Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3891: Escape into the void

"You are not the brother of the Golden Crow ancestor, who are you?"

Patriarch Lu Wu clasped the magic knife in both hands, with blue veins looming on his forehead, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

"I just reacted now, isn't it too late?" Ji Tianxing said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, teasing: "I said at the beginning that I am Long Yan's brother."

"Long Yan's brother?" Patriarch Lu Wu frowned, staring at Ji Tianxing, searching for memory quickly in his mind.

"But in the entire Red Dragon Continent, the only dragon among the dragons is Long Yan, the pinnacle **** king. I have never seen you before..."

Ji Tianxing's smile was even more interesting, "Who told you that this king belongs to the Chilong Continent?"

"You..." Lu Wu's clan leader's face became stiff, he suddenly guessed something, and his pupils suddenly tightened.

"I see, you are Longtian!

You are the Dragon Heaven who defeated the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and controlled the Star Origin Continent!

More than a thousand years ago, you were the only disciple of Emperor Fengtian! "

Regarding the change of the throne of Xingyuan Continent, Long Yan knew about it a year ago, and of course the head of Lu Wu also received the news.

As early as then, he knew the identity of Long Tian.

He just didn't expect that after Long Tian occupied Xuanji Dongtian, he was not in a hurry to control the Star Source Continent, and he would come to the Scarlet Dragon Continent!

It was because of this negligence that he made a wrong judgment.

"It turns out that Long Yan knew he was invincible, so please come and help.

You can leave the matter of Star Source Continent, and travel across the ocean to help Long Yan... You are really brotherly! "

The head of the Lu Wu clan had a hideous face, gritted his teeth and sneered, and his icy tone revealed deep hatred.

The deputy patriarch also trembled with angry hands, and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Long Tian! You insidious and despicable beast, you are indeed a scheming cunning man.

From the beginning, self-confessed identity, but let us guess the wrong answer. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "I am so upright and honest, and I don't bother to pretend to be. If you ask, I will answer.

It’s because you are too suspicious, making clever speculations, what is my business? "

The deputy patriarch was choked, and his anger was blocked in his chest, his face turned blue and purple, and his whole body was trembling.

Patriarch Lu Wu frowned fiercely and shouted in a cold tone: "Little beast, this is the end of the matter, no more nonsense.

This constellation will kill you first today. After seizing the seat of the Chilong Emperor in the future, this constellation will take control of the Chilong Continent, and will definitely go to the Star Source Continent to seize your foundation!

At that time, this seat will become the first dragon emperor in the history of the dragon world, occupying two continents! "

"Want to fart?" Ji Tianxing gave him a scornful glance.

"Suffer!" The patriarch Lu Wu was furious, shouting angrily, brandishing two swords to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

"Split Sun Rainbow!"

The two purple gold divine knives were filled with infinite divine power, containing nearly two hundred laws and divine powers, cutting out two stunned changhongs, and flanking Ji Tianxing from left to right.

As soon as the colorful Changhong came out, the sky was cut across thousands of miles, cracking the pitch-black space.

Patriarch Lu Wu had locked on Ji Tianxing's spirit aura, making it impossible for him to avoid and escape.

The surrounding tens of thousands of miles were also imprisoned, and it was impossible to teleport and escape.

Facing such a shocking blow, Ji Tianxing was not afraid, his luck urged the power of the indestructible golden body, and he waved the Heaven Burying Sword with both hands to launch a confrontation.

"The Blade of Time and Space!"

Ji Tianxing urged ten percent of his supernatural power, poured it into the Heaven Burying Sword, and instantly cut out two blazing giant swords.


Two blazing white sword lights collided with the colorful Changhong, bursting out a shattering sound, echoing between the sky and the earth.

Countless divine light fragments burst out, turning into a terrifying hurricane, sweeping the world.

More than a dozen **** kings were closer, and the deputy patriarch, two guardians and several elders were strong enough to withstand the hurricane.

The four lower **** kings who followed Kongwen Yuyu were killed on the spot, flying upside down and wounded all over their bodies.

The full fight between the pinnacle **** kings is definitely not something the next **** king can approach and resist.

At the very least, you need a middle-ranked **** to be eligible to participate in the war.

Ji Tianxing and the patriarch Lu Wu fought against each other, no one took advantage, but the sky was broken.

Several spatial cracks appeared in the high sky, as well as dense voids.

Ji Tianxing knew well that Zixia Dongtian was the home of Lu Wu.

If he continues to fight in the sky in Zixia Cave, Patriarch Lu Wu can do a lot of tricks, and his divine power will hardly be exhausted.

So, he decisively passed through the cracks in the space and escaped into the dark and cold void.

"The thief should go away!"

Seeing Ji Tianxing turned around to'run away', the furious patriarch Lu Wu did not hesitate to catch up.

The deputy patriarch, two guardians and several elders also hurriedly passed through the cracks in the space and chased into the void.

They are all high-ranking gods, even if they enter the void to fight, there will be no danger.

The Kongwen Domain Lord and several middle-ranked **** kings all had a guilty conscience and hesitation.

With their realm of strength, if they encounter a void storm or black hole in the void, their lives will be in danger.

What's more, the Dragon Heaven they were about to besieged was the real peak **** king.

If you rush into the void rashly, you will probably die.

Out of instinct, they don't want to enter the void to fight.

But Patriarch Lu Wu and several guards and elders all chased into the void first, how could they shrink back?

Everyone hesitated for a moment, then made up their minds and bit their heads into the void.

Although, they put on a posture filled with righteous indignation and murderous spirit.

However, the few middle-ranked **** kings were tacitly tacit, just pretending to be on the surface, and would not pursue and kill them with all their strength.

As a result, shortly after everyone entered the void, they separated their distance.

Ji Tianxing at the forefront has penetrated into the void for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Patriarch Lu Wu followed closely, wielding double knives and constantly attacking, never being thrown away by Ji Tianxing.

Thirty thousand miles away, there are the deputy chief, two guardians and several elders.

They were eager to kill the enemy, and they all rushed to the extreme with their best speed.

The Kongwen Domain Lord and others were hanging at the end of the team, seven to eight thousand miles away from the protectors and elders.

They were all praying silently, hoping that Chief Lu Wu would kill Long Tian as soon as possible so that they would not have to take risks.

No matter how bad it is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, even if the chief of Lu Wu can't kill Longtian, he can be severely injured.

In this way, after they arrive, they can beat down the water dog, without having to bear the danger.

However, things backfired.

Ji Tianxing and the patriarch Lu Wu pursued and killed 300,000 li, but did not fall into the wrong, and even held the initiative.

He didn't fly at full speed, he seemed to slow down deliberately, waiting for the law protectors and elders to catch up.

After the two guardians and four elders arrived and joined the battle group, he even abandoned the patriarch Lu Wu and tried his best to kill the elders.

"Daylight sword!"

"Long Xiang Shen Fist!"

Suddenly, a little cold light bloomed in the void, and it instantly expanded hundreds of millions of times, turning into a dazzling scorching sun, covering the three elders.

A shadow of a dragon elephant fist as big as a mountain, also carrying the power to destroy everything, blasted towards another elder.

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