Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3494: Divine Envoy Commander

() After thinking about it for a while, Zhanying Divine Envoy took out a jade slip for communication.

He reported in detail the cause, course and result of the whole incident.

Including two Jiang clan children participating in the war, and the disappearance of the **** king Baifeng, he did not leave out.

As a divine envoy patrolling the world, he certainly knew the strength of the 18 ancient clans.

And, the relationship between the ancient clans and the **** emperors.

This level of contradiction and confrontation is no longer something he can decide, and must be dealt with under the crown of the **** emperor.

of course.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy is not qualified for the time being, and directly sends the information to the God Emperor Shura.

The jade slip of his message was handed over to the inspector.

That's right.

Forty-nine inspectors are under the direct jurisdiction of the two leaders.

The leaders of the two inspectors were the confidants and right arms of the **** emperor Shura, who were qualified to meet the **** emperor.

In particular, the deputy commander Jinshuang guards the palace of the gods all year round, guards the altar of all living beings, and receives news from all domains.


Golden light flashed.

The messenger Yu Jian flew out of the godship and disappeared above the sky.

After sending the summons, the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy was relieved with a sigh of relief.

He looked at the sky outside the window and muttered to himself: "Although, after the Divine Emperor knows about this, he will definitely punish me severely.

This incident will also be a failure in my life.

But withered clouds and star signs were sacrificed, and only I survived, which is already a blessing.

As for the rebels...their death date is here!

Soon, everything will end! "

After saying these few words, the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy was truly relieved, and his thoughts were reduced and he started to heal his injuries.


The central part of the Haotian Continent.

There is a blessed place that ordinary people don't know, living high above the sky.

This is a small world, but also the most sacred and solemn place in the Haotian Continent.

Because this is the Dongfu of the God Emperor Shura.

The famous Palace of Gods, which only exists in the legend, is in this blessed land.

at this time.

The deputy commander of the inspection envoy Jinshuang, as always, stood by the altar of all beings, waiting to receive news from all domains at any time.

In recent hundreds of years, he has been repeating such days, dull and boring.

Fortunately, while guarding the altar of sentient beings, he can still practice.

He only needs to deal with the news when the altar of sentient beings appears.

However, today is different.

When he was practicing, the altar of sentient beings was nothing unusual, but a golden light fell from the sky.


The golden light dissipated, and a specially made jade slip for communication appeared.

Jinshuang's eyes glanced, and he recognized that this was a jade slip for the inspector.

"Which inspector sent it? Is there a thorny problem in which domain?"

This thought flashed through Jinshuang's mind, and he reached out and picked up the jade slip, reading the information inside.

After a while, he finished reading the contents of the jade slip, and was stunned.

His expression became solemn and angry, and there was a bitter murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"Damn it! Zhanying, this idiot, hasn't reported such a big thing until now?!"

Jinshuang's fists creaked, anger and murderous aura burst out all over her body.

If the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy was in front of him, he would definitely beat him violently.


Jinshuang took a deep breath, and soon suppressed his anger.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, he dared not make any claims, and quickly got up and flew to the shrine a hundred miles away.

After a hundred breaths.

He knocked on the door of a secret room and saw a burly and domineering middle-aged protoss wearing a scarlet armor.

"Master Commander, I am very sorry to disturb you in your retreat.

But just now, the Shadow Slayer God Envoy reported to me a very serious matter, you must take a look. "

Jinshuang looked at the middle-aged protoss sitting on the jade throne with a cold and majestic expression. After bowing, he said solemnly.

This middle-aged protoss wearing a scarlet armor is the commander of the forty-nine inspectors and one of the right arms of the God Emperor Shura.

Qi Yan, a super strong man who has already reached the ninth level of the Divine King Realm.

Although there is only one word difference between the commander and the deputy commander.

But there is still a big gap between the status of the two.

Otherwise, it would not be possible for Qi Yan to stay free to practice in closed rooms.

Jinshuang can only guard the altar of all beings year after year.

Qi Yan didn't speak, but just nodded, and reached out to take the message Yujian handed by Jinshuang.

Divine Sense was injected into the jade slip, and the deep voice of the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy immediately sounded in Qi Yan's mind.

After only hearing a few words, Qi Yan's brows frowned, and his face became gloomy.

After a while, Qi Yan listened to the report from the Shadow Slayer Divine Envoy and withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

His face was gloomy, his whole body burst out with murderous intent, and he grinned and said with a sneer: "For nearly a thousand years, there has never been such a major event!

A few rebels were brave enough to wantonly mutilate those domain owners.

Even the Jiang Clan, who is enchanting the sky, is also involved?

Ha ha ha... The remnants of the eighteen ancient clans, who have endured for thousands of years in a low-key manner, are they finally showing their fangs? "

Jinshuang nodded in agreement, and said in a sonorous tone: "Back then, they were made tortoises with their heads shrunk, and they didn't dare to compete with the Divine Emperor.

It is ridiculous that they thought that thousands of years of tolerance and accumulation are qualified to challenge the divine emperor's crown.

But they could never imagine how powerful the **** emperor was! "

Qi Yan nodded slightly, and said in a cold tone: "For the past thousand years, the ancient clans have been very docile, and there is no reason to destroy them under the crown of the **** emperor.

Now, this is a great opportunity.

Under the divine emperor's crown, you can first take the Jiang clan to operate, and then eradicate other clans one by one.

But it's a pity that the **** emperor had left the **** realm long ago, went to the void outside the domain, and went to enlighten the Supreme Way.

This matter can only be handled by us. "

Although Jinshuang knew that the God Emperor Shura hadn't appeared for a thousand years, most of them were practicing in retreat.

But he did not expect that the God Emperor Shura would have left the God Realm.

He thought to himself: "Qi Yan knows the specific whereabouts of the **** emperor, but I don't know anything, is this the difference between my identity and his identity?"

Although his heart is a little sour~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he calmly said, "please lead your lord to give instructions."

Qi Yan frowned for a moment and said solemnly: "This matter is not big or not, but it is not small.

If the ancient clans are not involved, you only need to take people to kill the rebels, and it will be solved.

However, if it involves the ancient clans, you still have to be careful.

So... this seat must guard the Divine Emperor's Palace, and always listen to the instructions of the Divine Emperor, and it is not suitable to go out and walk around.

You personally take people to punish those rebels, and when necessary, you can dispatch all domain masters and kings.

As for the ancient clans, they are mainly coercive for the time being, and it is not advisable to fight them directly..."

There is no doubt that Qi Yan handed this arduous task to Jinshuang.

Jinshuang sighed in his heart, but he couldn't refute it on the surface, so he could only follow orders.

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