Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3516: Fight hard

For thousands of years, Jinshuang has always had a regret in his heart.

He wanted to punish the sword **** with his own hands, smash his body into thousands of pieces, and avenge his brother Jinyu.

However, the Sword God was killed by the five emperors, and was wiped out.

His regret and wish will never be fulfilled.

However, the Divine Envoy of Shadow Slashing told him that the sword **** had resurrected from the dead, and his strength had been weakened a lot.

From that moment on, Jinshuang was very excited and excited.

He silently vowed to fulfill his wish this time no matter what.

At this moment, it is an excellent opportunity for him to fulfill his wish, punish the sword **** with his own hands, and avenge his younger brother!

Seeing the rays of light from the heavenly divine art descending from the sky, Ji Tianxing was under the siege of the twenty-eight divine kings, and he was about to break his bones immediately. Jinshuang only felt extremely happy and relieved.

It's just that, just before everyone's attack, it's about to hit the journey of the sky.

He has resorted to an incredible trick.

"Hunting Heaven!"

Ji Tianxing, who was bound to die, disappeared out of thin air.

There was not even an afterimage left in the same place, and his whole person merged with the world of 100,000 miles.

Although Jinshuang and the twenty-eight **** kings can sense his breath, they still exist in this world.

But he just disappeared.

Yes, it just disappears, not invisible.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Dozens of magical powers that ruin the world and destroy the earth fiercely bombarded the earth with a loud noise that shook the sky.

Suddenly, 50,000 miles of mountains, rivers, and the earth were all shattered, completely turned over.

At a glance, the mountains and rivers disappeared.

In this space, only endless loess and ravines remain, and the sky is also obscured by endless dust.

Obviously, the attacks of the twenty-eight **** kings failed.

Everyone can feel that Ji Tianxing's breath is everywhere, there is no change, and it is not affected.

"Uh... how did the sword **** disappear?"

"He must be hiding, this king can still sense his breath, right by our side!"

"Damn it! This must be a clever escape technique, but we are not strong enough to see through it."

"Everyone, don't take it lightly, seal this area, and you must not let him run away."

"Don't froze, everyone worked together to get him out!

If you don't kill him today, and he will retaliate later, we will all die! "

More than 20 **** kings were full of shock, whispering and talking, searching for the trace of Ji Tianxing.

Jinshuang's expression was also very gloomy, and there was a sharp cold light in his eyes.

"Strange, where did he hide?

This seater can obviously sense that he is in this area and he has not escaped! "

Although, Jinshuang had long expected that even if the strength of the sword **** fell, he would have all sorts of supernatural powers and skills, which would be extremely difficult to deal with.

But he didn't expect that Sword God's methods were so strange.

Doing nothing, suddenly disappeared.

Obviously the breath is nearby, but no one can find it.

What kind of magic is this?

Time passed quietly, ten breaths, twenty breaths, thirty breaths...

Everyone tried their best to use all kinds of magical powers and methods to get Ji Tianxing out.

These **** kings not only searched the sky and the earth in a radius of 50,000 miles, they even explored several layers of different dimensions.

But the final result was nothing.

After a hundred breaths of time, more than twenty **** kings were at a loss.

They had to expand the search range and sealed a radius of 80,000 miles.

Jinshuang also used various methods, but found nothing, and couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Many **** kings looked at him and asked by voice transmission, hoping that he could make an idea.

"Master Commander, we searched for a radius of 80,000 miles, but we didn't find him, what should we do?"

"Master, you have an idea."

Hearing the voice of the crowd, Jinshuang frowned and shouted in a majestic tone: "Don't panic, everyone, he just hid temporarily and has not left this area.

Although, we still don't know for the time being, what wicked magical powers he used.

But his purpose is obvious, that is, to delay time and make us chaotic.

What we have to do now is to join forces to block this area so that he can never escape.

Didn't he delay time?

Then we will spend with him, anyway, we still have countless reinforcements, and they will come over one after another.

One day, even if we destroy 100,000 miles of space, we will get him out! "

Although, the fact before everyone's eyes is that everyone has nothing to do with Ji Tianxing.

But for some reason, after hearing Jinshuang's words, everyone didn't feel depressed at all, but was refreshed and full of expectations.

Morale returned to its peak.

Everyone was full of confidence and joined forces to display magical powers to seal off this area.

Ji Tianxing merged with Shiwanli Tiandi, hiding in the invisible.

He heard everyone's reaction and Jinshuang's words clearly.

He frowned suddenly, a little worried in his heart.

Jinshuang was right, and went straight to the point.

These **** kings can delay time, but he must not delay any longer.

Who knows what happens after half an hour, two or three hours?

Therefore, Ji Tianxing can only change his strategy.

"Since they are so persevering, they can only fight in blood and break the siege!"

Therefore, Ji Tianxing awakened the people in the twisted time and space, as well as the Chaoqingyu couple in the sapphire godship.

"Huh! Huh!"

In the blink of an eye, a few divine lights lit up in the sky, and three strong gods appeared.

Yanke, Chaoqingyu, and Lan'er appeared at the same time, all wearing middle-grade king-grade armors and clinging to the middle-grade king-grade artifacts.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing appeared at the same time.

Yun Yao was wearing a middle-grade king-level ice-moon divine armor and holding both sun and moon swords in her hands, making her look extremely holy and cold.

As for Ji Ke...

She was still practicing in retreat, and was at the last moment of impacting the Divine King Realm. Ji Tianxing did not disturb her.

In addition, a **** king was imprisoned in the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers.

The White Phoenix God King of the Seventh Realm.

But it's a pity that Bai Feng and Ji Tianxing have no grudges, but they have no relationship.

Even though he was detained for so long, his will was still firm and he did not surrender to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing can't take care of him temporarily, and keep it for later.

Jinshuang and the twenty-eight **** kings are casting spells to block the world.

Suddenly seeing Ji Tianxing and others appear, everyone was surprised and talked with a sneer.

"Hahaha... the method of commanding the lord is really useful, the Sword God can't hold back his breath, and took the initiative to show up."

"Yes! He also knew that he couldn't escape with his wings, so he simply tried his best to fight to the death."

"Tsk tusk tusk... I really didn't expect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the sword **** was so powerful that he would call the wind and call the rain, and I don't know how many heroes follow.

But now, he has fallen into such a miserable situation, with only a few shrimp soldiers and crabs around him! "

"Sword God, you were once the unparalleled supreme powerhouse in the world.

At this point, you simply surrender, and you can die in a decent way.

Why bother to fight a fish and break the net, and finally the tragedy ends? "

Many **** kings mocked Ji Tianxing jokingly.

But Ji Tianxing was unmoved, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand, shouted angrily, and took the lead in attacking.


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