Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3572: Law of Void

In the eight hundred li-long space cracks, there is a void that is as black as ink.

This void crack was like a chasm between the Tyrant God Fist and Ji Tianxing.

The two sides of the chasm seem to be only far apart.

But in fact, there are countless layers of space between the two, just like two different worlds.


In the next instant, the Tyrant Fist, which was as large as a mountain, hit the pitch-black void fiercely and exploded with a deafening noise.

The void was shattered, chaotic and turbulent.

However, the Tyrant God Fist also shattered, and soon annihilated in the void.

The punch of the Blood Prison Marshal did not threaten Ji Tianxing and the others at all, and it was completely blocked by the void.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others made a false alarm, secretly rejoicing.

Tian Zhan, Qisha and many **** kings were all dumbfounded and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Damn it! He is so cunning?"

"This guy is so insidious that he didn't face head-on with the General Marshal, but used secret methods to shift the target."

"It seems that this guy may not have much strength, but intrigues and tricks are endless."

"It turns out that strong players can still play like this? I have gained a lot of knowledge, and I will also practice space magic in the future..."

For many **** kings, being able to see the Marshal of the Blood Prison and the Sword God fight with their own eyes can not only feast their eyes, but also learn a lot of combat experience from them.

After all, these two people are both strong men standing at the pinnacle of God's Dao, and their cultivation and combat experience is so rich that they are unimaginable.

While cutting out the Blade of Time and Space, Ji Tianxing was confident and expected the result.

He didn't need to look at it to know that the Tyrant God Fist would definitely be resolved by the void crack.

As a result, he raced against the clock to cast a spell to break the formation, and cast hundreds of divine lights into the altar.

The patterns and patterns on the eight stone pillars lit up again.

Seeing this scene, Tian Zhan, Qisha, and the **** kings all showed anger and cursed.

"Asshole! That guy is delaying time!"

"He is still casting a spell to open the altar, stop him!"

"You can't let the General Marshal fight alone, let's go together!"

When they shouted, Tian Zhan, Qisha and many **** kings shot one after another, performing various magical skills, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing and others.

However, the overwhelming torrent of divine light and all kinds of powerful supernatural skills were blocked by that void crack.

Only heard the loud noise of "Rumble" burst out, the Void Crack was blasted into chaos, and Ji Tianxing and others were safe.

That void crack became their barrier, more effective than any defensive magical power.

Not to mention their middle and upper **** kings, even the nine-layer realm **** kings like the Marshal of the Blood Prison, couldn't help being empty.

Even though he can smash the void, he cannot penetrate, let alone change the void.

Only the will of heaven can dominate the rules of the void.

Even if Ji Tianxing used the blade of time and space to open up that void crack, the will of Heaven would repair it.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that the eight-hundred-mile long and ten-thousand-meter-wide void crack was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After it is completely healed, Ji Tianxing and others will lose their asylum.

However, the Marshal of the Blood Prison and the **** kings couldn't wait for that time.

It takes at least a hundred breaths of time for the void crack to heal completely.

By then, I am afraid that Ji Tianxing has already finished casting his spell and successfully opened the altar!

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was still casting the spell, he kept playing dazzling divine light into the altar.

The two **** generals and many **** kings were anxious and worried, but they were helpless.

Suddenly, a **** king made a suggestion excitedly.

"The void crack is between us and the sword god, no one can help.

However, we can change the direction of the attack!

Let's not stay in the sky, we will all descend to the ground, or get into the ground, we won't be blocked by the void crack. "

As soon as this statement came out, other gods and kings all lit up and tried.

"You're a **** talent!"

"This method is good, you can try it!"

"It sounds weird, but it seems feasible."

While talking, Tian Zhan, the Seven Evil God Generals and many **** kings landed on the ground one after another.

They were on the same plane as Ji Tianxing and the others, and once again teamed up to perform supernatural skills and launched an attack.

This method is indeed feasible, countless sacred light blades and frost flow fire, rushing towards Ji Tianxing and others, but they are not blocked by the void crack.

However, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others simultaneously resisted and cast spells to form a huge shield.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The magical skills of the gods blasted the shield one after another, bursting out loud noises, but failed to injure Ji Tianxing and others.

Seeing this, the Marshal of the Blood Prison also changed the direction of the attack, swinging his fists and punching thousands of punches.

"Rainfall Meteor!"

Thousands of blood-red fist lights poured down like meteors, bypassing the void and cracking, blasting towards Ji Tianxing and the others from all directions.

Every fist light is powerful and terrifying, and tens of thousands of fist light bombards at the same time, enough to razor a hundred thousand miles of heaven and earth to the ground.

"Boom bang bang!"

The shields of Ji Tianxing and others only lasted for a breath before they were blasted into **** by the **** fists.

Immediately afterwards, he used the sword of destruction and cut out a huge sword of golden light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before defeating the sky.

The attack of the Marshal of the Blood Prison had just been resolved, and the two **** generals and many **** kings joined forces to attack.

The magical lights and shadows flying all over the sky, like a rain of arrows, enveloped the figures of Ji Tianxing and others.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu, Bai Feng and others all tried their best to defend and resist.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing could only use the supernatural powers of Shifang Juying, and transformed into four clones.


In the blink of an eye, four of them appeared in the field, and they were all exactly the same in appearance and temperament, making it difficult to distinguish true from false.

He and the three clones swung their swords at the same time, cutting out the sky full of sword light, resisting the siege of the gods.

"Rumble rumbling!"

With a thunderous bang, the attack of the two gods and the many kings was blocked again.

However, Yunyao, Ji Ke and others also paid a heavy price.

Except for Bai Feng who suffered only minor injuries, the others were seriously injured and covered in blood.

Especially Yanke, who was too big and the target was too obvious, the most miserable was beaten, and his body was bloody.

Seeing that everyone's injuries are too serious, their strength is also rapidly weakened, if they continue to be strong, they are likely to be destroyed and even killed on the spot.

Ji Tianxing decisively sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and collected Yunyao, Ji Ke and others into the sacred tower.

Except for Baifeng who was placed on the third floor of the tower, the others entered the warped time and space, and their luck was cured.

Only Ji Tianxing and three clones remained in the field, stubbornly resisting the siege of everyone.

The three clones performed various stunts and entangled and killed many gods.

And his body took the opportunity to cast spells and continued to open the time and space altar.

The array patterns and patterns on the eight stone pillars have been opened to 90%, and only a small part is left.


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