Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3588: This is the truth

Time is one of the most mysterious and difficult to control forces in the world.

Only the pinnacle **** can control time.

For example, let time stand still, or accelerate, or flow backward.

But it is limited to a very short time.

Lu Ming had always thought that Ji Tianxing was still a middle-ranked god, and he hadn't improved much compared to a thousand years ago.

In other words, this is a fallen genius, who has already disappeared.

But at this moment, Lu Ming suddenly realized that things seemed different from what he thought.


Before long, the national division was brought by two guard leaders.

This is a high-ranking **** of the Ninth Realm, and he is a loyal and benevolent Celestial Elder.

As the Celestial Emperor said, this kind of respectful old man must be of noble character and dignified manner.

In addition, he is Xiangyu's master, no one can believe that he will kill Xiangyu himself.

"The veteran sees the lord of the domain and has seen the emperor!"

The Chinese teacher came to the courtyard and stood still, bowing to Lu Ming and Emperor Tianxiang.

Lu Ming looked majestic, staring at him with cold eyes, secretly exerting spiritual coercion, and shouted: "Master, you have been here after Longtian left Xingyun Palace that day.

I ask you, what are you doing in Xingyun Palace? "

The Chinese teacher bowed and replied calmly: "As usual, once every ten days, teach the little princess to practice."

Lu Ming asked again: "Then what was Xiang Yu doing when you entered the living room? Have you ever seen a king-class battle axe?"

"This..." The national teacher hesitated, his eyes a little blank.

But just for an instant, he replied calmly: "The little princess had been killed at that time and fell in a pool of blood.

As for the king-level battle axe, the veteran has never seen it. "

The Emperor Tianxiang was obviously relieved, while Lu Ming frowned.

Ji Tianxing did not change his face, but a sneer flashed under his eyes.

Lu Ming asked again: "Since you saw the little princess being killed, why didn't you report it to the emperor?

Also, when did you leave?

Why did the guards and maids of Xingyun Palace only see you come in, but no one saw you leave? "

"Old official..." The national teacher hesitated for an instant before repliing: "The old official was in a state of confusion, at a loss, and dare not say anything, so he could only leave quietly.

After all, the veteran had no idea that the little princess would be killed in the palace.

This matter is of great importance, and the veteran dare not speak out so as not to cause panic.

But who would have thought that not long after the old minister left, before he could report to the emperor, the maid of Xingyun Palace found out..."

Although this reason is a bit far-fetched, it is not a strong word.

For a time, Lu Ming was also a little speechless, and he didn't know how to continue the questioning.

The scene was silent and the atmosphere was a bit rigid.

Ji Tianxing, who had not spoken all the time, spoke at this moment.

He stared at the national teacher, secretly used the Secret Technique of Soul and Soul, and asked in a low voice: "National teacher, you are lying!

When you entered the living room, Xiangyu was unscathed, but passed out and fell to the ground.

That was because I knocked her out with the power of the soul to get rid of her entanglement.

And the scarlet tomahawk was placed on the jade table in the living room at that time! "

Hearing this, the national teacher raised his head impressively, staring at Ji Tianxing angrily, and said with a sneer: "A bunch of nonsense! These are all compiled by you!"

Although, he was very angry.

But Ji Tianxing found that deep in his eyes, he was a little confused and a little nervous.

There is no doubt that the national teacher is guilty, but a little confused.

Such a complicated and subtle change in the eyes is naturally invisible to the emperor of the sky, the commander of the guard and Pengfei.

But Ji Tianxing could see clearly, and Lu Ming was also aware.

Ji Tianxing continued: "Originally, you came to teach Xiangyu cultivation as usual.

You didn't mean anything, so when you came, you were upright and were seen by two bear guards.

But when you enter the living room, you find that Xiangyu is unconscious, and there is a king-level artifact on the table!

It is that king-level artifact that arouses your greed and makes you murderous.

You coveted that battle axe, and you were afraid that things would be revealed when Xiangyu woke up, so you killed her!

Then, you quietly escaped from Xingyun Palace with your battle axe.

This is the truth! "

The National Teacher was stunned on the spot, looking angry and disdainful on the surface, and his face was full of sneers.

But deep in his eyes, there was a trace of panic and panic.

"Fart! You are slander, you are spitting blood!"

The national teacher recovered and angrily accused Ji Tianxing.

The Emperor Tianxiang was also full of indignation, and said to Lu Ming: "Lord of the domain, you have seen with your own eyes, Long Tian's nonsense, wantonly fabricating and slandering the national teacher.

By doing this, he just wanted to clean up the crime and blame the national teacher! "

Lu Ming didn't express his opinion. He took a deep look at Ji Tianxing before he said: "Search the national teacher, check his space ring, and his residence!

As long as you find that king-class battle axe, the truth will come to light! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and agreed.

The Emperor Tianxiang hesitated, but the national teacher said with a stubborn neck: "Search, just search!

The veteran has a clear conscience and is not afraid of your search! "

Next, Lu Ming personally searched the body of the national teacher and checked his space ring.

The Emperor Tianxiang brought a large number of guards, and under the supervision of Lu Ming and Ji Tianxing, searched the palace where the national teacher lived~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the divine sense of the two gods, everything in the residence of the national teacher was investigated. It is so clear that it is impossible to let go of even a single particle of dust.

However, everyone was busy for half an hour, but found nothing.

That king-level battle axe is missing!

Ji Tianxing was silent for a moment, frowning in thought.

The emperor of Tianxiang was relieved, the national teacher was full of pride, and sneered: "Longtian, what else do you have to say now?

You are the real murderer, but want to plant the blame on the old man?

no way! "

Lu Ming didn't make a statement. He looked at Ji Tianxing and asked in secret, "Brother Dragon, what else can you do?"

Ji Tianxing replied via voice transmission: "At present, it seems that the suspicion of the national teacher has been removed, but I still believe that the murderer is him!"

After a pause, he said solemnly: "However, I have a bold idea. In fact, he is only an accomplice, and the real murderer is someone else!"

"Huh?" Lu Ming was taken aback for a moment, and said in a weird tone: "Brother Dragon, why am I stunned by you?"

Ji Tianxing continued to explain: "Then put it in an easy-to-understand way of saying that the national teacher had no intention of killing Xiangyu, but he was taken away by a certain **** king!"

"This..." Lu Ming hesitated suddenly, thinking to himself, it was difficult to judge.

Ji Tianxing added: "I believe you have seen it just now. There is a problem with the national teacher's eyes, which is obviously a guilty conscience.

But while he was guilty and frightened, he was still at a loss.

This shows that he knows that he killed Xiangyu, but he doesn't remember what happened.

I guess it was the person who took advantage of his identity to kill Xiangyu and **** the king-level battle axe.

Afterwards, this memory was erased from his soul! "


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