Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3889: Misunderstood

The golden light and sharp blades released by the head of Lu Wu all locked in the spirit of Ji Tianxing.

Dozens of golden light and sharp blades spread out, shooting from all directions, forming a huge sword net.


In the next instant, the golden sword net formed by more than seventy sword lights blocked a radius of ten li, confining the space.

Each sword light releases a sharp sword energy, as well as a powerful space power.

This is exactly the space supernatural power that the patriarch Lu Wu is best at. He believes that the assassin has been blocked by Jianwang and can no longer assassinate others.

Not to mention that the assassin is the **** king of the Ninth Stage, even the pinnacle **** king can never escape.

Facts have proved that Lu Wu's patriarch is not so famous, he is indeed strong.

After Ji Tianxing assassinated the elder, he was blocked by the Golden Light Sword Net before he could escape.

Although, the sharp and unparalleled sword aura and space power could not hurt him at all.

But he couldn't easily break through the Jianwang blockade, so naturally he couldn't assassinate other people.

"Everyone listened to the order, immediately condensed the battle formation, and jointly suppressed the assassin, forcing him to appear!"

The head of the Lu Wu patriarch walked in the air awe-inspiringly, came outside the Golden Light Sword Net, and gave orders in a majestic tone.

The Lu Wu clan guards and elders, who were still a little worried and unsure, started to take action.

In a short while, more than three thousand people surrounded the golden lightsaber net, forming a circle.

Fourteen powerful gods are in the inner circle, and more than 3,200 gods are in the outer circle.

The five **** kings, including the master of Kongwenyu, also offered their swords to the assassins in the sword net.

"Follow this seat's orders and join forces to cast spells!"

Patriarch Lu Wu issued an order to command the seven **** kings and many **** kings to jointly release their mighty powers and inject them into the golden light sword net.

Suddenly, the sword net became more dazzling, and the sword aura and supernatural power became more violent.

Fortunately, it was just a sword net, formed by magical powers, not a magical formation.

Even if everyone devotes divine power, it can only double the power of Jian Wang.

If it were a divine formation, the power would be several times stronger, and Ji Tianxing would be in trouble.

"Crack! Click!"

With a burst of golden light flickering, the ten-mile space within the sword net was cut to pieces, making bursts of crisp sound.

Ji Tianxing, who remains invisible, is casting a spell to crack Jian Wang.

But his actions were obstructed, and he had to show up to distract everyone.


With a flash of white light, Ji Tianxing appeared in the sword net, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, looking at the head of the Lu Lu indifferently.

The patriarch Lu Wu, fourteen **** kings, and more than 3,000 **** kings all focused on him.

When everyone saw his face clearly, they were all surprised and confused, and many people started talking in low voices.

"He is an assassin?"

"Even so young? Is it really the Ninth Level Divine King?"

"Why does he look so strange? Is he under Long Yan?"

"We know the information about Long Yan and Shenhuo Dongtian very well, but we have never seen this person."

Sure enough, everyone's attention was distracted, and even the power of Jian Wang weakened a bit.

Ji Tianxing's surface was calm, his whole body glowing with sacred golden light, resisting the strangulation and suppression of the sword net.

But secretly, he was still using magical secrets to crack the golden light sword net.

Patriarch Lu Wu stared at him, frowned his brows, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? What is the relationship with Long Yan?"

Although he did not know Ji Tianxing, he still insisted that Ji Tianxing was assigned by Long Yan.

At this critical juncture, only Shenhuo Dongtian would take the risk and send someone to Zixia Dongtian to assassinate.

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Long Yan and I are brothers who worship the handle. We came here to take your life!"

Several **** kings and more than three thousand **** kings all had angry faces, yelling, or mocking or ridiculing him.

But the clan chief, deputy clan chief, and the two law protectors frowned, their expressions gloomy thinking.

"Acknowledge it so bluntly?" Lu Wu seemed to have guessed something, and said with a contemptuous smile: "But I have never heard of Long Yan and a brother who worships the handle.

Boy, you are definitely not from Shenhuo Dongtian, you just want to plant it on Long Yan! "

People's hearts are sometimes so wonderful, if Ji Tianxing conceals, Lu Wu and others will believe that he is the person of Shenhuo Dongtian.

But he admitted it without any scruples, but Patriarch Lu Wu and the two law protectors refused to believe it, and determined that there was fraud.

Ji Tianxing was almost amused, but he didn't leak any flaws on his face, and said blankly: "The battle is about to come, and the Lu Wu clan wants to seize the position of Dragon Emperor. As Long Yan's brother, of course, he will kill you wishful dog thieves. To preserve my brother's throne!"

Hearing these words, the sneer on Lu Wu's face became even worse.

"Hahaha...little beast, you want to fool me with this little ghost trick?

Stop pretending! You are not a person from Shenhuo Dongtian at all!

As far as I know, the chief of the Golden Crow in the south has a lot of friends, and there is a good brother who has never seen his face, secretly giving him a lot of help.

That guy is you! "

When the loud voice of the patriarch Lu Wu spread across the sky, many **** kings and gods became quiet.

Everyone showed stunned expressions and eyes, quietly looking at Ji Tianxing and Lu Wu, wanting to hear what's going on.

The deputy patriarch and the two guardians did not change their faces. Obviously they knew the secret for a long time and agreed with the judgment of the patriarch Lu Wu.

Ji Tianxing looked at the landed patriarch coldly, and asked, "It's ridiculous! Everyone knows that the Jinwu and Luwu tribes joined forces to flick the gods from the north to the south to defeat Long Yan.

The two races are in a cooperative relationship. How could the chief of Jinwu send someone to assassinate you? "

Patriarch Lu Wu's expression was even more contemptuous, and he said in a joking tone: "Cooperative relationship? Even Huang Maozhi knows that nowadays three parties are competing for the throne. How can cooperation be possible?

The Jinwu clan is the weakest. All day long, I hope that our clan and Shenhuo Dongtian will lose out. He can reap the benefits of the fisherman. This is a well-known thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the war is coming, but the situation is still deadlocked. , The Golden Crow is just doing something, don’t you know when you are here?

Based on the scheming of the ancestor of the Golden Crow, he would definitely send someone to sneak into the Zixia Cave, assassinate the **** king and elders of our clan, and lay the blame on the Shenhuo Cave.

In this way, under the anger of this seat, he will launch an attack desperately.

When the time comes, our clan and Shenhuo Dongtian will lose out and the Jinwu clan will take advantage of this opportunity! "

Obviously, Patriarch Lu Wu has always been wary of the Jinwu tribe and has his own calculations.

Ji Tianxing just wanted to laugh, but he also felt that Lu Wu's guess was not unreasonable.

So, he shouted in a deep voice: "Even if your analysis is thorough, how about? Your **** king has been killed by this king more than twenty.

Such a heavy loss was enough to affect the situation of the battle. "

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