Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3893: Regret it

The power of the Meteorite whip has been seen many times by the deputy chief and two guardians.

Except Long Yan, no one can resist the power of the Meteorite whip.

Whenever Lu Wu was hit with the Meteorite whip, he would basically end up dead or crippled.

Therefore, the deputy chief and the two guardians were blindly confident in the power of the meteor whip.

Even the patriarch Lu Wu was full of confidence, his consciousness locked on Ji Tianxing who flew out, and his heart was full of expectations.

He wanted to see how much the whip had hurt the opponent just now.


Thirty thousand miles away, Ji Tianxing removed the powerful impact and stopped firmly in the void.

The golden light lingering on the body's surface is still intact.

He was also unharmed, not only without external injuries, but also without internal injuries, and there was no obstacle to the operation of the divine power.

"The defensive power of the Immortal Golden Body is really strong. Fortunately, the blood is only a nine-level **** king, not the peak **** king.

If not, I will never be able to defeat him and **** the Immortal Golden Body. "

The same magical tool has different powers in the hands of different people.

In Ji Tianxing's hands, he was invincible only with an indestructible golden body.

However, Patriarch Lu Wu and others kept staring at him.

Naturally, he would not appear unscathed, and immediately pretended to be divinely disordered and internally injured.

At the same time, he made a strong hold, unwilling to show weakness.

At this moment, his acting skills are very meticulous and subtle.

The complicated mood that hurts but doesn't want people to see through is vividly displayed.

Thirty thousand miles away, the smiles of the deputy chief and the two guardians stopped abruptly, and the excitement and anticipation quickly faded.

"What's the matter? Why is he not injured?"

"It shouldn't be! He was obviously hit by the Meteorite whip, how could he be safe?"

The three of them were unbelievable, staring at Ji Tianxing with gloomy expressions.

Patriarch Lu Wu showed a sneer, and said confidently and confidently: "Don't worry, he is injured, he is just bracing him."

Obviously, his observation ability is more keen, and his vision is more vicious, he has already seen through Ji Tianxing's ‘camouflage’.

The deputy patriarch and the two guardians were shocked, and both showed excitement, and rushed over with their swords quickly.

"I knew that the patriarch's meteor whip, he absolutely couldn't hold it!"

"Hahaha...little bunny, he's still trying to pretend to be okay. Now it depends on how he parries."

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

Seeing the three people scattered and rushing over with murderous aura, Patriarch Lu Wu was not idle, holding the meteorite whip and killing Xiang Ji Tianxing.

The first to rush to Ji Tianxing was naturally the deputy chief and two guardians.

The three of them thought that Ji Tianxing was injured, and the patriarch followed behind with the whip, they started the siege without fear.

At this time, the head of Lu Wu was still thousands of miles away from Ji Tianxing.

He suddenly noticed that Ji Tianxing's state was a bit strange, something vaguely wrong.

"Is he not injured, just pretending to be injured?"

This idea flashed in the head of Lu Wu, and he had to transmit a voice message to remind the deputy head and the two guardians to be careful.

But he thought it was unlikely that the Meteorite Whip was the best king-level artifact after all.

Even if Long Tian is the Peak God King, it is impossible to get a whip without getting hurt.

At the moment when Lu Wu Patriarch hesitated, Ji Tianxing was already in trouble.

Facing the siege of the deputy patriarch and the two guardians, he seemed to be slow to respond and had no intention of avoiding or resisting.

It wasn't until the light and shadow of the heavenly magical technique was about to hit him that he suddenly swung the Heaven Burying Sword, cutting out a huge sword of golden light that was ten thousand feet long.

"Sword of Destruction!"

Ji Tianxing ignored the attack of the three people, and with the indestructible golden body, he went all out to cut out this sword.

He absorbed the power of the Five Elements World, supplemented by the supernatural power of more than 260 laws, to form this golden light giant sword, really has the power to destroy the world.


The giant sword fell from the sky, and instantly hit the deputy chief, swallowed by the brilliant golden light.

With the deafening sound of fragmentation, the deputy chief of the Ninth Layer of the Divine King Realm, with the protection of a king-level high-grade artifact, was still beheaded to pieces, and his flesh and blood flew across.

Only by this move, the deputy chief's **** body was destroyed, the godhead was also severely injured, and he was thrown into the void.

Although, the shattering of the king-level high-grade artifact, in exchange for him to save his life.

But his godhead also cracked, his consciousness became blurred, and he passed out in a coma soon.

Even more frightening is that after the Great Sword of Ten Thousand Zhang severely hit the deputy chief, its power was only weakened by half.


Under the control of Ji Tianxing, the giant sword turned around and slashed towards the left guard not far away.

The guardian on the left and right watched the deputy patriarch being severely wounded, his life and death unknown, already panicked and panicked.

At this moment, seeing the giant sword slashing towards him, feeling the violent power of the law and the aura of destruction, Zuo Hufa turned and fled without hesitation.

Even though he was embarrassed to escape, he didn't care about decency and dignity, and just wanted to survive.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

"Damn it! Only the patriarch can team this kind of peak **** king, why should we intervene?"

Only the peak **** king can deal with the peak **** king, this is the consensus of the dragon world.

Zuo Hufa regretted it so much that he shouldn't take this trip to the muddy water.

But it was too late to regret, and the golden sword was right in front of him, and the turbulent laws and powers were about to drown him immediately.

At the critical juncture, the left guard can only fully urge the armor and the magic sword to resist Jianguang's beheading.


In the deafening sound, the purple divine armor that swelled to a height of a thousand feet was torn into pieces by the huge sword.

The divine sword that was thousands of feet long and horizontal in front of him was also cut off by the golden sword.

Zuo Hufa's two natal artifacts were also destroyed, but they still did not offset the power of the golden sword.


The golden giant sword struck him with a bang, and a dull sound burst out, splashing a large rain of blood.

The Eightfold Left Guardian of the Divine King Realm was chopped on the spot, and the divine body was destroyed.

The broken body was still flying through the void, smashing into the depths of the void.

The frightened Zuo Guardian, the godhead has left the body, and desperately fled towards Zixia Cave.

"call out!"

The godhead that blooms with golden light is like a meteor piercing through the void, fading for thousands of miles.

In his lifetime ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zuo Hufa has never been so panicked like this moment.

As a result, he surpassed the previous limit, and his escape speed reached a new high.

Ji Tianxing did not chase him, waved a sword and smashed the godhead of the deputy chief.


More than a dozen pieces of the godhead splashed out, and with a big wave of his hand, he pocketed it.

But at this time, the patriarch Lu Wu rushed to rescue him, but it didn't help.

Only the clan chief Lu Wu and the right guardian were left in the void, facing Ji Tianxing, who seemed invincible.

The powerhouses under his command were killed one after another, and the patriarch Lu Wu was so angry that he almost lost his mind and ran away on the spot.

The right guardian stared at Ji Tianxing vigilantly, but his hands were shaking, and he no longer had the courage to attack.

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