Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3573: Appeared!

time flies.

Most of the void cracks in the sky have been healed.

And Ji Tianxing and the three clones, entangled with the gods and kings for a long time, also took the opportunity to cast spells to open the altar.

Seeing that he is not far from success.

When the array patterns and patterns on the eight stone pillars are all lit up, the time and space channels will appear.

The two gods and many **** kings were anxious, worried and sweating on their foreheads.

"Quickly stop him! The guy who cast the spell to open the altar is his real body, and the others are clones!"

"Don't make a mistake about the target, don't stare at his clone to fight!"

"God! Not only his real body can cast spells, but the clone can also cast spells!"

"Damn it! Don't care about his clones, as long as you kill his real body, those clones will naturally disappear."

The two gods will continue to shout, commanding the gods to besiege Ji Tianxing.

The Marshal of the Blood Prison did not speak, his face was gloomy as ice, and he constantly displayed magical skills, changing his position to attack Ji Tianxing.

Ordinary **** kings can't distinguish between Ji Tianxing's true body and ontology.

But he knew it well and saw it clearly.

The three clones of Ji Tianxing have only half the strength of the body.

Although, the Marshal of the Blood Prison violently attacked dozens of moves and successfully wounded Ji Tianxing.

After ten breaths, he punched another clone of Ji Tianxing.

But Ji Tianxing was stained with blood and disheveled, no matter how embarrassed he looked, he was still casting spells to open the altar.

Unless the Marshal of the Blood Prison can kill him, he can't be stopped at all.

However, Ji Tianxing stayed under the time and space altar, with the altar in front of him, surrounded by eight stone pillars.

The Marshal of the Blood Prison had the means and supernatural powers to destroy the world, but he did not dare to use it easily.

Once he resorted to his unique skills, killing Ji Tianxing at the same time, it would also destroy a radius of 100,000 miles.

Not only will this reef island fall completely, but the time and space altar will also be destroyed.

At that time, the time and space altar will be destroyed, and the time and space passage will naturally be revealed.

In that case, the gains outweigh the losses, and it will cause incalculable losses.

Therefore, the Marshal of the Blood Prison was scrupulous and was unable to use his full strength.

Seeing the array patterns and patterns on the eight stone pillars, all of them were lit up with only a few remaining, the Marshal of the Blood Prison was completely anxious.

He no longer hesitated, burst out all his strength, punched two sky-breaking fists, and blasted at Ji Tianxing fiercely.

Ji Tianxing's body evaded quickly, but was locked in by the Marshal of the Blood Prison with the spirit aura, and it was impossible to avoid it.

He was already seriously injured and very embarrassed.

If he is hit by the fist of breaking the sky again, he will be destroyed even if he is not dead.

At the critical juncture, he did not hesitate to get into the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, temporarily avoiding the edge.


Two big mountain-breaking fists hit the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

But what surprised everyone was that the tower shrank to the size of a dust, hiding under the altar.

While the fist of breaking the sky hit the tower, it also hit the altar.

The entire altar shook violently, bursting with colorful lights, the foundation was obviously unstable, and several cracks broke open.

As for the dusty tower, it was intact, just gleaming with faint black light.

Seeing this scene, the blood prison marshal's face was ashen, gritted his teeth with hatred.

He has been very cautious, and has reduced the power of the Fist of the Sky.

His control of the divine power is very subtle, allowing the power of the sky-breaking fist to hit the target without spreading to other places.

But he did not expect that Ji Tianxing neither evaded nor resisted, and actually got into an artifact.

Moreover, the black tower was indestructible, not to mention blocking his attack, it was shrunk like dust.

This is horrible!

"The king-level supreme artifact?"

The Marshal of the Blood Prison frowned fiercely and stared at the tower carefully.

At this time, Ji Tianxing left the tower again and continued to cast light into the altar.

Tian Zhan, Qisha, and many **** kings also hated Ji Tianxing, and they all rushed forward desperately.

The two clones of Ji Tianxing were killed by the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

He was alone, not only to cast spells, but also to resist attacks from everyone.

Seeing the two **** generals and twenty **** kings culling again, he frowned fiercely, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Sword of Destruction!"

He used this magical power for the third time, and drew on the mighty power of the world to chop out a huge sword.

"Boom bang bang!"

The huge sword swept out, bursting out with the power to destroy the world.

The light and shadow of the gods all over the sky were defeated on the spot and swept away.

The power of the giant sword has not weakened much, and it has severely smashed the heavenly war, the seven evil gods and many **** kings.

Only a loud noise burst out, and the screams of all the gods were smashed and flew back.

There were five middle-ranked **** kings who were cut in two on the spot, and their gods were destroyed.

There were also seven **** kings who suffered heavy injuries and fell into the ruins covered in blood.

Even Tian Zhan and the Seven Evil God Generals were forced back by his sword, scared in a cold sweat.

Only then did they realize that the Sword God is the Sword God after all, even if the realm of strength drops, it is not what they can match.

Only the Marshal of the Blood Prison is qualified to be an opponent against the Sword God and can wound him!


As soon as Ji Tianxing repelled the two **** generals and many **** kings, he was hit by the Marshal of the Blood Prison and flew out.

The person was still in the air, and blood arrows spurted from his mouth and nose.

The bones on his back shattered more than a dozen pieces, and a large pit was sunken ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ golden blood rushed out.

The golden dragon scales covering the body surface were also shattered into several dozen pieces.

No matter how strong his defenses were, he couldn't stop the marshal of the blood prison.

However, as if he could not feel any pain, he did not even scream, flew back to the altar and continued to cast the spell.

"Succumb to death!"

The Blood Prison Marshal roared furiously, and once again punched Xiang Ji Tianxing.

At this time, the void crack in the sky had healed and returned to its original state.

Seeing the fist of the Marshal of the Blood Prison, he was about to hit Ji Tianxing.

His injury was too serious, and his strength fell sharply.

If this is hit by a fist, it will definitely be broken.

In a critical moment, he can only use the secret technique of the whole world to merge with the world in a radius of 200,000 miles.


Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared in an instant, and the fist light as big as a mountain suddenly hit the time and space altar.

As the earth-shattering loud noise exploded, the altar as high as one hundred meters was blasted out of two huge cracks, extending from the foundation to the top.

Suddenly, the altar flashed with divine light, and the power leaked crazily.

The eight stone pillars around the altar also flashed with colorful divine light, and hundreds of millions of array patterns and patterns flashed bright and dark.

Between the heaven and the earth, an incomparable violent aura is brewing, and the invisible power that shakes the heaven and the earth and time and space is emerging from the ground!

A vast and mighty breath enveloped the entire reef island and suppressed everyone.

The two gods and a dozen **** kings all showed horror and dazed expressions.

After the Blood Prison Marshal froze for a while, his face changed drastically and his eyes suddenly widened.

"It's over!"

The Marshal of the Blood Prison secretly said a bad sound, and Xin also mentioned his throat.

Because he knew that the ending he least wanted to see had appeared!


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