Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3515: Kill you again

Although, Jinshuang learned from the Shadow Slayer God Envoy that the rebel Tian Xing was the sword god.

The patriarchs and elders of the Jiang clan can also confirm this.

But in fact, it is still hard for Jinshuang to believe this result.

It's weird!

Thousands of years ago, he followed the **** of Shura on an expedition and joined forces with the other four peak gods to destroy the sword god.

In the outer starry sky, he witnessed the fall of the Sword God and disappeared in smoke.

Not to mention the **** body turned into powder, even the godhead turned into slag, scattered in the void.

Absolutely dead can't die anymore!

How could Jinshuang believe that the sword **** was reborn again?

Without seeing the Sword God with his own eyes, he would not believe it.

Seven envoys and twenty-one **** kings have the same idea.

Although most of them had never seen the sword **** in person.

But they couldn't believe that the sword **** who was killed by the Five Emperors could still survive!

Seeing that the Sky Burial Sword was floating in the sky, there was no movement at all, Jin Shuang couldn't help frowning.

"Sword God! You coward, you must destroy the Sky Burial Sword, do you personally pull you out?"

Jinshuang has limited patience and does not want to waste any more time.

He turned his head to look at the seven divine envoys behind him, winking at them.

The seven divine envoys knew their minds, and immediately sacrificed their weapons of divine weapons, with violent divine power accumulated in their bodies, ready to attack the burial sword.

At this moment, Tiantian Sword lit up with a white light.


In the light flickering, Ji Tianxing in a white cloud-patterned robe appeared in the sky.

At this moment, he looks no different from three days ago.

However, he has been practicing in retreat for five months in twisting time and space.

What is gratifying is that he finally refined the four godhead fragments within 150 days.

While his strength greatly increased, the number of laws of the gods he mastered successfully broke through five hundred, reaching five hundred and eight!

Such a terrifying amount can only be reached by the upper **** king of the eighth realm!

The fragments of the godheads of the four gods gave Ji Tianxing a huge harvest and greatly improved his strength.

In addition, the Sky Filling Bead has also refined several king-level artifacts and hundreds of billions of resources, providing him and the Five Elements World with massive divine powers.

Now Ji Tianxing's realm of strength has reached the middle stage of the fourth level of the Divine King Realm.

The combat effectiveness has also increased by about twice as compared to before!

However, only he knew all of this.

He stood proudly in the sky, with his hands behind his back, his long hair fluttering in the wind, his whole body exuding the majesty and domineering of the world.

At this moment, there was silence between the sky and the earth, and it seemed that the air had frozen.

The twenty-eight **** kings and Jinshuang all held their breath and stared at him intently.

Everyone's eyes widened, with expressions of shock and disbelief.

All kinds of thoughts also emerged in the minds of everyone.

"Sure enough it is him, he is the sword god!"

"Compared with a thousand years ago, his appearance, appearance and temperament are 80% similar!"

"Unbelievable! The Sword God is really back!"

"Fortunately... Although he is a sword god, his realm of strength and aura are much weaker than before."

When everyone had different expressions, they stared at Ji Tianxing and observed.

Ji Tianxing glanced at Jinshuang, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Coward? Who fled in embarrassment back then, crying for help from God King Shura?

In order to save his life, who cruelly allowed his brother to block a deadly sword for himself? "

Having said that, Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with contempt: "Jin Shuang, after a thousand years have passed, you are still cruel, cruel and shameless!"

Jinshuang was still awe-inspiring just now, trying to humiliate the sword **** in front of many gods.

Imagine that the incomparable sword **** who stood on the top of the gods back then has fallen to such a point, isn't it when he became so powerful?

But he didn't expect that the Sword God would tell his most embarrassing thing as soon as he opened his mouth, and also stabbed his eternal pain.

That's right.

Back then, Jinshuang did have a younger brother named Jinyu.

The two brothers have deep feelings and are not far from each other in strength, and both serve for the King of Shura.

But in the divine battle in the extraterrestrial sky, Jinshuang was severely hit by the sword **** and was almost killed by a sword.

At a critical juncture, Jinshuanggu deceived his brother Jinyu and helped him with a fatal sword.

As a result, Jinshuang survived, but Jinyu lost his life to the stars and disappeared.

Because of this, Jinshuang hated the sword **** very much.

The death of Jinyu has also become an eternal pain in his heart.

He would never allow anyone to mention that, it was his taboo.

It's better now, Ji Tianxing exposed it in public.

The twenty-odd **** kings all froze for a moment, their eyes and expressions looking at Jinshuang were a bit subtle and weird.

Jinshuang's face was blue with anger, her body trembling, and a **** flame ignited all over her body.

"Sword God! You spit out blood, frame this seat!

Our brother Jinyu died under your Heaven Burial Sword.

Today, if I want to avenge my brother, you will surely be broken into pieces! "

Jinshuang would not admit the charge of cheating his brother to die for him.

In a rage, he even forgot that the goal of this trip was to capture the sword **** alive.

"Everyone go together and kill him!

This seat wants him to die!

Thousands of corpses, bones and ashes! "

Jinshuang drew out the pale blue frost magic knife, and roared hysterically with a hideous face.

The seven divine envoys and twenty-one divine kings did not hesitate at all, and they all let out a roar and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing.

"Qingluan Streaming Light Sword!"

"Longxuan jade set knife!"

"Xuanbing Divine Fist!"

"Futian God Palm!"

"The stars collapse!"

"Tai Xuan Dao Picture..."

Twenty-eight powerful **** kings, shouting together, wielding all kinds of king-level artifacts, releasing the light and shadow of the gods that cover the sky and the sun.

Everyone did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

After all, the mighty enemy they faced was the sword **** who was the only one in the God Realm back then.

In an instant, the world in a radius of 50,000 miles was illuminated by the dazzling divine light.

The divine power and space in this area have also become extremely chaotic.

Ji Tianxing had not yet made a counterattack, the magical powers of the two sides had not yet collided, and the chaotic laws of the gods had crushed the world into ruins.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the earth collapsed for tens of thousands of miles.

The clear sky has also become dark clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like night.

The situation at this moment is like the end of the day.

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword, Ji Tianxing was exposed to the light of supernatural powers that covered the sky and the sun, like a flat boat in the stormy sea, about to capsize immediately.

Holding the Frost Magic Sword, Jinshuang stood outside the battle circle, looking at the lonely Ji Tianxing, laughing cheerfully.

"Hahahaha... Sword God, the God Emperor could kill you and make you wiped out.

Today, I can kill you again and bring you down!

Still want to return to the top and seek revenge under the crown of the God Emperor?

Dream it! Never possible! "

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