Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3537: Do what you like

"50 billion?"

Chong Zheng hesitated, his pupils tightened, and he subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, he was very excited.

He also sighed inwardly, as expected to be the young man of the Yuwen family, his shot was too generous.

This price is enough for ordinary powerful people to buy a place.

Of course, Chong Zheng will not readily agree, pretending to hesitate: "Master Yuwen, you also know that this matter is not my decision.

After this level of this seat, there are still two adults inside.

If they disagree, I dare not take over.

If by any chance the Marshal of the Blood Prison headed by Styx learns, this seat will be severely punished. "

Yu Wenji sneered again, and said in a playful tone: "Okay, don't you just stop acting, don't you just want to increase the price?

Only 50 billion, as long as you have one token in hand, you don't need to control the others.

The two adults inside, this young man will take care of himself. "

Chong Zheng was exposed, a little embarrassed, but he quickly covered up with a smile.

"I also believe that with the status of Young Wen, it should not be difficult to convince those two adults.

Okay, since the young and old are so sincere, I'm here to help. "

After speaking, he decisively took out the identity token belonging to Yuwenji and handed it to Yuwenji.

"Master Chong is really refreshing." Yu Wenji chuckled, and took out a space ring, and handed it to him.

Inside that space ring, there are mountains of sacred stones, sacred pills, charms, artifacts and various materials, worth about 50 billion.

Of course, those are Yuwenji's own wealth, they are all ordinary goods, and there are no king-level gods.

Chong Zheng put away the space ring with a smile, and swept it in with his spiritual sense.

The certain amount is probably not bad. He was in a particularly happy mood and asked: "Master Yuwen, I am very puzzled, so he asked more.

After five hours, you will be able to enter the shrine without fail.

Why are you spending a lot of money tonight just to get in a few hours in advance? "

Yuwenji accepted the identity token, got up to leave, and said as he walked: "Go in early to get a good position in advance.

Moreover, only a few tens of billions of dollars can be used in exchange for staying in the shrine for a few more hours, which Shao felt very worthwhile.

After all, what a genius like Ben Shao lacks most is chance.

Maybe you have an epiphany with some kind of magical power, that is, tens of billions of resources can't be exchanged! "

When the voice fell, he had waved his hand to remove the Sealed God Array and walked out of the study.

"Ha ha ha..." Chong Zheng looked at his leaving back, sneered with disdain, and thought to himself: "Bah! You are known for your waste name, so you are ashamed to call yourself a genius?

If it weren't for being born in the master's house of Feng Lingyu, with endless piles of resources, would you be a **** king? "

To be honest, Chong Zheng was very sour and very jealous!


After getting the identity token, Ji Tianxing rushed to the Divine Emperor Palace without delay.

The Palace of the Gods is very large, larger than the imperial city of an ordinary empire, with a radius of eighty miles.

Within the walls of Baizhang Palace, there are magnificent palaces, exquisite and stately houses, and towers that thrust into the sky like clouds.

The Shrine of Good Fortune is actually a three-hundred-zhang, two-story palace.

Moreover, the exterior wall of the palace is made of sacred jade and gold stone, which is extremely sacred and brilliant.

In a few hours, the Palace of Good Fortune will be opened.

At this moment, more than three hundred emperor guards of the upper **** monarch realm had long been guarded around the divine palace.

The two commanders of Emperor Wei were both middle **** kings.

However, the deputy commander stayed in the dark, and the orthodox leader Cheng Jue stood by the gate.

When Ji Tianxing arrived at the Great Fortune Shrine, dozens of imperial guards stood motionless on both sides of the gate like statues.

The imperial guard commanded Cheng Jue, and he was admonishing the imperial guards some precautions.

Suddenly seeing Ji Tianxing coming, Cheng Jue paused to speak, frowned and looked at Ji Tianxing, asking suspiciously: "Yuwenji? Why did you come here?

The shrine will be opened for a few hours, and you can come here after the baptism ceremony is over! "

As he scolded, he was also sneered in his heart: "This young man is always abusive and bold.

What a demeanor Feng Lingyu domain master, there is such an ineffective son. "

Ji Tianxing didn't care about Cheng Jue's cold face. He smiled and said through the voice: "Leader, Ben Shao asks for something. Let me talk."

Cheng Jue felt contemptuous in his heart, a little reluctant.

However, he couldn't offend Yu Wenji publicly, so as not to forge Liangzi with the master of Lingyu.

He walked to the dark corner blankly, frowned at Ji Tianxing, and asked, "Yuwenji, what do you want to do?"

Ji Tianxing stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and showed him the identity token.

"I want to enter the shrine now."

"Naughty!" Cheng Jue sternly scolded, and refused without hesitation: "There is an order under the divine emperor, no one can break the rules, are you letting this seat violate the order?"

After a pause, he frowned and asked, "You actually got the token? That old fellow Chongzhen...how much did he charge you?"

"It's not important." Ji Tianxing waved his hand, put away the token, and said with a smile: "Cheng Jue is a loyal leader and a strong young man. He is the pillar of the **** emperor.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ben Shao has heard that Ling Lang is still a middle-ranked **** with mediocre talent.

Not to mention taking over your position, whether this life can break through the King of Gods is unknown. "

Cheng Jue's face was a bit gloomy, and he asked in a deep voice, "Yuwenji, what do you mean?"

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly and said: "It's not interesting, but for the sake of Cheng Jue's commander, he wants to help Linglang.

Well, I asked my father to arrange a position for Linglang in Fenglingyu, and first resume for a hundred years.

After a hundred years, let my father recommend Linglang to enter the shrine and receive the baptism of divine light.

When the time comes, Ling Lang will definitely be able to stop, improve his intelligence, and have a chance to break through the king..."

Ji Tianxing said lightly, but Cheng Jue was exasperated when he heard it, his heartbeat accelerated, and his excited body trembled a little.

Because, Ji Tianxing has completely talked about his heart.

Although he was the leader of the guard, he did not dare to abuse his power and let his mediocre son enter the temple of good fortune.

That's too obvious, he will be attacked by many gods.

But when Feng Lingyu came forward, it was different.

He will not be criticized, and his son can still rise to the top.

This is more precious than tens of billions of resources!

Cheng Jue only hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth to make a decision, nodded and said: "Okay! Then I will thank Yuwen first, wait a moment, I will open the door for you.

But please keep a low profile, don't be too public, so as not to embarrass this seat. "

"Yeah, I understand." Ji Tianxing nodded playfully.

Then, he waited for a moment in the dark corner.

Cheng Jue found a reason and removed all the Imperial Guards at the gate of the palace.

Then, he personally opened the gate of the shrine and greeted Ji Tianxing in.


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