Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3890: guessed wrong

"Ha ha ha... Do you think that the loss of more than 20 **** kings in our clan can change the outcome?

You are too naive, and you underestimate the strength of our clan! "

Patriarch Lu Wu gave a disdainful sneer, his body was full of murderous intent, and he shouted angrily: "Your last words are finished, you can go to death!"

When the voice fell, he pinched the seal of the gods with both hands, manipulating the golden lightsaber net in a radius of ten miles, and burst out the power of destroying the world.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, dozens of golden sword lights smashed towards Ji Tianxing like thunder.

The seven **** kings and many **** kings also urged the divine power to the extreme and enhanced the power of sword light.

Patriarch Lu Wu was confident that even if the opponent was the Peak God King, he would be seriously injured by this blow.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

When dozens of Jianguang initiated the assassination, Ji Tianxing's figure suddenly disappeared.

He grasped a flaw in the operation of Jianguang, broke the blockade of Jianwang in an instant, and escaped from the scope of Jianguang.


After a quarter of an instant, he moved thousands of miles away and appeared on the side of the encircling circle.

The dozens of sword lights that ruined the world and the earth fell to the ground on the spot, smashing into a towering mountain peak.


The earth-shaking loud noise exploded, and the towering mountain peaks as high as three thousand feet were split into a pile of ruins by the sword light, splashing soot into the sky.

The shrines and houses on the mountain were naturally wiped out.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing was full of golden light, urging the power of the indestructible golden body, and arrogantly killed many gods.

The target he chose to attack was considered a weaker place in the encirclement.

There are no strong gods around, only more than a hundred guards of the gods.

Seeing him swinging a sword to kill him, many of the guards stared in anger and tried their best to counterattack.

"Yu Xu Ba Dao!"

"Ice Extreme Palm!"

"Fencheng Divine Flame!"

"Eighteen deadly swords!"

"Wind and rainy dragon claw!"

Numerous guards have performed their hole card stunts, releasing divine lights and shadows that cover the sky and sun, and blast towards Ji Tianxing like a monstrous flood.

However, Ji Tianxing couldn't avoid it, ignoring the siege of everyone, and rushing forward.

Relying on the super defense of the immortal golden body, he forcibly underwent all the magical attacks, and he was unharmed.

But he swung his sword to cut out the sky full of sword light, and fell into the crowd, but burst out a lot of blood.

"Boom bang bang!"

The guards of the Divine Sovereign Realm, under the slash of the colorful sword light, were as weak as paper, and were instantly strangled to pieces.

There was a rain of blood flying all over the sky, splattered flesh and limbs, and several miserable howls.

In this way, Ji Tianxing tore a gap in the encircling circle under the full view of everyone, and rushed out as quickly as lightning.

"kill him!"

"Stop him, don't let him run away!"

"He must be sentenced to death, and the corpse must be broken into pieces!"

Many elders, deacons, and guards roared in anger.

Without an order from the head of Lu Wu, the crowd broke out at the fastest speed and pursued Ji Tianxing.

As a result, more than three thousand people, like a mighty torrent, chased Ji Tianxing to the depths of the cave.

Ji Tianxing was not really fleeing, but luring everyone to pursue him, so that he could quickly kill him.

If everyone stays in place and joins forces to form a battle formation against him, no matter how strong he is, he will suffer.

After all, Patriarch Lu Wu and the dozen or so **** kings are not vegetarian.

At this time, everyone instinctively chased him down, unable to form a battle formation and attack together. It was the best time for him to fight back.

"Sword Rain!"

After escaping twenty thousand miles away, Ji Tianxing brandished the Sky Burial Sword and used his unique tricks.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of stars lit up in the high sky, pouring down like a meteor shower.

That is a giant sword of more than 40,000 stars, each of which is thousands of feet long and terrifying.

The giant sword has not yet fallen, and there is a violent sword intent and suppression force, covering more than three thousand guards.

Not far away, Lu Wu's patriarch, deputy patriarch and others realized that the situation was not good when they saw everyone chasing Ji Tianxing.

They were about to give an order to stop the hunting, but it was too late.

Seeing the overwhelming stars and giant swords blasted down and looking at the panic expressions of more than 3,000 guards, the clan chief, deputy chief and two guardians of Lu Wu suddenly changed their complexions.

"It's over! They got it!"

"Damn thief, it's so mean!"

This thought flashed through everyone's minds, inexplicably sad and angry.

The deputy patriarch and the two protectors only have the strength of the eighth and ninth layers of the Divine King Realm, and it is too late to cast a spell to stop Ji Tianxing.

Only the patriarch Lu Wu was the pinnacle **** king, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice the double swords, cut out thousands of blades, and blocked the sky full of stars.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

In the next instant, thousands of sword lights containing the magical power of the law collided with the giant sword of the stars, and there was a loud noise that shook the sky.

At least 8,000 star giant swords collapsed with the blade light, exploding hundreds of millions of divine light fragments.

However, there are still more than 30,000 star giant swords, carrying the power of destroying everything, drowning many guards.


In the loud noise of the deafening, more than 3,100 guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm were bombarded and killed by the Star Giant Sword, leaving no bones.

The rain of blood splashed, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and the world was filled with a thick **** atmosphere, as tragic as Shura Purgatory.

The land with a radius of thousands of miles and dozens of towering peaks were also bombarded by giant swords.

This area was in ruins, leaving numerous pits and gullies on the ground.

The endless dust is flying, covering the sky, making the world a chaos.

The clan chief, deputy clan chief and the two guardians of Lu Wu were dizzy and cold inside.

With this move alone, there were more than 2,800 guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm who were bombarded on the spot and wiped out.

The more than two hundred guards who survived were also badly wounded and bloody, lying dying in the ruins.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the world became quiet.

Above the sky, only the chief of Lu Wu and a dozen **** kings were left facing each other with Ji Tianxing thousands of miles away.

Everyone looked at the **** rain and the devastated scene, their eyes were red with anger, and their bodies trembled.

"Ahhhhh! You devil, executioner, you are unforgivable!"

"Miscellaneous! My clan and the Jinwu clan don't share the same sky!"

"Today, this seat will not only set you down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will destroy the Jinwu tribe in the future and let you repay it a hundred times!"

The deputy patriarch, two guardians, and several **** kings all roared hoarsely, venting their terrible anger.

Only Patriarch Lu Wu remained silent, trying his best to suppress his anger, his expression gloomy.

He stared straight at Ji Tianxing, his eyes sharp as swords, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You are not the Ninth Stage, you are the King of the Peak!!"

Others can't see through the truth. As the Peak God King, he can certainly see that Ji Tianxing is definitely the Peak God King.

Otherwise, there can be no such terrifying power and means!

And the brother of the Golden Crow patriarch is definitely not the Peak God King.

Therefore, Patriarch Lu Wu finally realized that he had guessed the identity of Ji Tianxing wrong!

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