Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3558: Calming Bell

Ji Tianxing's analysis is correct.

In the past few days, the powerhouses in Youdu City have been attracted by the theft of the God Orb, and their attention is focused on this matter.

Naturally, I would not pay too much attention to the abyss of reincarnation and the two-world channel.

But'Yuwenji' was killed just now, this matter will soon pass, and everyone's attention will shift.

Once this turmoil has passed, and he wants to sneak into the two-world passage, the difficulty will increase again.

Moreover, the leader of the Styx will return to Youdu in two days.

No matter how you look at it, tonight is the best time to go to the abyss of samsara.

Ji Tianxing made up his mind, walked out of the darkness, left the house, and headed for the North City Gate.

At this time, it was five watch days, and dawn was approaching.

The North City Gate was open, guarded by nearly a hundred city guards, and there was also a leader of the Divine King Realm.

There are not many people entering or leaving the city gates, and occasionally two or three people walk in groups.

Ji Tianxing walked to the gate of the city in a hurry, took out the identity token step by step, accepted the interrogation of the city guards, and was released.

From beginning to end, no one looked at him more, let alone the slightest doubt.

After all, he is now "Dragon Heaven", an ordinary dragon youth.

This is his name when he was in the dragon world in his previous life, and the old dragon took it for him.

After exiting the North City Gate, Ji Tianxing flew into the night sky and flew north rapidly.

The abyss of reincarnation, to be precise, lies in the northwest of Youdu City, one hundred and eight thousand miles apart.

Ji Tianxing quickly crossed the mountains, jungles and grasslands, and arrived near the abyss of reincarnation in a quarter of an hour.

This abyss is deep in the mountains, in a big canyon surrounded by clouds.

It is surrounded by towering mountain peaks as high as thousands of feet, and the sky over the valley is shrouded in gray clouds all year round.

At first glance, those gray mists really looked like death.

When he arrived near the abyss of reincarnation, Ji Tianxing became more cautious.

Seeing that there was no one around, he used his invisibility supernatural powers and quietly passed through the gray mist and entered the Grand Canyon.

In the middle of the Grand Canyon, there is an abyss with a radius of a hundred miles, like a bottomless sinkhole.

On the ground around the abyss, nine altars were built, guarded by hundreds of guards.

The nine altars are in operation, releasing a multi-colored divine light extending to the abyss.

Hundreds of millions of colorful divine lights condense into a defensive mask with a radius of hundreds of miles, like a giant bowl buckled upside down.

Obviously, the entrance to the Abyss of Samsara was blocked.

If you want to enter the abyss, you must either break the seal of the gods, or find the commander of the Styx and the Marshal of the Blood Prison to get the token.

The latter is of course not acceptable, Ji Tianxing has only one choice, and that is to crack the **** array.

Although, cracking the gods has always been his strong point.

With the strength of the mid-level **** king, he can crack the king-level top grade and the best **** formation, which is absolutely a miracle.

However, there are nine hundred guards around the abyss.

I want to hide from these guards and break the formation without knowing it.

Ji Tianxing hid in the vast clouds and mist, carefully observing the situation around the abyss, thinking about countermeasures.

The first thing he thought of was to create chaos and distract the attention of the guards, before he took the opportunity to break the formation.

For example, he used the secret method of the whole world to integrate into this world and create a super earthquake.

However, after careful consideration, he gave up the idea.

After all, the super earthquake can only scare the waiting people, and certainly not the guards.

The nine hundred guards are all carefully selected masters, and they are basically middle-ranked gods.

There are also several high-ranking gods under each altar, who should be characters such as captains.

Soon, Ji Tianxing thought of using his venomous supernatural powers, silently poisoning all the guards.

But this is not safe, unless he can poison everyone instantly.

Otherwise, someone will be poisoned to death first, and someone will be poisoned to death later, there will always be someone who can send out a call for help.

This idea was also given up by him...

Within a quarter of an hour, he thought of six or seven ways, but none of them worked, or the risks were too great.

In desperation, he could only look through the space ring, hoping to find a good way.

In the past few years, he has killed many gods and powerful men and seized countless spoils.

The things below the God King level were basically swallowed by him with the Dzi Beads.

The pills, exercises, and artifacts that can be stored in the ring are basically of the **** king level.

His divine consciousness searched among the treasures piled up like a mountain, and constantly scanned those divine pills, artifacts, jade slips, and rare treasures.

After about a hundred breaths, his spiritual sense suddenly froze on a bronze box.

He still remembers that he killed a certain domain master and got it from his space ring.

When he counted the trophies, he had opened the bronze box and looked at it.

Inside is a simple and vicissitudes of bronze bell, judging from the mottled marks on the bell, it should be an ancient thing.

At that time, he took the bronze bell and studied it for a while, and found that this object could release the soul-suppressing sound, which was a very partial king-level artifact.

Although the bronze bell is a king-level middle-grade artifact, its efficacy is not lethal, so it is difficult to use it.

And now, it finally has a chance to display it.

Ji Tianxing took out the bronze box from the ring and took out the bronze bell with rust and mottled.

"Let's call you the soul-suppressing bell, hope you don't let me down!"

He held the calming bell in both hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ muttering to himself, his eyes full of expectation.

After that, he pinched the Shen Jue in his left hand and held the soul-suppressing bell in his right hand, inputting majestic divine power into it, and began to shake rhythmically.

The dim and dull soul-suppressing bell immediately became azure, as if it had come to life.


One after another, clear and sweet, distant and ethereal voices came from the calming soul bell.

The strange thing is that the sound of the bell is so small that it can only be heard with ears within ten steps.

But Ji Tianxing sensed that the soul-suppressing bell exuded circles of invisible ripples, spreading in all directions, covering the entire Grand Canyon.

That kind of invisible ripple possesses mysterious and powerful soul-saling power.

Even if he was a middle-ranked **** king, he didn't pay attention to it, his soul was suppressed, and his consciousness was a little dizzy.

But he immediately realized that it was wrong, and pointed the soul calming bell at the abyss below.


The slight bell sound continued to ring, and the invisible calming ripples also spread out rhythmically.

Soon, Ji Tianxing saw the effect.

Under the altar around the abyss, the nine hundred guards of the Divine Sovereign Realm were still standing like statues before, looking vigorous and majestic.

After being enveloped by the invisible calming ripples, all of those guards squatted on the ground in confusion.

There were many fragile guards who fell directly to the ground and fell asleep.

In just a few breaths, almost all nine hundred guards fell.

There are only a dozen high-ranking leaders of the Divine Sovereign Realm, still barely supporting them.

Of course, they are also staggering and lethargic, and they can't lift the slightest power.


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