Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3281: Break through

The first round of more than 80 high-ranking gods blasted together, which was resolved by Ji Tianxing.

He was unscathed, and ignored the high-ranking gods around him, and was still searching for that person's breath.

at this time.

The night sky thousands of feet away behind him suddenly cracked a white space.

A blade of dark as ink, floating with golden flames, appeared silently and cut it down.

This sword light is thousands of feet long, condensed like the essence, contains 109 kinds of laws and supernatural powers.

Its speed is as fast as the aurora, and its power is unpredictable and unpredictable!

Under the Divine King Realm, no one can escape this knife.

Ji Tianxing is no exception.

He had just realized that the crisis was coming, and before he could look back, he wanted to teleport to avoid it.

But he was still a little slow.


Qianzhang Daoguang slashed down fiercely, passing through Ji Tianxing's transparent figure, and splitting him in half.

The blade light seemed to be completely weak, and the speed was not reduced at all, and it crashed on the mountains and the ground.

With the loud sound of the "bang", more than a dozen mountain peaks were split in half, and the earth also cracked a mile-long gully.

The super earthquake broke out, and the surrounding 20,000 miles of earth broke apart and shook violently for a long time.

At least more than 30,000 defenders were unlucky enough to die under the light of the knife and wiped out!

Such a blade light that destroys the world and the earth has far exceeded the scope of the gods and powers, and it has exceeded the imagination of hundreds of thousands of defenders.

At that moment, the surviving more than 400,000 defenders were shocked and dumbfounded.

Even the more than two hundred and twenty high-ranking gods were taken aback, showing shocked and shocked expressions, and exclaiming.

Many people thought that the Emperor Fengshuang made the shot himself.

But they changed their minds, even if the Emperor Fengshuang made a move, it was impossible to have such a terrifying power!

Countless people looked up at the night sky and searched for the sword man.

However, in the dazzling night sky, no super strong appeared.

Even the vague and transparent Ji Tianxing disappeared.

Twenty thousand miles away, a top of ruins.

Wearing a white robe, Ji Tianxing, with the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, was bending over and coughing violently.

His face was pale, blood foam overflowed from his mouth, and his divine aura was somewhat disturbed.


The blade light that appeared abruptly just now, the instant burst of power, broke through the defensive limit of Hun Tian Wu Ji.

As a result, his Chaotic Sky Promise Technique was broken, and he was injured.

Fortunately, he had been alert and prepared before, and his injuries were not too serious.

In addition, the appearance of that mysterious knife light also confirmed his conjecture, making him more convinced of the answer.

"Yanke! You concealed rat, get out of this king!"

Ji Tianxing's movement suppressed the injury and flew into the night sky again with a low growl like Hong Zhong.

The billowing sound passed through the night sky, deafening.

More than a few hundred thousand defenders were stunned, and more than two hundred high-ranking gods were also very puzzled.

The same thought came to everyone's mind.

"Yanke? Who is Yanke?"

For Ji Tianxing, both parties have a preliminary understanding.

The hundreds of thousands of defenders of Ye Nan Divine Kingdom believed that he was his own, a super power loyal to the Great Yan Empire.

With this strong man sitting in town, the panic-stricken army before suddenly became more stable and confident.

The more than two hundred high-ranking gods of the Fengshuang Empire believed that Ji Tianxing was the guardian of the Great Yan Empire and the person named by the emperor to besiege and suppress.

It's just that everyone can't understand why he shouted an unfamiliar name aggressively?

When everyone was puzzled, Emperor Fengshuang appeared.

He flew out of the divine ship, piercing the night sky as fast as lightning, and descended outside the encircled circle in a mighty and powerful manner.

At this moment, he put on the armor of the dark gold carved dragon, his whole body was wrapped in armor, and only a pair of eyes were exposed under the helmet.

He held the dark golden sword in his hand, pointed at Ji Tianxing murderously, and shouted coldly: "Human kid, you have only two choices now.

Either you will be arrested, or be killed by me! "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and sneered: "Emperor Fengshuang, you are not qualified to be the opponent of this king!

Whether you regard Yanke as a backer or you are enslaved by him, the king doesn't care.

Let him get out, this king will wring his head off! "

Although, in the battle at Qingyu Shrine, he and Yanke entangled for more than half a month, and finally suffered severe injuries.

But after he healed his injury and returned to his peak state, his strength also increased a bit.

Now, he also wants to fight Yanke head-on.

He wanted to see, how much difference is there between him and Yanke, who is the fourth king of God?

However, Yanke has been lurking in the alien space, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.

Emperor Fengshuang did not let him do what he wanted, and waved his hand decisively to issue an offensive order.

"You lunatic, you are so gibberish!

The people will listen to the order and try their best to kill this dog! "

After all, Emperor Fengshuang took the lead in wielding the Dark Golden Excalibur, cutting out nine golden sword lights, and killing him towards Ji Tianxing.

More than 80 high-ranking gods also shouted and killed like a rainbow, desperately launching a charge.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has endless brilliant light, which obscures the night sky for tens of thousands of miles.

Thousands of divine light, carrying the power to destroy everything, poured down towards Ji Tianxing.

In a critical moment, Ji Tianxing can only use his full defensive shield and use the technique of teleport to avoid most magical attacks.

However, the opponent has too many people, forming an encirclement.

Thousands of supernatural powers come from all directions, dense as rain.

Even if he tried his best, he could only dodge half of the attack.

He was still hit by the divine light, and the golden shield covering his body was blasted with a muffled sound of "bang bang bang".

Although, he successfully blocked this round of Qi Boom.

But the golden shield was fragmented, he also consumed too much divine power, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

At the same time, the night sky above his head silently cracked the space gap.

Twelve thousand-foot-long dark golden sword lights, carrying the unparalleled and cutting-through power, smashed down!

The speed of the knife light was so fast that it was about to strike Ji Tianxing immediately.

But Ji Tianxing had been wary of it early, and immediately sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, covering himself.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Twelve powerful and terrifying blade lights smashed the black light shield of the **** tower, and burst out loud noises that shook the world.

The black light shield fluctuates violently, flashing black light ripples, releasing an icy breath.

But the shield was not broken, and the twelve blade lights were shattered into pieces and scattered in the night sky.

"Despicable bastard, you have attacked me once, do you want to succeed a second time?"

Ji Tianxing put away the tower, placed it in the palm of his left hand, stared at the night sky, and sneered contemptuously.

Yanke did not respond, and did not show up, still hiding in an alien space, looking for new sneak attacks.

But Ji Tianxing weighed it for a moment, made a decisive decision, and made a breakthrough!

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