Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3559: In desperation

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Why did everyone fall asleep?"

"It will never happen for no reason, there must be a problem!"

The guards around the abyss fell asleep, unconscious and fell to the ground.

The captains of the guards were able to stay awake, barely supporting them, talking in panic.

However, they don't know what happened, let alone how to solve it.

Someone wanted to send a subpoena for help, but before he could take out the jade slip, he fell asleep.

Of course, even if they took out the jade slips, they didn't know how to report.

Did they report to their superiors that they had encountered an attack?

They didn't even see the enemy's shadow, and it happened without warning.

In this way, several guard captains held on for a while, closed their eyes, and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the surroundings of the abyss became silent.

All the guards fell asleep, lying on the ground stumblingly, looking a bit strange.

Ji Tianxing didn't dare to delay the time, and quickly put away the soul-suppressing bell, flew to the vicinity of the seal formation, and began to observe the formation, looking for a solution.

This is the first time he has used a soul-suppressing bell, and he can't estimate the effect and duration of the soul-suppression bell.

Those nine hundred guards may sleep for a day, or it may be an hour.

In short, they will never sleep for too long.

If it is more than one day and one night, the **** kings guarding the two-world passage at the bottom of the abyss will also find anomalies.

Ji Tianxing must crack the Sealed God Array in front of him within a limited time.

"Damn it, it's another king-level superb divine formation!"

Seeing clearly the structure and context of the sacred formation, Ji Tianxing frowned, a cloud of cloud flashing in his eyes.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with the King-level Supreme Divine Array.

But the Sealed Divine Formation in front of me is one of the most complicated Divine Formation, which is composed of the divine power of nine altars.

Even a top Array Dao expert like Ji Tianxing can hardly crack it in one day.

However, there is no turning back arrow.

Now that he had brought down nine hundred guards, he could only do his best to break the formation.

Time passed silently.

Ji Tianxing stared at the Sealed Divine Formation with all his attention, with twin pupils shining with golden light, clearly seeing the hundreds of millions of veins of the Divine Formation.

His mind is also running at an extremely terrifying speed, going all out to analyze the veins of the gods, deduce and calculate the method of cracking.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Unconsciously, six hours passed.

From dawn to dusk, the sun has already set.

Night is coming again, and the light in the Grand Canyon is very dim.

The nine hundred guards were still lying under the altar, still in a coma.

However, Ji Tianxing estimated that the effect of the soul calming bell would soon dissipate.

About midnight, the guards will gradually wake up.

Fortunately, no one entered the Grand Canyon throughout the day.

With this alone, God has already favored him very much.

If not, come and see that the guards are all in a coma, and there will be news.

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing sorted out the structure of the God Array and analyzed it thoroughly, but he still didn't think of a way to crack it.

"How can it be so complicated? The structure of this sacred formation is so precise that it is perfect, and there is almost no breakthrough!

This is definitely not the handwriting of the Blood Prison Marshal and the commander of Styx, it must have been laid by the Nether God Emperor himself! "

Ji Tianxing was full of anxiety, muttering to himself, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Although, he has not seen the Nether God Emperor since he was reborn.

But he had already competed indirectly with the Nether God Emperor once, and he had won, successfully stealing the God of Good Fortune Orb.

This is the second contest, and he is not sure yet.

Soon, another two hours passed.

It's late at night.

The night was deep, and thick gray clouds enveloped the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon was as dark as ink, with only nine altars shining with faint multicolored lights.

Ji Tianxing is still intensively observing the Sealing Divine Formation, constantly changing positions, looking for a breakthrough to crack the Divine Formation.

It's a pity that he still hasn't found a breakthrough, the cracking method is not perfect, and he has failed several times.

The only thing that can comfort him is that he finally found a weak point in the divine formation, at the edge of the northwest of the abyss.

He relaxed a little, lifted his sleeves to wipe the sweat from his pale cheeks, turned his head and glanced at the situation around the abyss.

I saw that the guards under the nine altars showed signs of awakening.

More than a dozen powerful guard captains were unconsciously twisting and stretching their bodies, and some people groaned in pain.

Judging from this situation, they should wake up in half an hour at most.

Ji Tianxing suddenly became more anxious.

"No, time is not enough!"

Not to mention that the method he deduced to break the formation is not perfect, even if it is perfect, there is no time to display it.

It takes him three or four hours to break through the formation at the fastest when he casts a spell. By then, the guards are all awake.

Before he could break the divine formation, the nine hundred guards would besiege him frantically and tear him to pieces.

There is only less than half an hour left, what should I do?

Is it necessary to give up all previous efforts?

Ji Tianxing frowned, weighing anxiously in his heart.

At this critical moment, he became more calm and decisive.

After just a few breaths, he made a risky decision.

"It's too late to cast a spell to crack the God Array!

At the moment, this situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only be used to forcefully break the weak spot of the **** array!

With my current strength, using all my hole card skills and going all out, there may be some hope!

This can be regarded as no alternative. "

After making up his mind, he began to act.


He flew across the dark night sky to the edge of the northwestern abyss.

Staring at the weak points of the colorful mask, he sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword and performed the stunt of the Heavenly Dragon Overlord Body.


With the dazzling golden light flickering, he became a giant golden armor with a height of thousands of feet, covered with dragon scales, and a dragon horn on his forehead, exactly like a dragon.

After transforming, his combat power exploded seven times, and his whole body was filled with a violent aura of destruction.

He held the Sky Burial Sword in both hands, injected endless divine power into it, and let the Sky Burial to cooperate with him to explode the most fierce and violent power.

But this is not enough!

With the help of the power of the Five Elements World, he tried his best to use his ultimate trick, the sword of destruction!

"Drive me!"

When all his strength had been accumulated to the peak, Ji Tianxing gritted his teeth and screamed, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, and slammed into the Sealed God Array under his feet.


In the next instant, the thousand-foot-long brilliant golden sword stabbed the colorful mask with an unrivaled and world-destroying posture.

When the giant sword collided with the light wall, a loud and deafening noise erupted, echoing endlessly in the Grand Canyon.

Even the loud noise was too amazing, shaking the entire Grand Canyon.

The violent shock wave of divine power, engulfing countless divine light fragments, spread to the surroundings, and immediately shocked the sleeping guards, causing heavy casualties.


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