Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3286: meet again

With the arrival of the three mysterious powerhouses, Emperor Fengshuang and many gods stopped their attacks.

Even Ji Tianxing and Yanke, who were fighting fiercely, stopped at the same time, turning their heads to look at the three powerhouses.

When they saw the appearance of the three powerhouses, their complexions suddenly changed.

Yanke frowned fiercely, his expression turned extremely ugly, and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn dog thief! Every time it appears at critical moments, it's a big event for the king!"

While resentful in his heart, he also felt helpless.

Because he knew that he could no longer kill Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing's expression was a little surprised, he raised his eyebrows, and a smile curled up around his mouth.

"The two men came in time, and they even brought strong aid!"

no doubt.

Among the three strong men who suddenly arrived, there was a man and a woman, Chao Qingyu and Lan'er.

On the other side, Emperor Fengshuang stared at the three strong men and carefully looked at the golden robe man headed by them.

After stunned for a moment, he suddenly realized something, his complexion changed drastically, his eyes widened, revealing a deep look of horror.

"Domain...Domain Master...Domain Master?"

Excessively nervous and frightened, Emperor Fengshuang's voice was trembling.

He just felt that the sky was spinning, his eyes were black, and his legs were a little soft, and he couldn't help kneeling and bowing.

It is because that the middle-aged man of the Protoss who is tall and sturdy, wearing a golden dragon robe of the sun, is the Tianbei domain master who has not shown his face for thousands of years!

As early as ten thousand years ago, Emperor Fengshuang had the honor to see the true face of the Tianbei Territory Lord, but only once.

In the Fengshuang Empire’s Library, there are also portraits and statues of the Lord of the Northern Territory.

Therefore, when the Emperor Fengshuang saw the Tianbei Territory Lord, he was stunned for a moment and observed carefully for a while before daring to confirm his identity.

Hearing the trembling voice of Emperor Fengshuang, the more than one hundred high-ranking gods were shocked.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, their expressions panicked and shocked, and their legs began to tremble.

at the same time.

The Lord of the Tianbei Territory was expressionless, looked at Emperor Fengshuang with majestic gaze, and said in a sonorous voice: "Very good! You still know this king, and you know that the Tianbei Region is his territory!

This king thought that you had taken refuge in this alien king and wanted to help him seize the position of domain lord! "

The deep and majestic voice contains a powerful soul-absorbing power.

The Emperor Fengshuang and many gods fought with fear, their faces pale and sweaty.

"Subordinates, please refer to the Lord of the Domain! Please let the Lord of the Domain clearly understand that the subordinates are loyal to you and have no intention of betrayal!"

Emperor Fengshuang couldn't bear the pressure of the Heavenly Northern Territory Lord, and immediately bowed down and bowed to the Heavenly Northern Territory Lord for mercy.

The Lord of the Tianbei Territory remained unmoved, and even looked even colder, and asked: "You follow the orders of the alien kings, gather many high-ranking gods, and aggressively invade the Great Yan Empire, provoking a war between the two empires, and destroying the Tianbei Region. Peace...

Is this your loyalty to this king? "

"Subordinate..." Emperor Fengshuang was at a loss for words, not knowing how to explain it.

After all, this is an established fact that has already happened and is irrefutable.

But he was controlled by Yanke again, and he was loyal to Yanke, and it was impossible to transfer the responsibility to Yanke.

After a moment of silence, he calmed down and explained with a serious expression: "My lord, please believe that his subordinates do not want to provoke a war between the two countries.

The subordinates led a large number of gods to come this time, just to capture Tianxing!

As long as he can win this person, his subordinates will immediately return all the gods to the Fengshuang Empire.

In addition, the subordinates are willing to catch up with their hands, bear the anger of the domain master, and accept all punishments and sanctions! "

Emperor Fengshuang's tone was firm, calm and powerful, showing the emperor's domineering and responsible.

More than a hundred gods and monarchs were immediately in awe, and they were secretly relieved.

Since Emperor Fengshuang had to resist the guilt alone, they would be exempt from punishment.

However, no one knows.

This is not the original intention of the Fengshuang Emperor.

In fact, he refused in his heart.

He wanted to tell the Tianbei Territory Lord that this matter has nothing to do with me. I was also controlled by others, and I couldn't help myself!

However, Yanke carefully manipulated him and forced him to say this.

The Lord of the Tianbei Territory showed an unexpected look, took a deep look at Yanke, and then said again: "Emperor Fengshuang, even if you take the responsibility, showing a strong appearance, it won't help.

The consequences of this incident are extremely bad and the guilt is serious, and you cannot resist it alone.

What's more, now that the king is here, you only have the right to give and receive punish, how can you still be qualified to talk about the conditions? "

The sound like a muffled thunder echoed endlessly in the night sky, deafening.

The iron-blooded domineering of the Heavenly Northern Territory Lord was ten times more powerful than the Fengshuang Emperor, making everyone stunned.

At this time.

Chao Qingyu also took a step forward, standing side by side with the Lord of the Northern Territory.

He looked down at Emperor Fengshuang, shook his head lightly, and said with a cold expression: "Tian Xing has a life-saving grace to this king. Who dares to disadvantage him, this king will never forgive!"

After that, he looked at Yanke not far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sneered: "Yanke, I didn't expect we would meet again soon!

You control the Emperor Fengshuang and bring many gods into the Great Yan Empire with great fanfare. Don't you just want us to take revenge?

Now that the three of us are here, let us go! "

Yanke saw the appearance of the Lord of the Northern Territory and Chaoqingyu, and knew it was over.

He has no hope of killing Ji Tianxing.

While the Lord of the Northern Territory questioned the Emperor Fengshuang, he quietly used the magical skills of stealing beams and changing pillars, hoping to wait for an opportunity to escape.

However, Chao Qingyu was aware of it and changed the subject to him in time, attracting everyone's attention.

On the other side, Ji Tianxing also guessed that Yanke would run away, and flew behind him silently, blocking his way.

In this way, Yanke was surrounded by a dilemma.

He quickly controlled the Emperor Fengshuang, took the opportunity to create chaos and gave him a chance to escape.

The Emperor Fengshuang was originally normal, but suddenly became emotional, his eyes were red as fire, and he roared hysterically.

"The people will listen to the order! The domain master will not forgive us, and must rush to kill.

Only by breaking through with all our strength can we win the first line of life!

Everyone follows me and breaks through at all costs! "

While shouting, Emperor Fengshuang waved the Dark Gold Excalibur, rushing to the Tianbei Territory Lord and Chaoqingyu madly and launched an attack.

More than a hundred high-ranking gods all showed expressions of incomparable horror and surprise, and they all froze in place.

No one can believe that Emperor Fengshuang has actually shot the domain master!

He felt like he was mad, he was simply tired of life!

Most gods did not dare to act rashly, their hearts raised their throats, and they squeezed their sweat for Emperor Fengshuang.

However, there are more than 30 gods who are loyal and unparalleled to Emperor Fengshuang, follow him without hesitation, and kill the Lord of the Northern Territory and Chaoqingyu.

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