Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3531: Yuwenji

() Ji Tianxing came to the God of Good Fortune.

He has a meteorite crystal nucleus in his hand, as long as it is dedicated to the leader of the Styx and the marshal of the blood prison, he can exchange for a place to enter the palace.

However, he was reluctant to bear the earth evil star core until he was forced to.

In addition, he was not very familiar with the situation in Youdu, nor did he understand the news of Good Fortune Shrine.

After strolling for two hours in Youdu, he entered the center of the city to find a place to find out the news.

Xuantian Restaurant is the more magnificent one among the many restaurants in the city, and its business is very hot.

When Ji Tianxing swept away his spiritual knowledge, he found hundreds of masters of the gods and monarch realm gathered in the restaurant.

Even, there are a few breaths of strong **** king.

In that restaurant, the servants serving tea and wine all have the strength of the Heavenly God Realm.

Ji Tianxing stepped into the Xuantian restaurant, ordered a pot of wine with five thousand sacred stones, and took a seat in the middle of the hall.

He sits at a table by himself, dipping slowly, and looks very low-key.

Secretly, he was listening to everyone in the hall.

There are more than 30 tables in the hall, and hundreds of masters of the gods gathered.

Although these people are of all races, their costumes are also very strange.

But this does not prevent them from talking loudly, and the words are often mixed with words such as "good luck temple", "baptism" and "on the spot epiphany".

After all, the Shrine of Good Fortune only opens once every 100 years.

Every time there are only hundreds of lucky people who can accept the baptism of God's light and improve their talents.

The opening of the shrine this time is scheduled for three days.

In the past half month, there have been very many masters coming to Youdu.

In the restaurants and tea shops all over the city, the people are talking about the gods of good fortune.

Ji Tianxing listened for a while, and got a lot of news about the shrine from everyone's mouth.

At this time, the two young men welcoming guests at the entrance of the hall suddenly shouted respectfully: "Welcome Master Yuwen!"

Suddenly hearing this shout, the hall was quiet for a moment.

Immediately, everyone looked at the gate, showing their faces full of excitement and anticipation, and whispered.

"Master Yuwen is here? It has been three years since he was in retreat, hasn't harmed Youdu, right?"

"Hey, be careful when you speak, don't be heard by Master Yuwen."

"I heard that Feng Lingyu took countless efforts to obtain a supreme divine pill. Young Master Yuwen has already broken through the **** king realm by taking that divine pill!"

"Young Master Yuwen broke through the King of Gods? Then, isn't he going to enter the Palace of Good Fortune this time?"

"Isn't that nonsense? Feng Ling's domain master is noble, and he is appreciated by the divine emperor.

Although the young master Yuwen was dull, he did not gain any benefit. "

"That kid used to be a scourge. He makes trouble all day and makes it difficult to get quiet.

Now that he breaks through the Divine King Realm, and then enters the Divine Palace to receive baptism, he still cannot go to heaven in the future? "

"By the way, there is a senior and young man upstairs, still having a drink in the private room.

Young Master Yuwen is here, is it to show off his might? "

"It makes sense! In the past, these two boys and girls didn't deal with them, and they kept fighting in secret.

But Young Master Gan broke through the God King fifty years ago, and Young Master Yuwen often suffers from deflation.

Now that he finally breaks through the King of God, he must find his place back! "

"Hey... there is a good show to watch today!"

The hundreds of gods in the hall are mostly local people in Youdu, and many of them are behind the powerful.

As the saying goes, watching the excitement is not too big a problem.

According to the rumors, the unprovoked Young Master Yuwen hasn't appeared yet, and many spectators have already made up the next plot.

The discussion was hot and enthusiastic.

However, Ji Tianxing looked calm, drank alcohol and thought about many chores.

At this moment, four mighty and majestic guards wearing golden armors walked into the hall with swords in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, the two young servants hugged their waists and greeted a young protoss youth wearing a golden robe and a luxurious crown.

