Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3552: Split action

Two days have passed since Ji Tianxing got the **** of good fortune.

And Yun Yao spent more than three months practicing in retreat in the twisted time and space.

She successfully integrated the gods of good fortune, and finally gathered seven gods and successfully broke through the **** king realm.

At this moment, she was more dazzling than the scorching sun and more sacred than the silver moon.

The endless colorful divine light obscured the brilliance of the blood flame tree, reflecting a radius of 100,000 miles.

The majestic and mighty divine power spread unscrupulously.

The blood flame sacred tree and the people cultivating under the sacred tree have all absorbed the majestic power and benefited a lot.

Above the blood flame sacred tree, there was also a vision of heaven and earth.

The vision of that day and earth is quite special, completely different from other **** kings.

A majestic goddess standing on top of the earth, maternal ritual world, standing on the top of the vast sea of ​​clouds, underfoot is a five-clawed golden dragon and a red flame divine phoenix.

Behind her, the sun and the moon were faintly visible, as well as the heavens and stars and the vast void.

If you look closely, you will find that the vast sea of ​​clouds is composed of hundreds of millions of people.

Obviously, this heaven and earth vision appeared to be the majestic image of the ancient goddess Yaoguang, the mother of the human race.

Ji Tianxing looked up at the vision above the sacred tree, showing a relieved smile.

Recalling the past, he was quite emotional, and muttered to himself: "From the original Great Sky School, we walked hand in hand and experienced too many ups and downs.

From the first Canghai God Orb to the seventh God Orb of Good Fortune, God knows how hard we are.

Until now, her godhead, soul and memory have been restored intact, and she is truly reborn as Yaoguang.

Her memory should be complete, and she will be able to return to its peak soon. "

After three full days, the eclipse of heaven and earth disappeared.

The colorful divine light covering a hundred thousand li radius gradually became thinner until it disappeared completely.

The twisted time and space returned to calm.

Yun Yao gradually finished her cultivation and opened her eyes.

At this time, her appearance has not changed much from before, but her temperament has improved a bit.

She was originally beautiful and picturesque, cool and dignified, but now she has become more holy and majestic, with a denominator of maternal glory.

Ji Tianxing flew down beside her, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Yaoyao, you have finally broken through the Divine King Realm.

Now you, can be regarded as all suffering. "

Yun Yao nodded and said softly, "Thank you for your all-out help. If it weren't for you to sneak into the God of Good Fortune Palace, I don't know when I will break through..."

Ji Tianxing: "As long as you can break through the King of God, my risk is worth it.

By the way, you have merged the seven divine beads, the memory should be restored to completeness, right? "

Yun Yao thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Basically, it is almost restored, but some trivial memories are missing.

However, it should be able to recover slowly in the future. "

Ji Tianxing's eyes lit up, and he said expectantly: "I have always wanted to know what happened in the ancient times 30,000 years ago?

The demons, the world of the five elements, and the goddess of Yaoguang are all closely related, right?

Now that you have restored your memory, why don't you tell me? "

Yun Yao smiled and shook her head, and said mildly: "The things that happened back then were very complicated, and the truth was too amazing. I can't be sure that the memory is true or false.

Moreover, my soul memory is recovering, and it is still chaotic.

Please wait patiently. I will tell you when I sort out the memory. "

Ji Tianxing was not surprised by this, nodded and said: "Well, I am a little anxious, then you continue to practice and cultivate the foundation of God's Dao, I will not bother."

Yun Yao nodded slightly and began to practice in retreat again to consolidate the realm and foundation of the **** king.

Ji Tianxing got up and left, flew to a thousand feet away, and landed beside Ji Ke.

Ji Ke is cultivating with great concentration, working hard towards the second stage of the Divine King Realm.

Ji Tianxing called her with divine mind voice transmission, she soon finished her cultivation and opened her eyes.

"Brother Tianxing, what can you do with me?"

Ji Ke stared at Ji Tianxing and asked.

She knew that if there was nothing urgent, Ji Tianxing would not disturb her cultivation.

Sure enough, Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "I have encountered a tricky thing right now and need your help."

Ji Ke nodded without hesitation and agreed, "Okay, what do I need to do?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and explained: "Koke, don't worry, listen to me tell you about the current situation.

Now I’m in the secluded capital of Samsara Island, and I have taken away a young man, sneaked into the **** of good fortune, and helped Yaoyao win the **** orb..."

He briefly recounted the current situation and situation.

After Ji Ke listened, he immediately understood what he meant.

"Brother Tianxing, do you want me to draw away the Marshal of the Blood Prison and the powerhouse of Youdu, and create opportunities for you to enter the two-world channel?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "It's almost what it means."

Ji Ke frowned suspiciously, and asked: "But I am too weak and I haven't shown up in Youdu, how can I distract the Marshal of the Blood Prison?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "If you appear in your true colors, of course you won't attract anyone's attention.

With your current strength, it is very difficult to make any storm.

However, you can use Yuwenji's identity to distract those strong.

You lead them away from Youdu, I took the opportunity to sneak into the two-world channel with the tower.

When you encounter danger or the time is right, you can use Feng Huanchao to instantly return to the tower..."

Ji Tianxing said his thoughts and plans~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After finishing speaking, he added a little worriedly, and asked: "Koke, there are two problems now.

First, can you accept the manipulation of Yuwenji's body?

Second, do you remember that Feng is still in the nest? "

The magical power of Feng Huan Nest was taught to Ji Wushuang when Ji Tianxing hadn't ascended to the God Realm.

Ji Ke studied it at the time and learned it easily.

However, after everyone ascended to the God Realm, they never used that magical power again.

As a result, Ji Tianxing almost forgot this secret technique before.

Ji Ke thought for a while, nodded and said: "Big Brother Tianxing, these are not problems!

You can seize Yuwenji, and so can I.

Moreover, I am also the First Heavy of the King of God, so I don't need to suppress my strength and I am not afraid of showing off.

As for the return of the phoenix to the nest, even if I don't need this magic trick, I can always return to the tower. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and chuckled, "I forgot, you are the real master of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Okay, since there is no problem, let's give it a try. "

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing took Ji Ke to leave Twisted Time and Space.

The two appeared in the secret room, and Ji Tianxing restored the appearance of a young dragon from the dragon clan.

Ji Ke left the body on the ninth floor of the tower, and used the godhead to take away Yuwenji's body.

Next, Ji Tianxing was a young dragon from the dragon who no one knew, and Ji Ke became Yuwenji.

Ji Tianxing sent a message to the Anping God King, asking about the outside world and the news about the Marshal of the Blood Prison, and told several things.

After making sufficient preparations, he left the nameless house with the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Before long, Ji Ke also took advantage of the silence of the night and left quietly.


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