.

His first reaction was to rush out of the divine ship, personally wound Ji Tianxing, seal and capture it!

After all, Ji Tianxing knew all about the secrets of the Yan clan.

Yanke must catch him, ask the bottom of it, and make it clear.

If Ji Tianxing refuses to explain, then he will kill Ji Tianxing and refine his psychic memory.

However, this thought was fleeting in Yanke's mind.

He reacted immediately.

Ji Tianxing's strength is very strong, comparable to that of the next **** king, and he has many tricks and is good at various magical powers.

It is no easy task to wound it in a short time and successfully capture it!

Under this circumstance, the two hundred high-ranking gods will come in handy.

Thinking of this, Yanke hurriedly used his divine sense to transmit sound, and ordered the Emperor Fengshuang: "If the order continues, half of the people will resist the siege of the army, and the other half will gradually gather to the northwest.

In that area, there is a human youth wearing a white robe. Be sure to surround him at any cost! "

In the hall, Emperor Fengshuang, who was directing the battle, immediately said to obey orders.

Then, he conveyed Yanke's instructions and issued orders to many gods.

The battlefield under the curtain of night quickly changed.

The offensive of more than two hundred upper gods has obviously weakened a bit.

Half of the gods continued to cast spells to resist the siege of the army and quickly slaughtered the defenders.

The other half of the gods, while slaying the defenders, quickly rushed to the northwest, forming a huge encirclement.

These upper gods all have new tasks and goals.

A human youth wearing a white robe!

They must be surrounded at any cost and must not be allowed to escape.

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing has already launched a slaughter on the battlefield, invincible.

His figure is erratic, like ghosts and phantoms, appearing and disappearing in the sky.

Every time his figure flickered, he released an overwhelming sword light, spilt on several or dozens of high-ranking gods.

The unparalleled swordsmanship, bursting with brilliant colorful lights, releases the power of destroying the world, and contains the power of hundreds of divine laws.

As long as the upper gods shrouded by sword light are hard to fly with their wings, they are hard to escape.

The light one survived death, but was severely injured by Jianguang, or cut off his arms and legs.

The heavy body was destroyed by sword light, turned into blood and slag, splashing out the blood mist of the big canopy.

There were even more unlucky upper gods. Not only were their bodies destroyed, their gods were also defeated on the spot, splashing countless fragments.

Ji Tianxing is like a sharp knife, wandering freely on the battlefield, cutting the enemy's formation wantonly.

His speed is so fast that it is impossible to guard against.

His super strength and terrifying lethality made it impossible for many high-ranking gods to resist.

In just one hundred breaths of time, Ji Tianxing assassinated more than 30 high-ranking gods and wounded more than 40 people.

Such a horrible record made the upper gods frightened, and at the same time they were terrified, they were also puzzled.

"Who is that boy in white robe? Is it a super hero of the Great Yan Empire?"

"His strength is terrifying! Even the pinnacle **** can't be as strong as him!"

"He is not the Great Flame God Race, but the Human Race... Why does he want to serve the Great Flame Empire?"

"The Great Yan Empire has only a few peak gods, but that kid is definitely not one of them. Who is he?"

"It's no wonder that His Majesty the Emperor ordered us to surround that guy with all our strength. If we don't stop him, our people will be killed by him!"

Many high-ranking gods quickly beheaded the surrounding defenders, speeding up and shrinking the encirclement.

While exclaiming, full of doubtful discussions and inquiries, they cast a spell to intercept Ji Tianxing.

Soon, another hundred breaths of time passed.

During this period, Ji Tianxing assassinated 13 high-ranking gods and wounded more than 20 people.

However, more than 80 upper gods completed the encirclement and reduced the encirclement to a radius of 500 miles.

In this encirclement, there was only Ji Tianxing, and all the defenders were killed.

The spiritual consciousness of more than 80 high-ranking gods firmly locked on Ji Tianxing, and tried their best to launch a siege.

"Huh! Huh!"

"Swish! Swish!"

The dazzling divine light, the overwhelming magical light and shadow, poured down like a monstrous flood, blasting towards Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes flashing cold.

He is not worried and afraid.

Even if the high-ranking gods join forces to besiege, as long as he uses the magic of the world, he will definitely be able to escape this disaster.

But he realized that it was not good, and vaguely guessed something in his heart.

"I killed so many gods in a row, causing many gods to panic, and they joined forces to besiege me, which makes sense.

but! More than two hundred gods did not panic, the division of labor was very clear.

Half of the people resisted the army, and the other half came to besiege me.

This is by no means an on-the-spot response, it must have been commanded and deployed ahead of time!

who is it?

Within the Fengshuang Empire, who would know me and know that my threat is great?

Moreover, this person has a high status, can command and command three hundred high-ranking gods? "

Ji Tianxing is keenly aware that there is a problem in it.

The first answer that popped up in his mind was Emperor Fengshuang.

Only the Fengshuang Emperor can command and control the three hundred upper gods.

However, how could Emperor Fengshuang conquer himself, commit suicide and enter the territory of the Great Yan Empire?

This is totally unreasonable!

Thinking of this, another thought came to Ji Tianxing's mind.

"Unless... Behind Emperor Fengshuang, there is a master behind the scenes!"

He vaguely guessed something, and released his divine sense to explore the two divine ships in the distance.

However, there were only a dozen high-ranking gods in the two divine ships.

The strongest among them are just two peak gods.

The person he guessed was not among the two divine ships.

"Hunting Heaven!"

In the next moment, Ji Tianxing performed his hole card stunt, and his body became transparent and blurred.

Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming magic light and shadow poured down, passing through him without delay, and blasting between the mountains and the earth.

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