Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3553: Late night escape

Thousands of years ago, the Sword God spent some time on Samsara Island.

Although, he has not traveled all over the island of reincarnation, so he can't talk about deep understanding.

But he still knew the location and general situation of the two-world passage.

To the north of Youdu City, there is an abyss of reincarnation ninety thousand miles away.

In ancient legends, that is the entrance to death and reincarnation, very terrifying.

But in fact, those legends can only fool people who don't know.

The top powerhouses know that, in fact, that is the two-world channel.

After entering the abyss of reincarnation, descend to the deepest part of the earth and pass through the two-world passage to reach the mysterious dragon world.

Thousands of years ago, when the Nether God Emperor had not unified the island of reincarnation, the passage between the two realms was controlled by several ancient clans.

In that era, there were frequent contacts between the God Realm and the Dragon Realm.

Like the Sword God, he ascended to the Dragon Realm first, and then returned to the God Realm.

But now, the passage of reincarnation is controlled by the Nether God Emperor.

Ji Tianxing secretly inquired about it for a long time, but he never heard that a strong man from the Dragon Realm had come to the God Realm.

He had to worry about whether the Nether God Emperor ordered the passage to be blocked and the two worlds were not allowed to pass through?

After leaving the nameless mansion, he traveled to the north without any haste.

Even though the Youdu City is full of hustle and bustle, the people are still discussing the theft of the God Orb.

But these have nothing to do with Ji Tianxing.

He is now a young dragon clan, really ordinary and unremarkable.

As he walked towards the North City Gate, his divine consciousness secretly followed Ji Ke's movements.

At this time, Ji Ke took away Yuwenji, and passed through the night silently, ‘escaping’ towards the South City Gate.

She carefully disguised herself to hide her appearance and face, and ordinary people could not recognize her as Yu Wenji.

In this way, she passed through half of the secluded capital without any risk, and arrived at the South City Gate.

Although it was late at night, the South City Gate was still open.

But there were nearly a hundred city guards at the gate, and a leader of the Divine King Realm was sitting in town.

Ji Ke was originally safe, and was not seen through.

Several city guards checked her identity token, questioned them at random, and waved to let them go.

However, at this moment, the guard commander stopped Ji Ke.


The commander of the burly bodyguard, wearing a golden dragon chain mail, with a magic sword slung around his waist, stared at Ji Ke with majesty, and looked up and down.

"It's so late at night, why are you sneaking out of the city alone?

I think you are very suspicious, take off the cloak and veil immediately, I want to check carefully! "

Ji Ke pretended to show fear, telling a lie that he had compiled a long time ago, and hesitated: "My lord, I have been poisoned by the violent poison, my face is completely destroyed, and I have never dared to show my true face.

I don't know what mistake I made, why should I double check? "

The guard leader frowned and said with a sneer: "Why do you want to check? There are divine objects stolen in the imperial palace. At present, the imperial guards are searching the whole city. Of course, our city guards must cooperate fully.

Don't hide it anymore, I think you are very suspicious!

Immediately remove the veil and cloak for inspection, otherwise this king will capture you immediately! "

While talking, the guard leader's right hand pressed the hilt of the knife, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

Several city guards not far away also gathered around, staring at Ji Ke vigilantly.

Ji Ke waved her hand quickly and said, "My lord, calm down, I will cooperate with the inspection."

After speaking, she pretended to take off the veil, causing the guard leader to relax his vigilance.

In the next moment, she suddenly tore off the black veil and slammed it towards the guard leader.

At the same time, she lit up with a dazzling divine light, burst out with lightning speed, and flew out of the city gate.

"call out!"

Seeing a flash of fire, she flew outside the city gate, rushed into the night and fled south.

The guard leader stretched out his hand to catch the black veil, fixed his eyes on Ji Ke, frowned and thought about it, suddenly his complexion changed drastically.

"It turned out to be him! It was Yu Wenji!!

Catch him quickly, never let him escape! "

Although Ji Ke took off the veil just now, the guard commander just glanced at her in surprise.

But the guard leader saw Yu Wenji and recognized it on the spot.

Even though he couldn't figure it out, didn't Yu Wenji escape from Youdu long ago?

Why did he appear at this time and flee alone?

But it was not important. The guard leader chased it out without hesitation, with the mentality of Ning killing mistakes and not letting go.


Holding the God Sword in his hand, he hurriedly chased out of the city gate and galloped south.

The city guards under the city gate immediately followed by more than 20 people.

Moreover, the captain of the guard hurriedly took out the subpoena jade slip and reported the news to his superiors.

This is a great credit, and an excellent opportunity to become an official!

Next, twenty-four city guards whizzed and flew into the night sky and chased them toward the south.

Ji Tianxing hid in the darkness near the North City Gate, watching this scene with his divine consciousness, waiting patiently.

Anyway, his divine sense can cover an area of ​​80,000 miles, and he can see the movements of Ji Ke and those city guards clearly.

After about a hundred breaths.

Ji Ke fled sixty thousand miles south, slowing down without showing a trace, pretending to be overtaken by the guard leader.

The guard leader was already full of excitement, and was dazzled by the great merits and awards.

In his cognition ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yuwenji is just a dude who has just broken through the realm of the gods, and his strength is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, he rushed forward without hesitation, brandishing the God Sword Sword, and slashing towards Ji Ke majesticly.

"Yuwenji, you are a rebellious and unruly rebel, if you don't hold your hands, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Ji Ke was not afraid, and sneered in Yuwenji's tone: "Even if Ben Shao commits a terrible mistake, it's not something you can deal with!

Want to earn a reward?

Go to **** you! "

While talking, Ji Ke sacrificed the Heavenly Phoenix Spear, held the spear in both hands, and pierced the five-color divine fire, fighting with the guard leader.

"Boom boom boom!"

The light of the magical arts performed by the two collided fiercely in the night sky, bursting with a deafening loud noise.

The dazzling colorful divine light illuminates a radius of 20,000 miles, making the night sky like day.

The huge movement and light and shadow made the people in Youdu city clearly visible.

The two sides only fought a dozen moves, and the guard leader was pierced by the Heavenly Phoenix Gun, and his head exploded into pieces on the spot.

There is no doubt that the guard leader of the second layer of the Divine King Realm was easily beheaded by Ji Ke.

Even his godhead was blasted into pieces by the Heavenly Phoenix Spear and scattered in the night sky.

Ji Ke quickly picked up the godhead fragments, and then continued to flee south.

At this time, the more than twenty city guards chased them.

They saw the guard leader being bombarded and killed.

After all, they are just some middle and upper gods.

Even the leader of the guard was easily killed by the "Yuwen Halberd", and they could only be killed by a spike.

However, these city guards did not take action, but'Yuwenji' took the initiative to rush over.


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