Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3530: Enter Youdu

() Ji Tianxing is no stranger to Samsara Island.

Thousands of years ago, he had been here many times, and he had been here for two to three years.

However, the island of Samsara was a land of no owner, a piece of scattered sand.

Several ancient clans were aloof, sheltering Samsara Island in name.

But in fact, several ancient clans also fought openly and secretly, for the control of time and space channels, they often fought hard.

The territory of Reincarnation Island is only 20% of the Haotian Continent.

There are 18 domains on the island, and each domain owner is the overlord of one side, fighting endlessly with each other.

It is common to launch wars for territories and for training resources.

Of course, this is the island of reincarnation a thousand years ago, and the situation is chaotic.

Since the Nether God Emperor unified the entire island, the chaotic situation has ended.

First of all, a few ancient clans, all of them clung their tails obediently, were low-key people, and did not dare to make trouble.

Secondly, the domain masters of the eighteen domains have also loyal to the Nether God Emperor.

Probably the Nether God Emperor used a certain method to control the lives of each domain master.

Therefore, those domain masters are extremely loyal to the Nether God Emperor.

Even Ji Tianxing would use Yanke's life as a threat to force Yanke to serve him.

For treacherous people like Shura and Netherworld God Emperor, it would be a strange thing to control the lives of many domain masters without any means.

Of course, Ji Tianxing had already revoked Yanke's supernatural power not long ago.

In other words, Yanke has long since regained his freedom, and Ji Tianxing no longer threatens him.

But he didn't mean to leave at all. Instead, he loyally stayed beside Ji Tianxing, willing to be his guard.

For nearly a thousand years, Reincarnation Island has been very peaceful and has no waves.

The eighteen domain masters all surrendered, and the confidant arms of the **** emperor Nether guarded the island of reincarnation, which can be described as foolproof.

Because of this, the Netherworld God Emperor was unable to retreat and gave power to the commander of Styx and the Marshal of the Blood Prison.


When Ji Tianxing landed on Samsara Island, it was the setting sun.

The setting sun is like blood, and the sky is full of sunset.

Thousands of miles of blue waves hit the reef coast and sandy beaches, and thousands of feet away from the shore are lush forests.

Ji Tianxing galloped across the sky and went straight to the center of Samsara Island.

A few hours later, a kingdom of gods gathered in front of them, and there were many towns on the plain.

The location of Samsara Island is special, with endless sky and sea in all directions.

Therefore, the sea winds all year round here, and there are often shocking tsunamis and hurricanes.

Fortunately, there are strong guards in all areas around the island.

Whenever a tsunami or hurricane strikes, those strong ones will use their magical powers to turn dangers into danger.

Ji Tianxing landed in a city and mixed into the city as a young dragon.

The city, covering an area of ​​more than 300 miles, gathers millions of gods and people.

As Ji Tianxing strolled in the city, his spiritual knowledge quietly dispersed, exploring the local customs.

The situation is the same as before, most of the millions of people in the city are gods.

But there are many alien races, even sea races.

All races from all directions can live in harmony here and trade equally.

After all, this is the territory of the Nether God Emperor.

Even if the arrogant and domineering Sea Clan came, they did not dare to make a mistake.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing found more than a dozen shrines in the city, all of which were enshrined with statues of God Emperor Nether.

Almost every day, a large number of people go to the shrine to bow and pray.

Ji Tianxing walked through this city and got a panoramic view of the situation in the city.

He quietly left and continued to rush to the center of Samsara Island.

In the next few days, he passed through several empires and dozens of cities.

After passing every city, he would stop for a moment, releasing his spiritual consciousness to observe.

The result was the same as he had investigated before.

All empires and cities are prosperous, peaceful and stable.

A large number of shrines have been built in every town, enshrined with statues of the Nether God Emperor, for the people to worship.

Going to the shrine to worship and pray has become the homework that the people must do every week, like a mission and task.

This makes Ji Tianxing have to suspect that the Netherworld God Emperor, like the God Emperor Shura, is also collecting the power of belief of sentient beings, and wants to practice some kind of magic.

In addition, he also discovered that there are a lot of labor and hard labor in various kingdoms.

Those lowly slaves and drudges must do hard labor on the island of Samsara, or enter the endless sky to mine.

Ji Tianxing observed for a while and found that these slaves and hard laborers were alien races, and there were basically no protoss.

Even if there are, there are very few criminals who have committed serious crimes.

After all, the Protoss is the noblest in the God Realm.

Ascenders from the lower realm, and the gods of other races, have very low status.

If these people have no power to take in, they can often only do hard labor, and it will be difficult to escape from the sea of ​​suffering throughout their lives.

After discovering this situation, Ji Tianxing took a little time to inquire about the news in detail.

After investigation, it was found that this was an order from the Nether God Emperor.

Every domain and empire has to pay a certain amount of taxes each year, that is, cultivation resources.

In order to complete the task, those kingdoms need to recruit enough slaves and hard labor.

Most slaves and hard labor cannot escape their miserable fate for a lifetime.

The people of the Protoss have long been accustomed to this and do not feel sympathy.

Anyway, in their eyes, except for the Protoss, the other races are low and mean.

In this regard, Ji Tianxing's heart is a little heavy.

"This was the case in the Haotian Continent before, but I didn't expect that the same would happen on Samsara Island.

It is estimated that those three **** will do the same on the other three continents.

They are all doing the same thing, gathering the power of belief of sentient beings, and madly gathering resources for cultivation, doing some ulterior things.

Ordinary protoss are not victims, so they will not oppose the hegemonic rule of the Five Emperors.

However, the lives of all races have been harmed, and the ancient clans are also those whose interests have suffered. Only they will oppose it. "

Thinking like this in his heart, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but wonder: "What exactly is the Divine Emperor Realm above the Divine King?

Why did the Five Emperors collect the beliefs of sentient beings and grab resources frantically?

What are they trying to do? "

With such doubts, Ji Tianxing stopped and went all the way, and arrived at Youdu ten days later.

Youdu is the capital of Samsara Island.

This city is located in the very center of Samsara Island, covering an area of ​​five hundred li~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to accommodate thousands of gods and people.

The city is extremely prosperous and rich, and even on the mountains surrounding the city, many courtyards and palaces have been built.

This is not only the core of Samsara Island, but also the lair of the Nether God Emperor.

The most important thing is that the God of Good Fortune is in Youdu City.

When Ji Tianxing entered Youdu, he deeply felt the prosperity and hustle and bustle of this place.

Several city gates were overcrowded, and people had to line up to be checked in and out.

When he entered the city, all he could see were palaces and pavilions, a group of magnificent elephants.

The Protoss who entered and exited those shops, teahouses and restaurants were all well-dressed and elegant.

Obviously, here is not only rich, but also a gathering place for elites and masters.

Sword breaks nine days

Sword breaks nine days

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