Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3524: Chaohaizong

() Not only the clothes of more than two hundred Protoss masters are unified.

The flags hung by the three divine ships have the same patterns on the hulls.

Funeral Tian observed for a while and saw that it was from a certain sect.

According to the text of the hull, it can be judged that this sect is called Chaohaizong.

"Chaohaizong... this name is very strange, it shouldn't be a big sect."

Funeral thought silently and continued to observe the situation.

I saw the hundreds of sea clan powerhouses, most of them were shark people, and a few crab spirit clan.

Their appearance is half human and half fish and crab, and their bodies are filled with special force fields.

They either stood proudly in the sky or stepped on the sea, waving their scepter in their hands, and performing various sea clan secret arts.

Under their control, the millions of sea beasts in the sky and the sea rushed to the island with excitement and courage, launching an attack on the people of Chaohai School.

The densely packed sea beasts filled a radius of thousands of miles, causing the islands to shake, and the surrounding sea also stirred up huge waves.

There are also many kinds of sea beasts, including sea eagles the size of houses, golden falcons, blood gulls, and batfish the size of mountain packs, red octopuses, sea-swallowing whales, and so on.

Although, the sea beasts are not high in IQ and not strong in strength, and most of them are in the realm of true gods and gods.

Only a handful of sea beast leaders can reach the realm of gods.

But they are better than they are in large numbers, flooding the island like a tide, submerging the entire island.

The overwhelming magical light, colorful water arrows, ice knives and blood guns, spilled like a downpour, and never stopped.

More than two hundred masters of the Protoss of the Chaohai Sect, relying on three divine ships, are teaming up to cast an array, trying their best to resist the attack of the sea beast army.

But it's a pity that the defensive formation they had just joined together couldn't support a few breaths, and it was shattered.

At every moment, many disciples from the Celestial Realm were blasted to death, and their bodies were broken.

Even the elite disciples and deacons of the Divine Sovereign Realm have suffered severe injuries and continued to die.

The person who presides over the defense formation and controls the three divine ships is the powerhouse of the three divine kings.

They are all lower **** kings, two **** kings with one level and one **** king with three levels.

This is the strongest of the Chaohai School.

The golden armored man of the God King's Triple Layer is the Chaohai Sect Master.

The other two first-level **** kings wearing blue armor and scarlet battle robes are the protectors and great elders of the Chaohai Sect.

Although this battle lasted for an hour, they were already exhausted.

But they didn't dare to relax a little bit, and they had been doing their best to deploy defenses and manipulated the divine ships to counter the sea beasts.

"Boom! Boom! Sang!"

The three divine ships blasted out hundreds of divine power beams, defeated the brilliance of the heavenly divine art, and hit the sea beast army around the island.

Suddenly, hundreds of flying birds in the sky were bombarded and killed, and they fell into the sea like dumplings.

The various sea beasts on the sea were also shattered and splashed into the sky.

The loud and deafening noise has been reverberating over the island for a long time.

As time passed, the island was torn apart by the bombardment and gradually collapsed.

Most of the people of Chaohai Sect were also casualties. There were corpses everywhere on the godship, and only more than fifty people were still fighting.

The morale of the crowd was low, and their expressions were full of despair.

Although the three divine ships and the three divine kings and powerful men also slaughtered more than 200,000 sea beasts.

Endless carcasses of sea beasts piled up into mountains in the sea.

The tens of thousands of miles of sea water around the island was stained red with blood.

But this casualty is nothing to the millions of sea beasts army.

The more than 700,000 sea beasts still alive, not only did not feel scared, but also attacked fiercely.

Seeing that dozens of people on the island and Chaohai Sect will soon be bombarded and killed by the sea beast army.

It is estimated that in the end, only the three **** kings have a chance to escape.

Of course, there is only a chance, and there is not enough assurance.

After all, most of the hundreds of sea tribes who manipulate the sea beast army are of the strength of the gods, and there are also four strong gods!

The fight against each other continues.

The funeral had anticipated the ending, so he focused on the island.

Although, the island at this moment is fragmented, like ruins.

But it clearly remembered that there were traces of excavation and mining on the island before.

It is deduced from this that the people of Chaohaizong occupy the island and are digging for something.

It may be a cultivation resource, or it may be some kind of rare treasure.

Those sea clan powerhouses also got the news, and they came to besiege Chao Haizong people, wanting to **** the treasures from the island.

This kind of thing is very common in the gods.

The gods of various races and kingdoms on several continents will launch wars for cultivation resources and treasures.

Not to mention the chaotic endless sky, this kind of thing is so commonplace, and even happens every day.

Funeral sky secretly released his divine power and explored the ruined island.

Soon, it sensed the surging divine power beneath the island.

It vaguely detected that there seemed to be rare mineral veins hidden underground.

This discovery made Funeral Tian feel a little moved.

It has always known that Ji Tianxing is keen to search for training resources and treasures to quickly improve his strength.

Even if he already had resources worth hundreds of billions of sacred stones, it was still not enough for him.

Not only does he consume training resources, but the Five Elements World is also a bottomless pit, requiring countless resources to cultivate.

In addition, Yunyao, Ji Ke, Yanke, Chao Qingyu, and Lin Xue, etc., follow Ji Tianxing and need a lot of resources to support them.

Therefore, Funeral Tian thought about it and decided to wake up Ji Tianxing who was practicing.

"Tian Xing, I found an island with rare and high-grade mineral veins buried.

There is a small sect called Chaohaizong who occupied this island, but was besieged by the sea beast army.

Are you interested in intervening? "

At this time, Ji Tianxing was practicing in retreat in twisted time and space.

Thirty-six days after the funeral, one thousand and eight hundred days passed in the warped time and space, nearly five years.

In the previous year, Ji Tianxing was busy healing his wounds and refining the Heavenly Phoenix Gun for Ji Ke.

For the next four years, he has been practicing Zhutian Divine Jue to improve his strength.

With abundant training resources to support ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, his strength has improved rapidly, and he has reached the late fourth stage of the God King Realm.

Compared to before, his strength has doubled.

Suddenly hearing the voice of Funeral Sky, Ji Tianxing thought about it, then ended his cultivation and left the warped time and space.

He escaped from the sword world and appeared above the island, remaining invisible.

Holding the Sky Burial Sword in his hand, he looked down at the sea below, observing the sea beast army and the situation on the island.

In just a few breaths, Ji Tianxing could see the situation in the field clearly.

"How long have they been fighting together?" He asked Funeral Sky with his spirit.

The funeral replied truthfully: "It should be two or three hours."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said in a calm tone: "Wait a second, it's not time to shoot."

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