Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3529: Earthshaker

() Xu Chaohai originally thought that it would take at least one month to mine the underground vein.

It took more than 200 people from the Chaohai Sect to mine around the clock to complete it.

But now, Yanke only took eight hours to mine the entire vein.

What's more terrifying is that he not only mined the veins, but also refined and purified all the ore.

The half of the mineral vein handed over to Xu Chaohai turned out to be two billion stars of the same size!

This is simply horrible and incredible!

Until Xu Chaohai accepted those stars and divine stones and put them all in the space ring, he still didn't recover.

Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly, and said: "Two billion stars of divine stones, worth 200 billion ordinary divine stones, are enough for Chao Haizong to recover.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, the people of the Haiyan Empire may be here, you should go. "

Hearing what Ji Tianxing said, Xu Chaohai came back to his senses.

He quickly nodded in agreement, and did not forget to bow and thank Ji Tianxing: "Senior Tianlong, you are the lifesaver and reborn parent of Chaohai Sect.

Although Chaohaizong's strength is low, we will never forget your kindness.

In the future, whenever you have any instructions, Chaohai Sect will not hesitate to go up to the sword mountain and down to the sea of ​​fire..."

Xu Chaohai said gratitude, his eyes were a little red, and his chest banged.

Ji Tianxing didn't take it to heart, but just nodded and waved for him to go first.

After Xu Chaohai thanked him for a lot of gratitude, he returned to the dilapidated divine ship and left the nameless island with more than 20 surviving disciples and the bones of many disciples.

When the godship flew into the sky, he couldn't help but glance at Yanke, and sighed in his heart: "The middle **** king with such a stunt, but he is the entourage of Senior Tianlong.

It is conceivable that Senior Tianlong must be a high-ranking **** king, with great means!

It is a pity that our Chaohai Sect is too weak to be in the sight of Senior Tianlong.

If you can climb Senior Tianlong, Chaohaizong will surely be able to fly to the sky..."

Although Xu Chaohai is full of regrets, he knows himself well.

After feeling a few words, he dispelled the unrealistic illusions and began to wonder how to restore the vitality of the Chaohai Sect.

With resources worth 200 billion sacred stones in hand, he has enough confidence.


"Master, this is the meteorite nucleus you want."

On the nameless island, Yanke held a crimson spar with a large washbasin in both hands and handed it to Ji Tianxing.

The crystal nucleus is as crystal clear as ice, but as red as blood, exuding a scorching high temperature, releasing violent divine power fluctuations.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand to take the meteorite crystal nucleus and looked at it carefully for a while before he showed a delighted and unexpected smile.

"Yes, it really is a constant star crystal nucleus.

Moreover, the quality of this crystal core is extremely high, and it should be the core of an Earthsha-class star. "

In the vast starry sky, there are endless stars.

The vast majority of them are mundane stars of little value and planets with a small amount of resources.

The number of stars is very rare, less than one percent.

Among the stars, there are also high and low strengths. There are ordinary stars, earth-shaker-class stars, and Tiangang-class stars.

Some people say that a star is called a star because it exists forever and never falls.

But this is not the case.

Stars will also burst and fall.

A whole star collapses and turns into billions of residues floating in the void, most of which will burn to ashes.

Only the sharpest star nuclei can be preserved.

Either drifting in the endless starry sky, or falling on certain stars.

But this probability is very small.

Because of this, the stellar nucleus is extremely precious and rare.

Ordinary stellar crystal nuclei are precious treasures with no market.

The stellar nucleus of the Earth Sha-class is a peerless treasure that is rare in a century.

It can not only refine the king-level high-grade artifacts, but also provide endless star power, which can be used repeatedly.

But now Ji Tianxing lacks treasures of this level.

"Four **** kings' godhead fragments, resources worth 200 billion **** stones, plus an earth evil-class meteorite crystal core, it's a worthwhile trip."

Ji Tianxing weighed the meteorite crystal nucleus, put it into the space ring, and left the island contentedly.

Yanke had nothing to do, and returned to the twisted time and space, and went to retreat to practice.

Ji Tianxing flew across the sky alone and hurried towards Samsara Island.

The God of Good Fortune that Xu Chaohai said successfully aroused his interest.

What's more, the Nether God Emperor is not in Reincarnation Island.

The present-day Samsara Island is guarded by the commander of Styx and the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

It's just two upper gods.

Even if they have reached the Ninth Stage, Ji Tianxing is not worried.

After all, his methods and rich experience are enough to deal with any **** king.

Only the Five Emperors who surpassed the Divine King and reached the highest realm would make him helpless.

"Supreme God Orb?

Can release the light of good fortune and enhance the talent and wisdom of all creatures?

interesting! "

Ji Tianxing murmured to himself, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The nameless island is not far from Samsara Island, only about ten days away.

The Haiyan Empire reacted quickly.

In just three days, a large number of gods and powerful men and an army of millions of sea beasts went to the unnamed island to take revenge.

But it is a pity that the nameless island has long since become a collapsed ruin.

The people of Ji Tianxing and Chaohai Sect had long been far away, and the Hai Clan rushed into the air.

Those sea clan **** kings roared and cursed in anger for a long time before they left angrily.

Next, of course, they have to step down on the Tide Haizong and kill a chicken or dog to vent their anger.

But Xu Chaohai had anticipated this a long time ago, and ran away with Chaohaizong's family at the fastest speed.

Ten days later, the sea clan army rushed to the Chaohaizong and rushed to the air again, even more angry.

At this time, Ji Tianxing had already arrived on Samsara Island.

In these ten days, Tiantianjian was responsible for the journey.

He stayed in the twisted time and space, and practiced in retreat for more than a year, refining the godhead fragments of the four sea clan **** kings.

Although, he only added a few Shinto laws, and his strength improved a little.

But the Blood Flame God Tree has gained quite a lot, and its growth is gratifying.

The battle on the nameless island ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing slaughtered an army of 600,000 sea animals, hundreds of sea masters, and four sea kings.

The sacred tree of blood flame has absorbed too much blood and spirit, and it has grown thousands of feet tall.

Now, it has gone 20,000 feet.

If judged by the level of the artifact, it is already a top king-level middle-grade **** tree.

If you come back a few more times for greater gains, it is very possible to break through the realm and be promoted to the king-level high-grade **** tree!

This discovery made Ji Tianxing very pleased.

At the same time, it was a bit embarrassing.

The Blood Flame Divine Tree was about to become a king-level high-grade divine tree, but he was still a middle-ranked divine king in the fifth stage.

Breaking through the upper **** king is still far away.

Could it be that he is worse than a tree?

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