Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3570: The Might of the Blood Prison

Although, the punch of the Blood Prison Marshal did not look gorgeous.

A very simple and simple punch, there is no gorgeous light and shadow, and the punch is not exaggerated.

However, a **** king of his realm has already reached the realm of returning to nature.

His control of the divine power has also reached a nearly perfect state.

Ordinary **** king casts spells, it seems that the sky is full of light, and the light and shadow are huge.

In fact, the power is not strong, and many divine powers have been spilled.

The fist of the Marshal of the Blood Prison condensed the divine power to the extreme.

That mountain-sized fist light was like a real blood-colored gem.

Its power is extremely terrifying, enough to break through the barriers of space, punch into the void outside the domain.

At this moment, the scarlet fist hadn't arrived, and the scarlet gold shield had shook violently, cracking open.

Yunyao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu and others, under great pressure, their bodies became rickets.

There is no doubt that the pure gold shield cannot stop this punch, and must be crushed on the spot.

Everyone in the shield will be killed by a punch!

When life and death were at stake, Ji Tianxing could only give up casting spells, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, and fighting back with all his might.

"Sword of Destruction!"

He shouted angrily, drawing on the power of the Five Elements World, and going all out to cut out the golden sword.


The thousand-foot-long golden sword hit the **** fist fiercely, bursting with a loud noise that shook the world.

In the huge sound of breaking, the golden sword collapsed on the spot, exploding thousands of golden fragments, stirring up a powerful and terrifying shock wave.

The Scarlet Fist Mang was intact, but its speed was slowed down several times, and its strength was mostly weakened.


In the next instant, the weakened and dim light of the fist struck the red gold shield.

In the muffled sound, the red gold shield and **** fist light collapsed at the same time, turning into a flood of divine light, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing must go all out to withstand the casual blow of the Blood Prison Marshal.

Although he dispelled the Heaven-Breaking Fist of the Blood Prison Marshal, the pure gold shield broke down.

He was also pale due to the shock, his breath was disturbed, and he could no longer remain invisible.


He appeared in the flash of light.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu and others hurriedly gathered around him, looking at him with concern.

At the same time, the Marshal of the Blood Prison, two **** generals and twenty **** kings all looked at him in unison, looking at him with complicated eyes.

"Is this guy who blocked our joint siege before?"

"It's still the mighty Grand Marshal, and he blasted his shield with a fist, revealing his true body."

"Strange, this guy is a hundred feet tall, covered with dragon scales, and has a dragon horn on his forehead?"

"He is a dragon? No wonder he is risking his life to open the altar of time and space. He must want to escape back to the dragon world!"

"That's not right, didn't the General Marshal just say that that guy is the strongest human?"

"Don't guess, just see what the Generalissimo says."

With the Marshal of the Blood Prison and two **** generals present, the twenty **** kings have a relaxed mentality and have completely become spectators.

Anyway, their strength is not good, even if the joint siege is not effective, it is better to be happier as an audience.

"Sure enough it is you!"

The Marshal of the Blood Prison stared at Ji Tianxing, and after a moment of careful observation, he suddenly showed a playful sneer.

"Sword God Longtian! Even if you use a secret technique to become a dragon, you can't change your spirit aura, and you still can't hide it from this seat's exploration!"

In the red gold shield, Ji Tianxing stood up like a mountain, looking at the Marshal of the Blood Prison blankly.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu and others stared hostilely at the Marshal of the Blood Prison, very anxious and worried.

Only Bai Feng's expression was the most complicated, and he was so anxious that he almost scolded his mother.

"Fuck... this guy is the Marshal of Blood Prison on Samsara Island? We are on Samsara Island?

Sword God, a lunatic, actually wants to open a space-time channel to go to the dragon world?

Well, now, the Marshal of the Blood Prison and so many God Kings surround us, everyone is dead! "

At this moment, Bai Feng regretted it.

He had known this result long ago, when he was in the Haotian Continent, he would rather die than yield.

In this way, even if the sword **** killed him, at least he would die quickly.

Falling into the hands of the Marshal of the Blood Prison today, I'm afraid it is more terrifying than death!

Although Bai Feng is the domain master of the Vast Sky Continent, he has also heard of the evil names of the leader of the Styx and the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

He knew that these two guys were the right arms of the Nether God Emperor, the famous gods of death and killing.

But he never thought that one day he would meet, and he would still be in this situation.

"How to do?"

Bai Feng is anxious and has no master.

At this time, Ji Tianxing stared at the Marshal of the Blood Prison and asked: "You should have been in Youdu City, how could you arrive in such a timely manner?

There are Tianzhan and Qisha, I clearly saw them both in the palace in the resident..."

In the previous half month, everything went smoothly in Ji Tianxing's plan.

He calculated the time accurately, as long as he opened the time and space altar within three quarters of an hour, he would be able to go to the dragon world smoothly.

Even if someone reported the news to the Marshal of the Blood Prison, the Marshal of the Blood Prison was too late to stop.

Before he opened the time and space altar ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he only needed to deal with twenty **** kings and two **** generals.

But now, things are very different from what he expected.

Hearing his question, the Marshal of the Blood Prison and the two **** generals both sneered jokingly.

The Marshal of the Blood Prison showed a confident smile, and said in a calm tone: "You are right. Before that, this seat has been practicing in Youdu City in retreat.

If there is peace today, there is no war, and this seat is rare for leisure.

All internal and external chores and political affairs are handled by the old guy Styx.

However, the chaos you created in Youdu City made me smell conspiracy and crisis!

If you guessed correctly, Yuwenji steals the God Orb of Good Fortune, should you do it? "

Ji Tianxing did not deny it, frowned, and asked, "Why do you see it?"

The Marshal of Blood Prison smiled more confidently, and explained: "Everyone in Youdu City knows that Yuwenji is a dude who has just broken through the Divine King Realm.

With his little strength, how could he destroy the altar and steal the God Orb?

Therefore, when I knew about this, I suspected that a strong man had taken Yuwenji.

And that night, Yuwenji fled to the south of the city, but was also found out by the commander of the city guard.

This seat sent war gods and a few leaders to chase Yuwenji in the south of the city.

As a result, Yuwenji was killed on the spot, but the **** of good fortune disappeared without a trace.

From that moment on, this seat was very certain, Yuwenji must be taken away by the strong.

Speaking of which, the old man Styx is really dizzy, and he even caused Yuwenba to carry the scapegoat..."

Ji Tianxing frowned and said: "This matter is quite thorough, but not perfect. It can be hidden from the restless people, but it cannot be hidden from you.

But how can you tell that I did it? "


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