Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3562: Steal talent

There is nothing wrong with Nether God Emperor's approach.

The entire Samsara Island has become his domain, and it is normal for him to grab cultivation resources within his domain.

However, there are too many people under the command of Nether God Emperor who specialize in mining cultivation resources.

No matter how you look at it, it means crazy mining, eager to accumulate a lot of resources.

This made Ji Tianxing a little vigilant, secretly guessing, what exactly are God Emperor Nether and Asura going to do?

Could it be that after surpassing the Divine King Realm, the resources needed for daily cultivation are so amazing?

Or maybe, both the Nether God Emperor and the Shura God Emperor are carrying out some kind of ulterior quest and are in urgent need of a lot of training resources?

With Ji Tianxing's intuition, he is more inclined to the latter.

Unconsciously, half a quarter of an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing crossed hundreds of thousands of miles of the magma sea and arrived at the reef island in the middle of the magma sea.

He stood in the sky, overlooking the entire reef island, secretly observing the deployment situation.

This reef island is too big, with a radius of thousands of miles.

On the surface, the outer circle of the reef island is empty, with only black and red reefs, rugged and convex, with different rules.

But in fact, the entire reef island is shrouded in an invisible defensive array.

Ji Tianxing quietly inspected it, and then he knew that it was another king-level supernatural formation.

Moreover, it is as complicated as the divine formation at the entrance of the abyss of reincarnation.

If you want to enter the reef island, you must crack or open the magical formation.

In the middle area of ​​the reef island, a radius of a hundred miles is the station of the defenders.

The terrain there is relatively flat, the ground is fairly flat, and there are dozens of palaces.

The middle area is an empty square, and the palaces surround the square.

There is a magic circle on the square, which looks like a huge altar, as high as a thousand meters.

Eight huge stone pillars stand in eight directions around the altar.

The stone pillars are engraved with lines of gods, and there are many strange patterns.

Ji Tianxing knew that the divine formation that looked like an altar was the entrance to the two-world passage.

As long as the divine power is input, a space-time channel will appear above the altar.

Step into the passage of time and space, you can leave the **** realm and enter the dragon realm.

It sounds simple, Ji Tianxing is also very close to the space-time channel.

But in fact, he didn't even think about how to get into the reef island.

In order to break the defensive array of the reef island, it could not attract the attention of the defenders on the island.

In addition, even if he successfully entered the reef island, how to open the altar without disturbing the defenders is still a big problem.

"The closer you are to success, the more you have to calm down and not be anxious."

This idea flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, reminding himself to calm down and find a way.

He only hates that his own strength is not strong enough. Anything he can do on Samsara Island, he can only be wise and use all kinds of tactics and methods.

If he had broken through to the upper **** king, it would be too easy, and there was no need for such trouble.

As long as the Nether God Emperor does not appear, he will surely be able to sweep Samsara Island, unstoppable.

But this can only be thought of, he still has to face reality after all.


Soon, two quarters of an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing has remained invisible, secretly observing the defensive array of the reef island.

After observing for so long, he probably saw the structure of the divine formation and the strength of the defense force.

There is no doubt that this defensive sacred formation is the handwriting of the Nether God Emperor.

"Among the five peak **** kings back then, the Netherworld God Emperor was best at arranging formations.

Fortunately, compared with mine, his knowledge is still a bit worse.

If I were to return to the peak state, this level of God formation would surely be able to crack within two or three hours! "

This thought flashed in his mind, Ji Tianxing continued to observe the divine formation, combing the context of the divine formation, looking for flaws and defects, and deducing the method of calculation and cracking.

Although, this will definitely take a long time.

But he has come here, he can only be patient and proceed step by step.

Just as he concentrated on observing the divine formation, he suddenly noticed that in the sky behind him, there were several auras of divine king powerhouses approaching quickly.

He suddenly became vigilant and stopped observing the divine formation.

To be on the safe side, he didn't use his spiritual sense to probe the breaths of the gods, but turned around and looked around.

Before long, he saw four divine lights galloping over the magma sea thousands of miles away.

Ji Tianxing is no stranger to the figures in the four divine lights and their aura of divine power.

He recognized it at a glance, that they were the four middle-ranked **** kings who had gone to the ground to detect abnormal conditions before.

As for the leader of the Heavenly War God, he did not appear, and may have stayed on the ground.

Ji Tianxing frowned, looked at the four middle-ranked kings, and thought to himself: "They came back so soon? Counting time, they only stayed on the ground for half an hour, right?

Seeing them in a hurry, what tasks are they performing? "

It's a pity that the four middle **** kings just kept on rushing and didn't talk.

Soon, they flew over the reef island and rushed straight to the middle of the reef island.

They stopped in the sky above the square, one of them pinched the magic trick with both hands, and continuously played hundreds of divine powers with different attributes, and injected them into the defensive divine formation under their feet.

Obviously, this person is opening the entrance to the defensive array.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing stared at the magical movement of the **** king ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ carefully.

But in the blink of an eye, the **** king finished casting his spell.

In the empty sky, a white light suddenly appeared, which quickly spread to both sides, forming a light gate with a height of more than ten feet.

"Huh! Huh!"

Without hesitation, the four kings passed through the light gate and returned to the guard station.

After a while, their figures disappeared in a certain palace.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing pondered for a moment, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's really dozing off to deliver pillows. I was worried that you would come back early.

Unexpectedly, you have solved the big problem in front of you. "

There is no doubt that the way the **** king opened the space door was clearly seen by Ji Tianxing!

In the Palace of Good Fortune before, the high priest opened the door of space once in front of him, and he learned it exactly.

At that time, the high priest was inexplicably horrified and called the evildoer.

For Ji Tianxing, this is just a routine operation.

Stealing the talent of the teacher is so against the sky.

He no longer wasted time, and quickly flew to the northernmost part of the reef island, hiding under a reef hill.

Those few **** kings could cast spells over the square and open the space door of the **** array, but Ji Tianxing could not do that.

He can only hide in no one's corners, and quietly cast a spell to open the space door to avoid being discovered.

After observing left and right for a while, confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, he started to cast spells.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

He squeezed the divine art in both hands, and continuously played hundreds of divine powers with different attributes and injected them into the defensive divine formation in front of him.

Suddenly, a white light appeared under the reef hill, which quickly spread into a space gate.


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