Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3569: Marshal visits

"Why hasn't the Lord God General come back?"

"The situation is wrong! We can't stop that guy. If the two gods don't take action anymore, the space-time channel will be opened!"

"Hurry up and send a message to the two **** generals and ask them to come and kill the powerful enemy!"

"As of this time, I can't care about any face or face, please send a letter for help!"

"By the way, aren't the two **** masters at the station? When did they leave?"

"This is over. They didn't go out early and late, so they left at this time."

"Don't froze, everyone, after sending the message, let's join forces to besiege, put pressure on those bastards, and never let him open the altar!"

"Yes! Even if we can't break through that shield, at least we can contain that guy!"

Many **** kings discussed for a while, and then flew back to the vicinity of the time and space altar one after another.

The crowd scattered, standing around the time and space altar, surrounded by a red gold shield.

Within the shield, Yunyao, Ji Ke, and Chao Qingyu, among others, are sending their divine power with all their strength to support the Chijin shield.

Taking advantage of the rare gap, Ji Tianxing increased his speed to cast spells to open the altar.

Seeing, twenty **** kings gathered around and started to attack again.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and the others had serious expressions, and their hearts were also raised.

At this moment, over the magma ocean tens of thousands of miles away, there was a dignified cold shout suddenly.

"Bold fanatics, they run wild in front of this seat, looking for death!"

This is a deep and heavy old man's voice, which contains a strong murderous spirit, and it also has the meaning of domineering and majesty.

Suddenly hearing this cold drink, the twenty **** kings stopped casting spells, turning their heads to look.

I saw that in the sky 30,000 miles away, there was a blood-red divine light, which was coming like an aurora.

In just a few breaths, the blood light crossed 30,000 miles and reached the sky above the reef island.

At this time, the twenty **** kings could clearly see the figure in the blood.

In the dark red blood, there are three strong **** kings.

The head is a burly old man with a height of more than ten feet, broad shoulders and a broad body.

This man is as strong as an iron tower, wearing a blood-red battle armor, a purple cloak on his shoulders, and his head with white hair scattered behind his head, dancing with the wind.

His square face with Chinese characters is a bit old and resolute, obviously suffering from vicissitudes of life.

A pair of copper bells with big eyes, as deep as a starry sky.

Seeing this white-haired old man wearing a blood armor, the twenty **** kings were taken aback for a moment, and they all showed joy and excitement.

"It's the marshal!"

"We didn't report to the marshal, why did he come?"

"God! Your Marshal came here personally!"

"Hahaha... the General Marshal is here, those guys are dead!"

"The two **** generals are also back!"

"I see! It's no wonder that the two **** generals are not on the island. It turns out that they have invited the generals!"

There is no doubt that the white-haired old man in blood-colored armor is the famous Marshal of the Blood Prison!

As early as a thousand years ago, this person was already the **** king of the Ninth Stage.

Back then, he followed the Nether God Emperor to fight in all directions, besieged and killed the Sword God's subordinates in the starry sky, and made great contributions.

The character and breath of this person are just like his name.

Anyone who comes into contact with him will feel the **** breath of the dead mountain.

Those who are weaker will be shocked and trembling.

The two **** kings who followed the Marshal of the Blood Prison were the gods of Tianzhan and Qisha.

Both of these two gods have the strength of the Eightfold Divine King Realm.

On any continent in the God Realm, they are all top powerhouses, dominating one side.

But at this moment, they can only follow behind the Marshal of the Blood Prison, respectfully.


In the blink of an eye, the scarlet blood came to the sky above the altar of time and space.

As the blood dissipated, the Marshal of the Blood Prison and two gods would appear.

Seeing them coming, the twenty **** kings all showed relief and hurriedly bowed to pay respects.

"Subordinates, see the General Marshal! I have seen two masters of the gods!"

Everyone bowed and saluted neatly and shouted in unison.

The generals just glanced at them, then withdrew his gaze, staring at the scarlet shield blankly.

The two gods will see the embarrassing and miserable appearance of many **** kings, and they can't help frowning, their faces are not worried.

"What's the matter with you? Can't even hold the station?

Ten palaces were razed to the ground, and the two hundred guards died? "

"Not only was the resident site destroyed, the entire island was torn apart and almost submerged by a sea of ​​magma...

You diners, you don't spend less training resources at ordinary times, but they are so useless at critical moments! "

The two gods reprimanded the twenty **** kings in an angry manner.

Twenty **** kings all bowed their heads in a posture of confession and punishment, no one dared to speak out.

Of course, they knew in their hearts that the two reincarnation gods were actually doing them well.

The Marshal of the Blood Prison came, and he was obviously angry when he saw the tragedy of Reef Island with his own eyes.

If the two master craftsmen don't scold them face to face, and wait until the Marshal of the Blood Prison scolds them, then they will be miserable.

as predicted.

Before the two gods could finish speaking, the Marshal of the Blood Prison raised his hand to interrupt them.

"There is no need to reprimand these guards for leadership. It is not that they are incompetent, but that the opponent is too strong.

The opponent in front of me ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not something they can deal with. "

Hearing the words of the Marshal of the Blood Prison, the twenty **** kings were relieved.

The **** of war will quickly bow and salute, thanking the marshal for forgiveness for all the gods.

The seven evil spirits changed the subject, staring at the golden shield under the altar, and asked: "Marshal, the six guys in the shield, except for a high-ranking king who can barely see, everyone else is infamous. , Your opponent..."

The Marshal of Blood Prison stared at the scarlet gold shield, his breath locked on Ji Tianxing, and grinned sneer: "The real opponent is the guy who casts a spell invisibly and tries to open the altar of time and space.

With so many of us around here, he has already pierced his wings and cannot escape, and he will undoubtedly die.

But you see, he still hasn't appeared, and is still casting spells methodically.

Can those who are waiting for leisure have such determination and confidence? "

The two gods shook their heads.

The Marshal of Blood Prison said meaningfully: "Back then, you two, together with this seat, followed the Divine Emperor's crown and participated in the battle in the outer starry sky.

All of us have seen with our own eyes that the man was wiped out in ashes and fell into the void.

Can you believe it?

The man who has fallen for a thousand years is alive again! "

Tian Zhan and Qisha both raised their eyebrows, their eyes lit up with incredulous expressions.

"Grand Marshal, what are you talking about... the strongest human race?"

"Is it really him?"

The General Marshal sneered and said: "Is it him? This commander will know as soon as he takes the shot!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly raised his right hand, clenched his fist and blasted the red gold shield under the altar.

"Potian Fist!"

With the general scream, a crimson fist as big as a mountain blasted out fiercely.


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