Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3536: 3 barriers

() Yunyao has always dissuaded Ji Tianxing, doing so is too risky.

But Ji Tianxing insisted on taking action tonight and must figure out the location of the **** orb.

After all, he came for the **** of good fortune.

He doesn't care whether he enters the shrine or accepts the baptism of divine light.

Yun Yao couldn't help him, so she could only give up.

She changed her mind again. There will be too many people entering the shrine tomorrow, and it is indeed difficult to have a chance to start.

If you act early and enter the Palace of Good Fortune alone, you may have a greater chance of success.

But the question is, how to enter the temple of good fortune?

"Tianxing, do you have a way to sneak into the shrine?

If you can't enter early, you can only wait for tomorrow. "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, nodded and said: "Although the Nether God Emperor has set the rules, he can only enter the God of Good Fortune Palace within the specified time, and only seven days.

But the Yuwenji that I took over was the only son of Fengling Domain Lord, with a high status.

Wind Ling Domain Masters are among the eighteen domain masters, the top three in strength and status, and are highly regarded by the Nether God Emperor.

I will run it a little bit, and I should be able to get in early. "

Yun Yao nodded, and still asked a little worried: "Can this work? Is it safe?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "There is nothing insecure, Yuwenji is a young man, and anyone in Youdu will not be surprised if he does anything extraordinary."

"Okay, then you be careful." Yun Yao was a little relieved and exhorted: "But, everything is important to your safety.

If something cannot be done, you would rather give up than take risks.

Even if the Nether God Emperor is not in Reincarnation Island, the leader of Styx and the Marshal of Blood Prison are still in Youdu. "

"I understand." Ji Tianxing nodded.

Later, Yun Yao stayed in the twisted time and space and continued to practice.

Ji Tianxing returned to the secret room, exchanged for Yuwenji's divine body, and began to act.

He opened the door of the secret room and walked out of the secret room.

It was late at night, and the sparse lights were on in the other courtyard, and it was exceptionally quiet.

There are two teams of guards patrolling all night, but those are weak in the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Ji Tianxing quietly left Qiansong Courtyard without disturbing anyone.


He flew fast into the night sky and entered the quiet city overnight.

Youdu is too prosperous, like a city that never sleeps.

Even in the middle of the night, the city is brightly lit, and there are still noisy people.

Moreover, only two of the four gates were closed, and two were still open late at night.

Ji Tianxing entered Youdu smoothly and hurried to the central city.

On the way, he thought about the next plan.

If you want to enter the Temple of Good Fortune in advance, there are three obstacles that must be resolved first.

The first obstacle is the ceremonial officer in charge of tomorrow's ceremony.

This person is the middle **** king, responsible for presiding over tomorrow's celebrations and issuing identity tokens to hundreds of baptized people.

Only by getting a special token can you pass unimpeded in the Palace of Good Fortune.

The second obstacle was Cheng Jue, the guard leader guarding the gate of the shrine, who was also a middle-ranked god.

This person is responsible for checking the identity token, verifying the identity of the entrant, and having the power to pass and refuse.

As for the third obstacle, it is the high priest who guards the altar of creation.

This person stays beside the altar and is responsible for opening the altar and releasing the light of good fortune.

If you can't get the consent of this person, even if you enter the temple of good fortune, you will be driven out.

Ji Tianxing's first goal was Chongzheng, a court official.


The night is quiet, and the lights in the Xuanyou Palace are dim.

Chongzheng, wearing a mysterious robes and a godly crown, is reading in the study.

He held a gilded roster with one hundred names and corresponding identification information in his hands.

In a few hours, the once-in-a-hundred-year baptism ceremony will be held in the square of the Emperor's Palace.

At that time, at least 100,000 people will come to watch the ceremony.

Chong Zheng has hosted several ceremonies, and has never made any mistakes.

This is due to his caution and care.

In the past few days, he hasn't closed his eyes for a moment. He has repeatedly checked and supervised all aspects of the ceremony, and no error is allowed.

After reading the roster again and confirming that it was correct, Chong Zheng put down the roster and closed his eyes to rest.

"The elites and geniuses who have entered the shrine to be baptized this time, except for those with outstanding merit, are most of the rich and powerful.

I don't know how many rich and powerful people who spend their wealth to give gifts must send their blood to the gods of good fortune.

Of course, thanks to these dignitaries, otherwise, how could this idle position have hundreds of billions of wealth? "

Chong Zheng muttered to himself, a playful smile evoked at the corner of his mouth.

Although he is very cautious and attentive, he is also very greedy for money.

The Ministry of Etiquette was originally a leisurely position with no real power, not comparable to those generals, commanders, and domain masters in power.

If he does not take advantage of the baptism ceremony and receive tens of billions of cultivation resources every 100 years, then he is a pauper and is likely to become the poorest middle-ranked king.

at this time.

The guard commander outside the study reported in a respectful tone: "Sir, I will ask you to see you, Mr. Yuwen."

"Young Master Yuwen?" Chong Zheng opened his eyes immediately and frowned, "Is the only son of the Lord Fengling, that notorious daddy?"

The guard leader remained silent and did not dare to answer.

The courtesy officer dared to comment on Yu Wenji like that, he didn't have the guts.

Because Yu Wenji was standing in the courtyard outside the study.

Chong Zheng thought for a while, and then asked, "Isn't he already on the roster? He will enter the God of Good Fortune tomorrow. Why do you come to this seat at this time?"

This time, before the guard commander at the door answered, Yu Wenji's voice rang outside the door.

"Master Chong, can't I come to visit you if I'm fine?"

As this smiling voice sounded, Yu Wenji stepped into the study.

Chong Zheng frowned immediately, feeling a little unhappy.

Because he has no good feelings for this presumptuous and arrogant dude.

It happened that this dude's father was Fengling Domain Lord, and he didn't dare to offend a courtesy officer.

"Okay, all of you go down, I'm going to discuss business with Master Yuwen."

Chong Zheng suppressed the anger in his heart and waved to signal the guards to retreat.

Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Wenji also closed the door of the study, and placed a seal of God array to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

Seeing what he did, Chong Zheng suddenly asked with some vigilance: "Master Yuwen, what are you doing?"

Yu Wenji walked up to him, sat down at the desk, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Are you interested in sending money to Master Chong?"

Chong Zheng was stunned for a moment, and sneered: "As your identity, you have already set a quota, so why give me money?"

"It's not this." Yu Wenji waved his hand, lowered his voice, and said in a playful tone: "I want to enter the Temple of Good Fortune now."

Chong Zheng immediately widened his eyes and scolded with a serious face: "Making a fool! This is a matter of bad rules, and I will never make an exception!"

"Hahaha..." Yu Wenji sneered and said, "Master Chong, you have done a lot of exceptions over the years. Everyone has opened their eyes and closed their eyes. Who would be nosy?

Stop talking nonsense, 50 billion, do you not? "

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