Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3563: Time and Space Altar

"It's done!"

Ji Tianxing stopped working and looked at the space door in front of him, showing a satisfied smile.

Confirming that there was no one around and did not alarm the defenders on the reef island, he stepped into it.


He passed through the space gate and entered the defensive array, and the light gate immediately disappeared.

As soon as he entered the God Array, he felt much more comfortable.

At least, the inside of the **** array is not as hot as the outside, making it impossible to breathe.

The temperature here is relatively normal, and the air is full of magical power.

He remained invisible, tried his best to restrain his breath, and carefully touched the middle of the reef island.

While moving forward, he was still thinking silently in his heart.

"According to the news I inquired about in Youdu, and Yuwenji's soul memory, it seems that there are not many defenders on this island.

Permanently stationed here, there are only two reincarnation gods, 20 strong **** kings, and two hundred guards of the gods.

After all, the channel between the two realms is not normally opened, and no one enters or exits here.

The defenders are stationed here, but they are actually very leisurely and have nothing to do. Most of the time they are practicing in retreat. "

Ji Tianxing didn't care about the guards of the upper gods, no matter how many.

Two reincarnation gods and twenty **** kings can pose a threat to him, but there is no need to be afraid.

It was the unknown Marshal of the Blood Prison that really made him jealous.

That guy, like the leader of Styx, was a powerhouse of the Ninth Layer of the Divine King Realm.

For Ji Tianxing, for either of these two people, there is only one chance of being beaten and fleeing, and there is no half-point chance of winning.

He tried his best to save his life.

"I hope the Marshal of the Blood Prison will not be here, and stay in Youdu City honestly..." Ji Tianxing prayed silently.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he finally arrived in the middle of the reef island and came to the guard station.

It is surrounded by black stone palaces, and not far in front is the square, as well as the space-time altar.

Ji Tianxing did not rush into the garrison of the defenders, first wandered around the periphery two times, silently observing the situation.

As a result, the twelve palaces were all quiet, with the breath of defenders and god-king powerhouses inside, but no one was walking around.

The square was also silent, and there were twenty guards from the upper gods and monarch realms guarding the north and south ends of the square, as if they were statues.

If you observe carefully, you will find that although they stand straight, their eyes are closed, and they are all practicing silently.

"These guys are hardworking, even when they are on duty, they don't waste time.

It seems that they are usually too leisurely. "

Ji Tianxing muttered in his heart, slowly stepping into the garrison of the defending army, and approaching the square silently.

His method of hiding his breath was very clever. When he stepped onto the square and walked to the altar in the middle, the guards at the north and south ends were unaware of it.

He quietly came under the altar, looked at the eight stone pillars around the altar, and carefully observed the patterns and patterns on the stone pillars.

Those who are waiting to see this scene will most likely think that the eight huge stone pillars are all decorated.

But in fact, these eight stone pillars are the key to opening the altar.

The efficacy and magic of the altar, as well as the method of opening, are hidden in the **** patterns and patterns of the stone pillars.

Only by finding the correct cracking method in the hundreds of millions of patterns and patterns, can the altar be opened and the passage of time and space can be opened.

This is undoubtedly another great test for Ji Tianxing.

In short, it takes at least three to five days.

If you say more, it will take a month or two, which is very likely.

Of course, there is another possibility.

Even if he spends three to five months, he may not be able to calculate the method of opening the altar.

After all, this altar and the eight stone pillars are again the handwriting of the Nether God Emperor.

Thousands of years ago, when the sword **** came here from the dragon world, the field was not what it is now.

There were no altars, no squares, eight stone pillars, and no surrounding palaces.

Here is a deserted island with no grass, with a gate built with huge stones in the middle.

There is a whirlpool of white light in the gate, that is the passage of time and space.

Back then, several ancient clans on Samsara Island took turns guarding Shimen.

The gods or dragons who travel between the two worlds only need to obtain the consent of the gatekeeper and pay a high fee.

It's like now, the space-time passage is hidden, and it is still blocked by the **** array.

Ji Tianxing wanted to know why the Nether God Emperor did this?

Why hide and block time and space channels and cut off the communication between the two worlds?


Time passed silently.

The reef island is hidden deep in the magma sea, and the sun and moon cannot be seen rising and falling, and it is difficult to judge the day and night.

It is always a color here, and the sky is dark red illuminated by firelight.

The whole day passed.

Ji Tianxing still focused on observing the stone pillars, staring at the dense arrays and patterns.

Occasionally, he would walk around and observe different stone pillars from different angles.

However, he still hasn't understood how the altar array works, let alone find a solution.

During this period, the twenty guards guarding both ends of the square did not notice the abnormality at all.

They have been practicing like stone sculptures, closing their eyes on the spot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the evening, in the palace to the northwest, two **** kings walked around and seemed to be discussing something.

But they didn't even glance at the square, nor did they notice the slightest abnormality.

This makes Ji Tianxing feel at ease.

He has not been exposed so far, which means that the defenders stationed here are all ordinary gods.

At the very least, the Marshal of the Blood Prison is definitely not here!

This is the best news for him.

As day after day passed, the garrison remained as calm as ever.

Ji Tianxing also observed for several days, and wrote down all the patterns and patterns on the eight stone pillars.

He finally didn't use it to walk around, to observe the stone pillars.

He sat under the altar, closed his eyes and meditated, repeatedly deducing and calculating in his mind.

Five days later, he finally made new progress and found a way to crack the magic array.

Eight days later, after thousands of deductions and predictions, he analyzed the way to crack the magic formation and found a breakthrough.

It's a pity that he can't use his hands to cast spells and try to crack the **** array.

In that case, it will be able to verify the right and wrong faster and find the correct way to break the formation.

As a result, he could only repeatedly deduct and predict in his mind, and chose two different plans.

Unconsciously, half a month passed.

Ji Tianxing was immersed in deduction and calculation, forgetting the passage of time.

There was no change in the garrison of the garrison, and it remained silent.

During this period, the Heavenly War God General who went to the entrance of the abyss to investigate the situation returned to the station alone.

Obviously, he failed to find out the cause and the result, and returned with depression.

After returning to the station and entering the palace on the east side, he never came out again.


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