Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3514: meet again

Back then, the sword **** crossed the God Realm and was unparalleled.

The Heaven Burial Sword is so sharp that it doesn't put the gods of all directions in the eyes.

Especially those middle and upper **** kings, in its eyes are weak, scum.

But this time, another time.

Now Ji Tianxing is only a mid-level **** king, and it is only a mid-level king-level artifact.

Seeing that in the sky in the south and southeast, there are a large number of gods and powerful men blocking the way, and it can only turn around and flee to the southwest.

It is the wisest choice to avoid the edge and wait for an opportunity to break through.

It absolutely believes that as long as Ji Tianxing is given a few more decades, he can return to the top!

By then, in addition to the five emperors, Ji Tianxing is still the number one **** king!


In the southwestern sky, there were also a few dazzling divine lights, which were coming as fast as a meteor.

There are interceptions in all three directions, and Funeral Tian doesn't want to be entangled with it, so he can only flee to the east or the north.

But if you do that, you will only get farther and farther away from Xiaolong sea area!

At the critical juncture, Funeral awakened Ji Tianxing in retreat while thinking about countermeasures.

"There are six kings in the south, eight in the southeast, and seven in the southwest.

Judging from the fluctuations in number and divine power, the power of the few divine kings in the south is weaker..."

Thinking of this, Funeral Tian made a decisive decision and rushed to the south.

It has been thought of.

Even if you are injured, as long as you can break through the interception of the six gods and escape into the endless sky, it is worth it.

"call out!"

Funeral sky urged the power to the limit, and the sword blade swelled to a thousand feet long, lighting up a dazzling glare.

The Divine Sword exudes a piercing and unparalleled aura, like lightning piercing the sky, rushing to the south of the six gods.

The six **** kings obviously didn't expect that the Heaven Burying Sword looked hesitant, and instead of stopping, it accelerated towards them.

"Damn it! It must think we are bullied and want to break through from us!"

"That divine sword is... the sword of the Sword God, the Heaven Burial Sword?"

"Back then, this king was not able to participate in the **** war, nor did he see the sword god. I only heard that the Heaven Burial Sword is unparalleled in the world...

It seems that it is nothing more than that! "

"Although we will meet soon, we can't take it lightly.

If Heaven Burying Sword escapes, we will all apologize! "

"Relax! Even if we can't beat the Sword God, it's okay to hold the Heaven Burial Sword!"

The six powerful **** kings in different costumes whispered and talked, all in a confident posture.

After all, they occupy a numerical advantage, and their strength is above the fifth level of the Divine King Realm.

In the blink of an eye, the Heaven Burial Sword dragged a long tail flame, rushing to the front like a meteor.

The six **** kings put away their contempt, and they all tried their best to display their magical powers and jointly intercept them.

"The sword cuts all rivers!"

"The gun falls to the sky!"

"Ten Thousand Flowers and Stars Rain!"

"Eight Extremes Seal Heaven Palm!"

With a loud shout, the six powerful and mighty magical skills blasted towards the Heaven Burying Sword at the same time.

Perhaps a certain **** king alone could not stop the Heaven Burying Sword at all.

But the six gods joined forces... Funeral Tian suddenly had a headache.

"Heaven Breaking Sword!"

It can only explode with its strongest power, using the nine-style Heaven-breaking Sword, rushing towards the sky.


In the next instant, the Heaven Burial Sword collided with the Mantian Sword and the light sword glow and palm shadow, and there was a loud noise that shook the sky.

The magical light and shadow and giant palm that covered the sky and sun were pierced by the Heaven Burying Sword on the spot, shaking them into endless debris.

The violent and unparalleled air wave, engulfed in fragments of divine light, spread to the surroundings, causing a shocking storm.

But it's a pity.

The Sky Burial Sword only defeated the triple magical power blockade, its power was exhausted, and it flew back backwards.

Among the six **** kings, three of them were pale, with blood stains on the corners of their mouths, and their faces were full of shock.

"Sure enough it is the Heaven Burial Sword, its power is terrifying!"

"Even if that divine sword fell to the middle grade of the king, it still had such terrible power, you can imagine that year..."

"Fortunately, the six of us teamed up and we finally stopped it, otherwise we really let it rush out of the siege."

The three wounded God Kings could not help but exclaim.

The other three gods did not dare to neglect, and quickly displayed their magical powers, taking the opportunity to besiege the Heavenly Burial Sword.

"Huh! Huh!"

The Sky Burial Sword just released the huge impact, and was swallowed by the light and shadow of the sky.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises erupted, and the Heaven Burying Sword was knocked into the air again and fell thousands of miles away.

As a result, it would be difficult for it to break out of the encirclement of many gods, and it would be farther away from the southern sea.

The funeral finally resolved the impact and stabilized in the sky.

At this moment, the six **** kings in the south, seven **** kings in the southwest, and eight **** kings in the southeast all rushed forward.


Twenty-one **** kings and powerful men immediately formed an encirclement, sealing a radius of thousands of miles.

The Heaven Burying Sword fell into a heavy siege, and there was no possibility of breaking through anymore, it could only hover in the sky.

Fortunately, the twenty-one **** kings were holding swords and magic weapons, staring at the Heaven Burying Sword with murderous aura, but they had no intention of attacking.

They seem to be waiting for something.

The idea of ​​burial sky swept across the gods and suddenly understood.

"They are waiting for the deputy commander Jinshuang of the inspector!"

For Jinshuang, Funeral is no stranger.

In the battle in the outer starry sky, Jinshuang was a powerful general under the command of the King of Shura.

Many followers and subordinates of the Sword God died tragically under Jinshuang's Frost Sword.

at this time.

In the northern sky, a bright divine light lit up, coming as fast as a meteor.

In that dazzling multicolored divine light, there are at least eight figures, all of them are kings and powers!

Before the eight **** kings arrived, a majestic voice full of energetic breath came first.

"Hahahaha... Sword God, we meet again!"

The voice of this middle-aged man was full of cruel and spiteful killing intent.

Funeral is no stranger, that is the voice of Jinshuang.

as predicted.

After two breaths, the dazzling light came to the front.

Eight powerful **** kings with different costumes came to the field.

The leader is Jinshuang.

He is nearly ten feet tall, wearing a dark silver divine armor, a scarlet cloak on his shoulders, and six blade-like colored wings behind him.

The seven **** kings who followed him were all inspectors under the command of the **** emperor Shura. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although they wore various armors and robes, they all wore the badges and tokens of the inspectors.

Moreover, the strength of these seven inspectors is stronger than many **** kings in the field.

Only two people are the middle **** kings of the sixth stage, and the other five are middle **** kings!

The strongest person is naturally the Jinshuang of the Eightfold Divine King Realm.

Seeing Jinshuang and the seven inspectors arrived, the twenty-one **** kings who surrounded the Heaven Burying Sword were relieved and bowed in salute.

"See the deputy commander!"

Jinshuang waved his hand to signal the people to avoid the ceremony, staring at the Sky Burying Sword with bitter eyes, grinned and said: "Sword God, you have already pierced your wings and can't escape, even if you are a tortoise, it's useless!"

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