Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3587: First signs

After a while, everyone rushed to the place where the incident occurred and went to the Cloud Palace.

Because Xiangyu was killed, Xingyun Palace had long been surrounded by the Imperial Guard.

The guards and maids in Xingyun Palace were also arrested and guarded strictly, waiting for interrogation at any time.

Lu Ming, Ji Tianxing and others walked to the Yun Palace and stood still in the courtyard outside the living room.

The Emperor Tianxiang pointed to the living room a hundred steps away, and took the initiative to introduce: "My lord, that is where the little girl was killed."

Lu Ming nodded, released his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire Xingyun Palace, and began to search for anomalies.

And that living room was the focus of his search.

Although, Xiang Yu's body was taken away long ago and kept carefully.

But there were still blood stains on the floor of the living room, still exuding a touch of supernatural power.

It's a pity that Lu Ming probed for a long time, but couldn't find any useful clues.

So he turned his head to look at the emperor of the sky, and said: "Bring the body of Xiangyu here. I have to check it. Maybe we will find it."

The Celestial Emperor hesitated for a moment, and was about to nod in agreement.

However, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "No need."

Lu Ming and the Emperor Tianxiang both turned their heads to look at him, revealing doubts.

"What do you mean?"

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "If you can tell who the murderer is from Xiangyu's injury, then the murderer would be too stupid."

The Emperor Tianxiang frowned and sneered: "Long Tian, ​​you dare not see the little girl's body, is it because of your guilty conscience that you dare not face her?

Or, what do you want to hide on purpose? "

Lu Ming frowned and asked Ji Tianxing, "Apart from examining Xiang Yu's body, what other way can you prove your innocence?"

Ji Tianxing said with a certain tone: "That day, after I left here, there were still people here!"

It turned out that when Lu Ming used his spiritual knowledge to explore Xingyun Palace, he was also performing magical skills to check the situation of Xingyun Palace.

He used the magical power to trace the flow of time to check the situation in Xingyun Palace on the day he left.

Although the matter has passed for several days, even if we use time to trace the magical powers, the clues found are very vague.

But he clearly detected that someone had indeed entered the living room after he left.

Unfortunately, he could not detect the strength of that person, let alone his appearance and race.

"Are you sure?" Lu Ming's eyes lit up, showing expectations.

Ji Tianxing nodded to confirm, "It will be clear if you call all the guards and maids of Xingyun Palace over for interrogation."

The Celestial Emperor frowned for a while, as if he wanted to say something, but was silent again.

According to Ji Tianxing's suggestion, Lu Ming instructed the Emperor Tianxiang: "Bring the guard and the maid!"

The Celestial Emperor said obediently, and waved to the two guard leaders.

In a short while, the two guard leaders escorted more than 20 guards and maids to the yard.

All of these guards and maids lowered their heads tremblingly and panicking.

When they came to the yard, they didn't need anyone to speak, they all knelt on the ground in fear, and they didn't dare to let out the atmosphere.

Lu Ming released the mighty soul pressure, covering all the guards and maids, and asked in a deep voice, "Who else was here after Long Tian left Xingyun Palace on the day of the incident?"

The guards and the maids were already panicked, and were enveloped by his coercion. They were shocked at once, all of them lying on the ground like earth-colored faces, shivering like chaff.

Many people shook their heads to express ignorance, but there were two bear guards, but their voices trembled and said: "It's the national teacher... the national teacher has been here!"

Lu Ming got the answer he wanted, and waved to the other guards and maid to leave.

With only two bear guards present, Lu Ming asked again: "Say, what is the national teacher doing? He didn't enter the living room?"

This time, before the two bear guards answered, the Emperor Tianxiang took the initiative to explain: "Lord of the domain, the national teacher teaches Xiangyu to practice, and the relationship between the two of them is very harmonious.

As usual, that day was the day when the teacher of the Chinese National Teachers College, Xiang Yu, taught her to solve her problems...

The national teacher explained this to me, and I believe this matter has nothing to do with the national teacher! "

In the eyes of the Emperor Tianxiang, other people are likely to kill Xiangyu, but the national teacher will not.

Guo Shi is a predecessor with high morals and good conduct. For thousands of years, there has been no place to be criticized.

Moreover, the national teacher is loyal to the celestial elephant empire, and the subject Yu also loves it.

But Lu Ming ignored this, glanced at the Emperor Tianxiang, and said blankly: "You have known that the national teacher has been here, why didn't you say it before?

No matter how much you believe in the national teacher, he did enter the Xingyun Palace after Long Tian left and before Xiang Yu was killed!

Therefore, he is most suspicious! "

"No, no..." The Emperor Tianxiang waved his hand quickly to excuse the national teacher: "My lord, I believe in the national teacher. All the people in the capital know the character of the national teacher and will never..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Ming interrupted him and continued to interrogate the two bear guards.

"Has the National Teacher entered the living room?"

The two bear clan guards hesitated for a while before repliing tremblingly: "Yes."

Lu Ming continued to ask: "How long has he been in? When will he leave? Have you said anything?"

The two bear clan guards shook their heads quickly, and said in a panic: "Subordinates don't know."

"We don't know when the national teacher left ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until the maid Ahong found out that the princess was killed, we didn't..."

After hearing this, Lu Ming and Ji Tianxing already had the answer.

The Emperor Tianxiang insisted on his own opinion, and said with a certain tone: "Lord of the domain, you shouldn't be distracted by Longtian! How could the national teacher kill Xiangyu?"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "It's useless if you believe it. Finding out the truth and restoring the cause of Xiangyu's death are the most urgent tasks!

Xiangyu was safe and sound when I left, and then the national teacher entered the Xingyun Palace.

If Xiangyu had died at that time, the national teacher would definitely report it to you.

But he did not, which shows that Xiangyu is still alive.

But the guards only saw the national teacher enter the Xingyun Palace, but did not know when he left, and then a maid found that Xiangyu had been killed. "

Having said that, Ji Tianxing stared at the Celestial Emperor, and said indifferently: "The Celestial Emperor, I have sorted out the sequence of things very clearly.

Who is the real murderer, at a glance! "

"This..." The Heavenly Elephant Emperor was suddenly at a loss.

Even if he believed in the national teacher again, he couldn't argue with the facts.

Lu Ming didn't talk nonsense at all, and directly ordered: "Bring the national teacher here, and I will interrogate myself!"

The Celestial Emperor hesitated and was in a dilemma.

But after all, he didn't dare to defy Lu Ming's order, so he could only ask the guard commander to send the interrogation.

Everyone stood in the courtyard, waiting quietly.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Ming asked Ji Tianxing through a voice transmission secretly: "Brother Dragon, how do you know that someone has been to Xingyun Palace after you left?

Have you mastered the power of time, can you turn back time and see what happened a few days ago? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said nothing.

Lu Ming had the answer in his heart, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.


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