Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3525: New identity

() More than two hundred people of Chaohai Sect have already been killed.

Hundreds of people are still alive, and more than 70 people have been severely injured and can only hide in the devastated ship.

There were only more than 20 people left, still fighting stubbornly, resisting the attack of the sea beast army.

However, more than 600,000 sea beasts landed on the island from all directions, like a pitch-black tide, soon to submerge the three divine ships.

Funeral Tian originally thought that Ji Tianxing would act decisively to save the survivors of Chaohaizong.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's answer, it was a little surprised.

But after thinking about it carefully, it was relieved.

The rare mineral veins on the island were first discovered and excavated by the Chaohai Sect.

If Ji Tianxing made a move now, he would have repelled the strong sea clan and the sea beast army, and saved the Chaohaizong people.

Then, how to distribute the mineral veins on the island has become a headache.

He has a life-saving grace for Chaohaizong. If Chaohaizong is generous and smart enough, he might take out half of the veins and give it to Ji Tianxing as a gift.

If Chao Haizong is stingy and ignorant, it is likely that it is just a verbal thank you, at most giving a small gift.

In the end, Ji Tianxing only said thank you, he couldn't get anything, and he was busy for nothing.

Therefore, it should be done after the right time.

Funeral didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

To blame, you can only blame the Sea Clan for being too cruel, and the Chaohai Sect for being too weak, but want to swallow a rare mineral vein.

Time passed quietly.

Soon, another quarter of an hour passed.

The battle on the island is coming to an end and will end.

Two of the three divine ships of the Chaohai Sect were destroyed, and they were completely destroyed by the overwhelming sea beasts.

There is only one divine ship left, which is also full of loopholes, like a sieve.

The more than sixty people who survived were all hiding in the divine ship, severely wounded and panting.

There are only three strong **** kings who can stand.

But they were also bloody, weak and unsustainable.

The divine ship was filled with an atmosphere of grief and despair. Everyone had a premonition that death would come, and their hearts were ashamed.

The three **** kings stood on top of the **** ship, stubbornly straightening their bodies, and facing death bravely.

The sea clan powerhouses used spells to manipulate the sea beast army and all retreated into the sea.

An army of six hundred thousand sea beasts quickly calmed down and surrounded the islands.


Until then, hundreds of sea clan powerhouses dressed in strange costumes flew over the island.

The four sea **** kings at the head, looking down at the three **** kings of Chaohai Sect, spoke to persuade them to surrender.

"Xu Chaohai, your Chaohai Sect has crossed the border, and the mineral veins in this island are not something you can touch."

"The southeast of Xiaolong Sea, nearly 100 million miles away, is the territory of our Haiyan Empire.

This island, and everything buried underground, belong to the Haiyan Empire! "

"Xu Chaohai, we have warned you a long time ago, stay on your tide island honestly, the empire can still tolerate you.

But if you have to find your own way, don't blame us for being ruthless. "

"This time, the elites of your Chaohai Sect came out, and they are all buried here, and the Chaohai Sect also exists in name only.

Stop stubbornly resisting and surrender! "

The four sea **** kings are very proud and domineering.

The Chaohai Sect Master, the Protector, and the Great Elder clenched their fists in anger, but they could only suppress the anger and remained silent.

It is true that Chaohaizong came out in full force, but was buried here, which is tantamount to perishing.

There were only two paths before them.

Either surrender or die.

If you surrender, you can save your lives, but they and dozens of surviving disciples will all become slaves to the Sea Clan.

At that time, they can only stay in the dark and cold seabed, digging for mineral veins year after year, doing the cheapest hard labor.

Such a dark life is not as good as death.

Seeing that Xu Chaohai, the protector and the great elder did not express their opinions, the sea **** king headed by him sneered and said: "Xu Chaohai, you know the rules of our Haiyan Empire.

As long as you surrender, everyone will be saved from death.

But you will all become slaves of our race, doing hard labor on the seabed until you die.

However, this seat can open up to you.

As long as you surrender and the three of you submit to our clan, you will be spared the pain of labor.

This seat will arrange other errands for the three of you, so you don’t have to mine like the lowly slaves. "

As his words fell, another sea clan **** king quickly said: "Xu Chaohai, General Nan is making an exception for you. Would you like to thank you?"

Xu Chaohai hesitated, with mixed feelings in his heart, with infinite emotion.

"Ha ha ha... the success or failure of victory and defeat, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace, are just a matter of thought.

If it weren't discovered by the sea clan, the meteorite veins on this island would be enough to make the door rise!

But now, everything is over..."

Xu Chaohai was originally a burly and majestic middle-aged man, but at this moment, his heart was ashamed, as if he was very old.

The law protector and the great elder both looked at him and whispered: "Sect Master, it is better to live than to die. As long as you live, there is a chance for a comeback!"

"Sect Master, of course we can blew ourselves up and die with the Sea Clan.

But behind us, there are dozens of injured disciples, and there are thousands of family members in the sect! "

Obviously, both the protector and the elder wanted to persuade Xu Chaohai to surrender.

Xu Chaohai pondered over and over again, and his ambitions came to nothing, and he could only bow his head and give in.

"General Nan, please remember what you just said, we..."

Just when Xu Chaohai spoke and was about to announce his surrender.

In the sky above the island, the sacred starlight suddenly lit up, and a rain of swords fell across the sky.

In addition, there was a loud and majestic man's voice, resounding in the sky.

"The beasts of the Sea Clan are doing misfortune again. You should kill!"

In the eyes of everyone in amazement and astonishment, a young dragon from the dragon clan wearing a white robe and standing more than ten feet tall appeared on the scene.

This person is burly body, as strong as an iron tower, covered with golden dragon scales, and a dragon horn on his forehead.

His face is handsome and resolute, and the golden dragon's breath surrounds him, making him look extraordinarily sacred and majestic.

His left hand was behind him, and his right hand was holding the pitch-black magic sword, pointing diagonally at the earth. The whole person was very mysterious.

"Your excellency?" Xu Chaohai frowned suddenly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A trace of hope ignited in his desperate eyes.

"Where's the bastard, dare to take care of my clan's affairs?" The Southern General of the Sea Clan was furious, staring at the young Dragon Clan with murderous aura.

But the dragon youth did not speak, and a contemptuous sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, a rain of stars and swords suddenly fell.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

A total of 30,000 star giant swords fell like a meteor shower, covering a radius of 30,000 li.

Before the giant sword arrived, the invisible coercion that suppressed the world had already sealed off the world.

Hundreds of thousands of sea beasts panicked, roared desperately, and fled desperately.

Hundreds of sea clan masters were also shocked by the fierce and unparalleled sword aura, all showing panic and despair.

Wonderful book house

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