Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3287: Kill or stay?



The Emperor Fengshuang and more than thirty gods, screaming and rushing towards the Lord of the Northern Territory, looked particularly tragic.

Of course, there are quite a few moths fighting the fire, and they don't know what to do.

Including the Tianbei Territory Lord, everyone looked at them quietly.

In the eyes of everyone, they have been sentenced to death.

Taking this opportunity, Yanke immediately exploded with the strongest power, using his magical powers.


On the surface, he was still standing in the night sky, anxious and solemn, as if at a loss.

But in fact, this is just a realistic phantom.

His true body has escaped into a different dimension, and he is about to escape far away.

Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu have been staring at Yanke's every move.

The two immediately noticed something was wrong, and acted decisively, cutting away the dark night sky and killing Yanke.

at the same time.

The Emperor Fengshuang and more than thirty gods rushed to the front of the Lord of the Northern Territory.

The Tianbei Territory Lord did not sacrifice the artifact, and even didn't even intend to resist.

He was expressionless, looking at Emperor Fengshuang and the others with majestic gaze, suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

"A group of evil animals, kneel down!"

An angry shout like thunder, a sudden explosion in the night sky, shaking the world for tens of thousands of miles.

Amidst the invisible sound waves, there was the divine might to suppress everything, as well as the terrifying soul-storing power, covering the Emperor Fengshuang and others.

Suddenly, the Emperor Fengshuang and more than thirty gods were all stiff and froze in place.

The magical abilities performed by everyone also collapsed out of thin air, exploding into sky fragments.

Their fighting spirit and murderous aura also vanished in an instant.

This is the gap between God King and God King!

More than 30 high-ranking gods were shocked by a cold drink from the Lord of the Northern Territory, and all attacks and fighting intentions collapsed.

The high-ranking gods all had earth-colored faces, their bodies trembling like chaff, and they couldn't help retreating back.

The Lord of the Northern Territory stared at Emperor Fengshuang with majestic gaze, and shouted coldly: "Niezha, kneel here, waiting for the king to fall!"

After that, the Tianbei Territory Lord stopped looking at him again, and went to chase Yanke.

The Emperor Fengshuang knelt down like a concubine in mourning. He didn't dare to say anything, let alone act rashly.

The same goes for those high-ranking gods, who stood honestly behind Emperor Fengshuang, bowing their heads one by one.

The prestige of the Heavenly Northern Territory Lord is too deep, and it has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone.

Because of this, he was able to let the Emperor Fengshuang and many gods obey obediently with a few angry shouts.


Fifty thousand miles away.

The gloomy night sky was illuminated by dazzling divine light.

Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu used supernatural skills to cut dozens of spatial cracks in the night sky, crisscrossing and covering a radius of thousands of miles.

The space in this area was shattered, bursting out terrifying power fluctuations, rolling up a white space storm.


Shuttle in a different dimension, Yanke, who wants to escape to the distance, can only rush out of the space storm and appear in the night sky.

After all, the space in this area has been messed up.

If he insists on passing through this area, he is very likely to get lost in the folding space or be injured by the chaotic space fault.

"Yanke, don't resist stubbornly anymore, surrender!"

"Yanke, you are hard to fly tonight, you are hard to escape!"

Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu both gave a cold cry, and each performed magical powers and secrets, attacking Yanke from left to right.

Will Yanke give up struggle and resistance?

Holding the bronze halberd in both hands, he tried his best to use the secret technique, wielding spear shadows all over the sky to protect himself.

"Boom bang bang!"

The sky of sword light and magical light shattered the shadow of the gun covering Yanke and flew him upside down.

Yanke held the halberd in both hands, blocking him in front of him, blocking a fatal attack.

Although his injury worsened, blood spilled from his mouth and nose.

But with the powerful impact, he accelerated to the south, piercing the night sky like lightning.

"call out!"

In the blink of an eye, he escaped another five thousand miles away, opening the distance between him and Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu.

The unparalleled desire for survival made him burst out of the most powerful potential and escape at the fastest speed.

In a short time, Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu could not catch up with him.

However, Yanke only escaped thousands of miles away, but the Tianbei Territory lord chased after him.


A white light suddenly lit up in the night sky in front of him, bursting out powerful spatial fluctuations.

While the white light flickered, the Tianbei Territory lord teleported forward, raising his fists and blasting towards Yanke.

"Batian God Fist!"

The Lord of the Northern Territory yelled angrily, his body was burning with flames, and the four wings of his back were all opened.

Endless divine power poured out from his fists, condensed into two large mountain fists, and hit Yanke with a crash.


A dull loud noise burst out, resounding through the sky, shaking the earth.

Without any suspense, Yanke was bombarded on the spot and flew back, rolling towards Ji Tianxing and Chaoqingyu.

The person is still rolling in the night sky, he has uttered a painful muffled sound, and blood is spilled all over his body.

After this heavy blow, he had at least a dozen divine bones shattered, and his injuries were even more serious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yan Kegang removed the impact, and yet to stabilize his figure, Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu joined forces to attack. .

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

"The Wanshen Dynasty Sect!"

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword, Ji Tianxing slashed out a thousand-zhang giant sword with all his strength, releasing the power of heaven and earth.

Chao Qingyu pinched the magic trick with both hands, used the secret technique, released thousands of ghost shadows, and blasted Yanke fiercely.

Yanke could only suppress his injuries forcibly and waved his halberd to resist.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of loud noises broke out again, Yanke was beaten up again, vomiting blood.

The Tianbei Territory Lord stepped further five thousand miles, appeared beside him, and slapped him severely.

At the same time, Lan Er also chased over and joined the battle.

She joined forces with Ji Tianxing, Chaoqingyu, and Tianbei Territory Lord, occupying four directions, surrounding Yanke in the middle.

All four of them attacked Yanke with all their strength, flying Yanke all over the sky, splashing blood.

Under such circumstances, Yanke hardly had the strength to fight back, let alone escape.

His injuries aggravated sharply, and his strength quickly decayed. He was soon scarred and bloody.

Everyone besieged him for about a quarter of an hour, and then he was severely wounded and unconscious, no longer able to resist.

Finally, the Tianbei Territory Lord used a super powerful magical power to completely pass out Yan Kehong.

The result speaks for itself.

The Lord of the Northern Territory captured Yanke and used the technique of sealing to seal Yanke's divine power and godhead to death.

In this way, Yanke is no different from ordinary people, just like fish on a chopping board, which can be slaughtered.

The fighting stopped and the night sky returned to quiet.

The Lord of the Tianbei Territory carried Yanke and flew in front of Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu.

The two looked at Yanke in his hand, and asked Qingyu: "Brother Qin, what do you plan to do with Yanke?

kill? Or stay? "

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