The young man was dressed gorgeously, with extraordinary style, with his head held up and his chest tall, quite a bit of Laozi's domineering attitude.

Seeing him walking into the hall, many spectators stood up and bowed their hands to say hello.

"I have seen Mr. Yuwen!"

"I haven't seen you in three years, Yuwen's demeanor is better than ever!"

"It's really gratifying to hear that I have recently broken through the Divine King Realm!"

There were at least a dozen people at the table, all of whom were flattering and flattering Yuwen.

With a confident smile on Young Master Yuwen's fairly handsome face, he looked at everyone with a smile, and said, "Oh, why are so many people here today?"

You guys, the news is pretty good.

Do you guys gather here to say joy to Ben Shao and give him a surprise? "

Yuwen was jokingly cynical.

Four majestic golden armored guards followed him in a vicious posture.

No matter how you look at it, this is a standard for young and old.

Although everyone heard that he was joking, many people nodded quickly and took the opportunity to please.

Young Master Yuwen smiled contemptuously, and walked towards the second floor.

"Okay, you guys celebrate here, and Ben Shao will go there for a drink."

Four golden armor guards and two young men hurriedly surrounded him upstairs.

However, in the elegant room of Tianzi on the second floor, a thin and thin young Protoss youth in a black robe with a gold pattern came out.

This person was holding a hip flask in his hand, leaning on the railing, and looking down at the stairway, Mr. Yuwen, with a blank expression: "The private room on the second floor, Mr. Ben is all covered."

The sound was not loud, but it reverberated in the hall, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

The hall was quiet in an instant, and everyone's eyes were focused on the black robe youth.

"It's a master!"

"It's Qian Yuan, the son of City Lord Youdu!"

"Hehe... I have long heard that the young master does not agree with the young man Yuwen, and now it seems to be the case."

"Isn't this showing the face of Master Yuwen?"

"The show has begun!"

"Young Master Yuwen can bear this anger? Let's see how he fights back!"

There was a burst of murmurs in the crowd.

Sure enough, Young Master Yuwen's face turned cold, his eyes were sharply staring at Master Gan, and he sneered: "Qian Yuan, you only have five people. Why do you have all the rooms?

You are against Ben Shao on purpose!

Hmph, this king broke through the **** king realm a few days ago. You are guilty and timid, do you want to be intentionally nauseous? "

Qian Yuan glanced at him and said blankly: "Yuwenji, don't be passionate.

This king just broke through the second layer of the God King Realm three days ago, and it has long been scheduled to host a banquet here today to entertain the king's friends.

Yajian has already made a decision, if you don't believe me, ask the shopkeeper. "

"In just fifty years, has it gone from one to two?" Yu Wenji's expression suddenly changed, and his heart shook.

The self-confidence and glamour before that were soaring, suddenly disappeared.

He looked at the shopkeeper in the counter with a dark face, and asked, "Is what he said is true?"

The shopkeeper looked at him and then at Qian Yuan on the second floor. He could only smile wryly, not daring to express his opinion.

After all ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The backgrounds of these two young and old are amazing, and no one can offend the shopkeeper.

Young Master Yuwen knew it well, but no longer entangled, lest he be even more embarrassed.

His face returned to normal, and he chuckled: "Since the young master has covered the second floor and hid in the private room with Hu Peng and Gou friends, it is of course not rare for him to join in the fun.

This young man is in this hall, drinking with friends from all over the world, being upright and having fun with the people.

I have invited all the wine money in this hall today! "

As soon as this remark came out, it not only hurt Qian Yuan's meal, but also caused hundreds of people in the hall to shout for good.

Many people thanked Yu Wenji and took the opportunity to praise and flatter.

Seeing Qian Yuan returning to the room with a gloomy expression, Yu Wenji only felt refreshed.

He looked around the hall, his gaze fell on Ji Tianxing, pointed to the table and said, "Just sit there."

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