Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3493: Report to the God Emperor

() Jiang Tianyi is driving the palace, flying across the sky in the wind, galloping toward the south.

Jiang was born to recuperate and adjust his breath in the secret room.

Ji Tianxing also occupies a secret room, sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and then entered the twisted time and space to practice.

In the previous battle, he was not injured and did not consume much power.

But he wants to refine the star signs and the divine rank fragments of the Withered Cloud Divine Envoy as soon as possible to further enhance his strength.

Not to mention Chaoqingyu and Yanke.

After entering the palace, the two of them returned to the Divine Ship and Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers to heal their injuries.

There was silence in the palace.

Only Bai Feng was still in a coma, lying in the hall asleep.

After he was stunned by the Jiang brothers, everyone teamed up to display his supernatural powers, sealing his supernatural power and godhead.

In this way, Bai Feng would have to sleep for a long time to wake up.

Even if he wakes up, he is like an ordinary person, unable to use his divine power and consciousness, and there is basically no threat.

Originally, with Jiang's natural temperament, he wanted to kill Bai Feng to vent his anger.

In his eyes, Bai Feng is a humble and boneless traitor!

Not only betrayed the Feng Clan, but also betrayed the 18 ancient clans!

But Jiang Tianyi considered it for a while, and still stopped Jiang Tiansheng.

He could see that Ji Tianxing did not intend to kill Bai Feng.

Keeping Bai Feng's life may have other intentions.

Since it was Ji Tianxing's intention, Jiang Tiansheng certainly wouldn't rebel, so he let Bai Feng go.

Next, the Palace of Heaven's Will rushed towards the southern gods and caves at the fastest speed.


A few hours later.

The central part of the Hengshan Empire.

The shadow-cutting divine envoy with the Beatles flew over a mountain range panting.

His clothes and hair were soaked, and his body was stained with blood, looking quite embarrassed.

In the previous two hours, he had been driving the Po Kong Hairpin, trying his best to escape.

However, it takes a lot of supernatural power to control the air-breaking hairpin.

The Shadow Slashing God Envoy was injured and his strength declined.

He couldn't support it after only two hours.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi and others did not catch up.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy breathed a sigh of relief, and then retracted the flying hairpin, slowing down the flight speed.

at this time.

In the northern sky, there was a dazzling divine light.

Still thousands of miles away, the Shadow Slayer God Envoy found that there was a divine ship in that divine light.

Coincidentally, he knew the divine ship.

It is the divine ship that the eleven divine kings ride.

"Stop! Stop!"

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy quickly greeted him, waving his arms, and shouting in a low, hoarse tone.

The **** king who was driving the divine ship immediately spotted the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy and recognized his identity.

So, the divine ship quickly slowed down and stopped in the sky.

"Huh! Huh!"

After the hatch of the divine ship opened, ten divine kings appeared one after another, all flew to the side of the shadow cut divine envoy.

Seeing such a miserable appearance of the Shadow Slashing God Envoy, all the **** kings were shocked, showing incredible expressions on their faces.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

"Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy, why did you suffer such a severe injury?"

"Where are the other two ambassadors? Why are you alone?"

"What happened? Are we here late?"

The ten **** kings were shocked, anxious and confused.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy looked around, but didn't see a trace of gloating, teasing, and joking expressions, which made him feel a little relieved.

He waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "This is not the place to speak, let's go back to the **** ship first."

The **** kings nodded quickly in agreement.

"Yes, yes, my lord, fast into the divine ship to rest."

"My God Envoy, please!"

After a while, everyone returned to the hall of the godship.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy sat in the first place and took two king-level divine pills to suppress the injury silently.

The ten **** kings all stood in the hall, looking at him with concern.

After a quarter of an hour, the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy's injuries stabilized, and he said, "This envoy and the two Divine Envoys stopped the rebels at the southern border of the Hengshan Empire.

Unexpectedly, those rebels have Jiang Clan to help, and they are powerful.

We fought a battle, wounding the rebels and the Jiang children.

However, the two divine envoys, Xingxiang and Kuyun, were killed by the rebels headed by Tianxing..."

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy's voice was low, and his tone was full of pain and anger.

When the ten **** kings heard this, they were stunned on the spot, and all of them were shocked and unbelievable.

"Two God Envoys were actually killed?"

"How is this possible? The strength of those rebels is so powerful?"

"It's over! The two divine envoys have been killed, who else can punish those traitors?"

"Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy, how about you send an order to Tianlongguan, so that all the gods can join together, and we will join hands to hunt down those rebels?"

"Yes! Since those rebels are so powerful, we must work together to be foolproof."

Every **** king gave birth to a strong sense of crisis, and his heart was nervous and worried.

Before I came, everyone was full of confidence, but now they are all lack of confidence and panic.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy thought for a while, nodded and said: "The rebels will definitely continue to the south. With our current manpower, they may not be able to kill them.

The ambassador sent the news to Tianlongguan and mobilized all the gods.

Even if the two gods made the adults sacrifice, we cannot give up chasing after them.

In any case, the rebels must be killed to comfort the spirits of the two divine envoys. "

The ten kings nodded in agreement.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy frowned for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's all go down. The envoy needs a secret room."

Several **** kings retire quickly, and one of them greets him and arranges a secret room for him.

After a while, the Shadow Slayer God Envoy entered the secret room to heal his wounds, and all the God Kings retreated.

The light in the secret room was dim and silent.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy did not rush to heal his wounds, first took out a jade slip for communication and sent an order to Tianlongguan.

Afterwards, he frowned and muttered to himself: "This interception not only used more than 30 **** kings, but also alarmed more than 20 domains.

Astrology and Withered Cloud are dead, and there is no news from the Divine King Baifeng. It is estimated that they were killed by those rebels.

This matter not only involves the Feng clan, but also the Jiang clan’s children...

Such a major event ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is estimated to spread to all domains soon, and it can no longer be concealed or covered up.

It seems that this king can only report the truth to the divine emperor, and the divine emperor can decide. "

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy made this decision after much deliberation.

Prior to this, he had the same idea as the withered cloud and the star **** envoy.

Rebels like Ji Tianxing appeared in the Haotian Continent, and they wanted to strangle Ji Tianxing and others before the matter became serious.

Only in this way can I confess to the divine emperor and not appear incompetent.

But now, things have become a big deal, and they are beyond their ability.

Not to mention the death of several domain masters, even the stars and the withered cloud divine envoy were killed.

He didn't dare to conceal any more, so he could only ask the God Emperor Shura for instructions.

Even if the **** emperor is offended and severely punished, he must do the same.

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