Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3586: 1 word each

Despite the sorrow and anger of the Celestial Emperor, his eyes were blinded by hatred and turned into blood.

However, Ji Tianxing didn't know him!

When the two met for the first time, the other party yelled at him for being frantic, and everyone would be confused.

He ignored the Emperor Tianxiang, looked at Lu Ming blankly, and asked, "Lu Ming, what do you mean?"

Lu Ming looked solemn, and said in a low tone: "This is the emperor of the Celestial Elephant Empire. You have been in the Celestial Elephant Empire for a few days before, and you have been to the palace, right?"

"Yes." Ji Tianxing did not deny it.

Lu Ming went on to say: "I heard that you ruined the little princess Tianxiang's martial arts contest and recruited relatives, and the little princess was favored and entangled.

The little princess took you back to the palace for two days. You couldn't bear her entanglement and pursuit, so you killed her... right? "

"What?" Ji Tianxing was startled for a moment, his face full of astonishment: "The little princess was killed?"

"Yes!" Lu Ming nodded blankly and said, "You are the last person she has ever seen. Soon after you left, the maid found out that she had been killed and her death was miserable."

"It's impossible!" Ji Tianxing finally understood, no wonder the Emperor Tianxiang's expression was so sad and angry.

But this matter has nothing to do with him, he categorically denied it.

Seeing that he refused to admit it, the Tianxiang Emperor suddenly roared with a sneer: "Longtian! Don't act anymore. That's the palace, but you who dare to kill my daughter?

I admit that Xiang Yu was young and immature, and indeed had the idea of ​​leaving you behind and marrying you as his wife.

But I told Xiangyu, she will never force you arrogantly.

She is just expressing her affection for you. Even if you don't agree to her, you shouldn't kill her cruelly! ! "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought silently, but could not find a clue.

This incident was too sudden and completely unexpected to him.

Although when he left the Heavenly Elephant Palace, he stunned Xiangyu with the power of the soul.

But Xiangyu was not actually harmed, and would wake up after sleeping for an hour at most.

He couldn't think of anyone in the palace who would take the opportunity to kill Xiangyu?

Seeing Ji Tianxing's silence, Lu Ming frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Long Tian, ​​did you do this?

If you really killed Xiangyu, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation and apologize to the Emperor Tianxiang..."

Before Lu Ming finished speaking, Ji Tianxing shook his head, with a firm expression and a sonorous voice: "This matter has nothing to do with me, I did not kill people!

Xiang Yu did express a good impression on me and kept me again and again, but I refused.

In order to thank her for comforting the Marshal's mansion for me, I left a king-class battle axe for her as a gift, and got up and left.

Anything after that has nothing to do with me, and I don't know it. "

"Really?" Lu Ming frowned suspiciously, and asked.

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said solemnly: "It is true."

Lu Ming was silent, staring at him for a long time, and he had an answer in his heart.

The Emperor Tianxiang refused to believe it, pointing at Ji Tianxing and sneered: "Longtian, even if you lie, you have a limit. How can you make such a brazen fabrication?

You take the king-class battle axe as a gift, thank Xiang Yu for helping you out?

Ha ha ha... When the maid in the palace entered the living room and saw Xiang Yu's body, there was no battle axe at all! "

After speaking, the Emperor Tianxiang bowed to Lu Ming and said mournfully: "Lord of the domain, please be aware that Long Tian is lying!

After Xiangyu was killed, the space ring was worn intact, and there was no king-level battle axe inside. "

"Huh?" Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes flashed with light.

He suddenly found a breakthrough and vaguely understood something.

Lu Ming also noticed this, and asked with a solemn expression, "Did you give a king-level tomahawk?"



Ji Tianxing and Emperor Tianxiang answered in unison, but the answers were completely different.

Lu Ming frowned fiercely, and said in a majestic tone: "Since the two hold each other's words, it seems that this should be a breakthrough point in the investigation of the truth."

Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement.

The Emperor Tianxiang was full of frustration and anger, and he bowed his hands and said in salute: "Lord of the domain, this is clearly a lie compiled by Long Tian!

He was the one who killed Xiangyu..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Ming stared at him sharply, and shouted coldly, "Xiang Jiuge! Don't forget your identity!

This seat will help you uphold justice and investigate the truth of the matter. Of course, you must be fair and just.

Do you still want to instruct this seat to help you judge and punish Longtian? "

The Celestial Emperor's complexion became stiff, and he hurriedly bowed to apologize to apologize, "Domain Lord calm down his anger, his subordinates dare not!"

Lu Ming retracted his icy gaze and ordered in a majestic tone: "Since the matter is in doubt, we might as well go to the Celestial Emperor's Capital in person and investigate it carefully.

Longtian, Xiangjiuge, do you have any objections? "

Ji Tianxing naturally agreed, and the Emperor Tianxiang wanted to oppose it, but after all he failed to summon the courage and could only acquiesce.

So Lu Ming got up and walked outside the temple, and instructed the Moon Eagle God King: "You stay at the Domain Lord's Mansion and wait for the order of this seat at any time. This seat will go to the Heavenly Elephant Imperial Capital."

"Yes." The Moon Eagle God King nodded and hurriedly sent everyone away.

Soon, Lu Ming left the domain master's mansion with Ji Tianxing, Emperor Tianxiang, and two guard leaders ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Lu Ming sacrificed a divine ship, took everyone on board the divine ship, and then left.

Unexpectedly, Pengfei also followed everyone into the Shenship.

Lu Ming frowned to persuade him, but he was soft and hard and insisted to go with him.

Lu Ming didn't want to delay time, so he could only follow him.


The divine ship closed its hatch, flew up to the sky, and rushed to the celestial elephant empire.


Lu Ming's divine ship is a middle-grade king-class divine weapon, and it travels extremely fast.

In just two days, the divine ship arrived in the imperial capital of the Celestial Elephant Empire and landed in the palace.

While the divine light flickered, the divine ship was put away by Lu Ming.

Everyone landed and appeared in the palace.

Time was pressing, and the Emperor Tianxiang did not engage in any rituals, and welcomed Lu Ming's arrival.

Furthermore, Lu Ming acted low-key and didn't want to be public.

Therefore, the Celestial Emperor and the two guard leaders directly led everyone to the place where the incident occurred.

On the way, Ji Tianxing looked at the surrounding palaces, and said silently in his heart: "I thought I would pass by here and would never come back in this life.

Unexpectedly, he only left for a few days and returned here.

It was probably the king-level inferior magic axe that killed Xiangyu, right? "

Although, he has no impression of Yu Yu.

It's not like it or hating it.

It was just a passer-by in his long life, and it would not have caused any waves.

But now that Xiangyu was killed by someone, it would definitely delay him for a while, and it would also add a wave of waves in the ordinary journey of the dragon world.

Of course, even if time goes back, he will still refuse Xiangyu decisively and not stay in Tianxiang Emperor.

The difference is that he will never give a king-level tomahawk as a gift.


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