Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3284: 10 Fang Jueying


The piercing sound of piercing the air constantly resounded in the night sky.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20,000 sacred giant swords formed a huge sword formation with a radius of 5,000 miles.

This space was blocked by thousands of giant swords, and the space was also confined.

There are also more than 10,000 sacred giant swords, which arbitrarily shuttle and strangle between five thousand miles of heaven and earth, forming a dense and terrifying sword net.

More than a hundred high-ranking gods were immediately bombarded and killed by giant swords all over the sky, and screams erupted one after another in the field.

"Boom! Boom!"


As the muffled noise came out, one after another, the upper gods who were already injured, collapsed and disintegrated under the bombardment of sword light, bursting into a rain of blood.

Many gods and monarchs returned to their senses, and did not want to marvel at the magic of the sword formation, but also suppressed the panic, and quickly performed magical secret arts to resist the strangulation of the sword formation.

"Huh! Huh!"

All kinds of divine light shields and defensive artifacts appeared in the crowd, blooming with colorful brilliance.

And the more dazzling sacred giant sword, like thunder piercing the night sky, raining densely in the crowd.


There was a muffled sound in the ears, and wave after wave of violent shock waves violently surging in the sword formation.

Including Emperor Fengshuang, all the gods looked solemn and worried and anxious.

The Heavenly Jade Sword Array released a terrifying power and suppressed them fiercely, making them difficult to move, blocking their divine power, and greatly reducing their combat effectiveness.

They can only resist the bombardment of the sword formation, and it is difficult to launch an effective counterattack.

As a result, Ji Tianxing's pressure was greatly reduced.

He was in the sky of sword light, looking at Yanke in the distance.

Seeing Yanke's body surface with a golden light shield, stubbornly resisting the strangulation of the giant sword, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Yanke, now the gods of the Fengshuang Empire can't take care of themselves, and it's time for you and me to face off again.

Come on, let this king see how much your injury has recovered? "

When the voice fell, Ji Tianxing waved the Heaven Burying Sword, killing it like a flash of lightning.

"A sword is floating!"

Ji Tianxing stepped out seemingly, but the speed was extremely fast, leaving behind a series of afterimages.

Holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, he swiped it easily and freely, but it aroused the divine power of heaven and earth and released the sword energy that destroys everything.

Even the more than 20,000 giant swords of the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation have released their unparalleled sword aura, and under his guidance and control, they will all kill Yanke.

"Huh! Huh!"

Mingming Ji Tianxing only slashed out a sword, but there were thousands of sword lights around Yanke's body.

Jian Guang is sharp and unparalleled, and the space around Yanke ten miles is cut into cracks.

Seeing this, Yanke frowned fiercely, his eyes becoming more solemn.

"Damn guy, it's only been two or three months since he hasn't seen him. Not only has he recovered from his injury, but his strength has gone further?

Sword Qi could tear the space, and he was infinitely close to the Divine King Realm.

And the combat power he displayed is already at the level of the next **** king..."

These thoughts flashed through Yanke's mind, and he became more jealous and cautious.

His bronze armor was destroyed and shattered when he fought in the jade shrine before.

Now, he can only put on a gray-brown divine armor to confront Ji Tianxing.

The appearance of this divine armor is rough and ancient, as if it were made of rock.

In terms of grade and defensive power, it was a bit weaker than that bronze armor, so it could only be useful.

But Yanke exerted all his defensive powers to push the power of the golden light shield to the limit.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of sword light and sword aura, one after another slicing into the golden shield, burst out a series of muffled noises.

The golden shield trembled again and again, splashing out golden fragments, and soon cracks appeared, and then collapsed and burst.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining sword light and sword energy were all cut on the gray-brown divine armor.

Yanke's shocked body trembled, and dozens of white light marks were also left on the gray-brown divine armor.

Before the sword light and sword energy dissipated, Yanke took advantage of the situation to counterattack and waved his halberd towards Ji Tianxing.

"A shock!"

Yan Ke screamed like Hong Zhong's loud shout, clenching the halberd in both hands, exerting all his strength and concentration to stab the strongest blow.

Wherever they passed along the way, hundreds of sacred giant swords were defeated, exploding into the sky with sword light fragments.

The space was also torn open a hundred-mile-long crack, revealing a dark void.

In an instant, Yanke broke through the obstacles of the sword net and slammed in front of Ji Tianxing.

Before the war halberd, and hundreds of feet away, Ji Tianxing was locked in by the terrifying killing intent, suppressed by the violent and unparalleled power, and his body trembled.

But he was not worried, and when his thoughts moved, he used the power of the Heavenly Sword Array to perform a magical skill.

"Shi Fang Juying!"


At that moment, Ji Tianxing split suddenly, his body turned into eighteen shadows, fused with the sky full of sword light.

This was one of his many famous stunts when he traveled across the God Realm, the top king-level magical power.

However, his current strength is still low, and he can only use the power of the Heavenly Jade Sword Array to transform eighteen phantoms into the Heavenly Jade Sword Array~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he reaches its heyday, he can do whatever he wants. Transformed into ten thousand figures, merged into a million miles of heaven and earth.

Whether it is divided or combined, it can be attacked or defended. It is a super magical power that integrates defense and assassination.

Such a weird scene shocked Yanke, revealing a deep look of horror.


He subconsciously exclaimed.

However, Emperor Fengshuang and more than a hundred high-ranking gods were not far away.

If he was shocked and horrified, it would definitely affect the morale of everyone and undermine the majesty of his **** king.


The bronze halberd blooming with golden flames naturally fell into the air.

Yanke rushed forward, defeating more than 30 sacred giant swords, and then stopped.

Holding the halberd in both hands and leaning in front of him, he looked around, searching for the trace of Ji Tianxing.

However, within the five thousand li sword formation, no trace of Ji Tianxing was seen.

Even his breath disappeared.

As if apart from this sword formation, Ji Tianxing disappeared out of thin air!

But Yanke knew that this was not the case.

Ji Tianxing must have merged with the sword formation!

Unless he directly breaks the Heavenly Sword Array, it will be difficult to hurt Ji Tianxing.


Yanke cursed bitterly, and rushed towards the edge of the sword formation holding the halberd.

Since Ji Tianxing didn't appear, he attacked the sword formation with all his strength.

As long as this sword formation is broken, Ji Tianxing will have to show up.

When the time comes, Emperor Fengshuang and many gods will also be able to get free and help him besie Ji Tianxing.

"Blue Sky Magic Sun!"

"The gale falls to the stars!"

Yanke waved his halberd again and again, and tried his best to use all kinds of unique supernatural powers, constantly attacking the sword formation.

"Boom bang bang!"

The dazzling divine light hit the sword formation fiercely, bursting with a deafening loud noise.

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