Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3283: Bewitching

Yanke is not afraid of Ji Tianxing.

But it is definitely in fear and awe.

Ji Tianxing's strength and various supernatural skills made him feel jealous.

Ji Tianxing knew the secrets and supernatural skills of the Yan clan so well that he was in awe.

Seeing Ji Tianxing alone, he has suffered serious injuries, but he is still so confident.

Yanke couldn't help but wonder, does he still have reinforcements?

Or if you have left behind, what's the killer?

Thinking of this, Yanke carefully observed the surroundings, searching for a radius of 40,000 miles with his spiritual sense.

Between the mountains, the earth and the jungle, there are no suspicious auras and strong people, only some ignorant birds and beasts.

Even the more powerful sacred beasts realized that the crisis was coming and had already escaped.

At this time, Emperor Fengshuang and many high-ranking gods also rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Yanke deliberately delayed time.

When most of the gods and powerful people arrived, they formed an encirclement under the command of Emperor Fengshuang.

Yanke then sneered at Ji Tianxing: "As the saying goes, good birds choose trees and live there! This king is a middle-ranked **** king. No matter where he goes, there are countless empires to follow and loyal to this king.

Emperor Fengshuang is a wise man, so naturally he will not refuse to cooperate with the king.

Only after you grant and accept Fu Zhu, the Emperor Fengshuang and the more than one hundred gods will be urged and rewarded by this king!

And you are alone, you are in a heavy siege, and you don't know where the courage to fight against this king? "

Originally, those more than one hundred high-ranking gods saw Yanke's true face for the first time.

Everyone was full of doubts, still guessing Yanke's identity.

They couldn't understand why Emperor Fengshuang obeyed this person's order?

Now that everyone heard Yanke's words, everyone understood the reason.

Especially when they heard that as long as Ji Tianxing was killed, Yanke would reward and point them.

Everyone was suddenly energetic and blood surging.

They immediately dispelled their doubts, put aside all suspicions and worries, and were full of surprises and expectations.

Many high-ranking gods began to whisper and talk with excitement.

"The reward and guidance of the middle **** king? This is simply a great surprise!"

"Since you are a middle-ranked **** king, refining king-level low-grade artifacts and **** pills must be done by hand, right?"

"Let's work for this **** king, if he gives us a king-level **** pill, we will be content!"

"It's not just the king-level **** pill and the artifact, he still has to point us!"

"If we can get the enlightenment of the middle **** king, we all have hope and opportunity to break through to the **** king realm!"

"Our emperor is so wise! How can we miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

Many high-ranking gods knew that the domain masters of the Tianbei Region were also powerful gods.

However, **** kings are all transcendents, aloof, basically not in the world.

Take the Tianbei domain master as an example, he hasn't shown up for nearly ten thousand years.

Even if the Emperor Fengshuang kneels in front of the Tianbei Territory Lord, no matter how he pleases and begs, it will be impossible to get the guidance and praise of the Territory Lord.

After all, the dual identities of the **** king and the domain master made the Tianbei domain master stand on top of the gods, enough to despise everything.

But now, Emperor Fengshuang has caught up with the ‘generous and selfless’ King Yanke.

Just kill Ji Tianxing to get rich rewards.

This is simply a great blessing, for the good of the gods present!

All of a sudden, more than one hundred high-ranking gods completely forgot their injuries and exhaustion, all of them were full of energy and their confidence doubled.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing frowned and scolded Yanke for being cunning.

"This cunning **** is much smarter than his father!

Emperor Fengshuang was controlled by him and obeyed his words, but the gods did not know what was going on.

But he understood the minds of those gods, and a few fluttering words drew people's hearts and made the morale of those gods double..."

Ji Tianxing knew that it was impossible to provoke Yanke and those gods.

For today's plan, he can only fight bloody, break through the encirclement of everyone, and escape from the Great Yan Empire as soon as possible.

Anyway, tens of thousands of miles are surrounded by high mountains and mountains, and there is no army of the Great Yan Empire, and he is not afraid of hurting the innocent. He can let it go.

Kill as much as you can, and if Yanke can be hit hard again, it will make a lot of money.

As for the anti-killing Yanke and the many gods, he had not thought about it.

But if you think about it carefully, there should be no hope.

In order to avoid extraneous branches, and to prevent changes, Yanke no longer delays time.

He didn't need to pass it through the Emperor Fengshuang, directly waved his halberd, pointed at Ji Tianxing from afar, and gave orders to many gods: "The generals will listen to the orders! Besiege this person with all his strength and be sure to kill him.

If anyone can capture this person alive, this king is willing to accept him as a disciple and promise to help him break through the realm of the king! "

As soon as this statement came out, the Emperor Fengshuang and more than a hundred gods were taken aback.

In the next moment, everyone was excited and their eyes turned red!

There is no doubt that Yanke's amazing rewards stimulated everyone's nerves.

Even the Emperor Fengshuang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was full of blood, short of breath, and excited hands trembling.

Without Yanke's pre-war mobilization, everyone burst out with the strongest fighting spirit, using the secret skills at the bottom of the box, and rushing to Ji Tianxing desperately.


"Don't rob me, I am bound to capture that kid alive!"

"Hahaha...this lord is also bound to win!"

"Go! Let's go together!"

"Change your destiny, the opportunity to step forward is here!"

The earth-shaking shouts broke out in the originally silent world.

More than a hundred high-ranking gods, attacking and killing from all directions, like crazy.

Yanke also descended from the sky, holding the bronze halberd in both hands, sprinting towards Ji Tianxing, releasing the power of suppressing the world.

Suddenly, Ji Tianxing was trapped in a heavy siege and was in a precarious situation!

But he was not afraid, and used that trick with all his strength, which he wanted to use for a long time.

"Zhutian Sword Formation!"

Ji Tianxing yelled, his left hand pinched the God Jue, pointed diagonally at the earth, and his right hand held the Heaven Burying Sword, pointing at the sky.

In an instant, above the gloomy sky, it became bright.

Tonight was already a bright moon and bright stars.

At this moment, more than 20,000 huge stars appeared above the sky.

The dazzling star, falling down like a meteor, rapidly magnified in the eyes of everyone.

In just two breaths, more than 20,000 meteors came over everyone's heads.

Until then, many gods could see clearly that it was not a meteor.

They are huge swords that are three thousand feet long!

Each giant sword shines with divine light and unparalleled sharpness. It not only contains hundreds of laws and powers, but also has the sword intent to destroy the world.

"Boom boom boom!"

Amid the deafening noise, the magical attacks of many gods were defeated by the sacred giant sword.

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