Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3894: how can that be?

Patriarch Lu Wu stared at Ji Tianxing, forcibly suppressing endless anger and keeping himself calm.

Anger will only make people lose their minds, and even their combat effectiveness will be compromised.

Therefore, he must be calm and composed.

Since he is not in a hurry to attack Ji Tianxing, the right guard is even less stupid enough to take the initiative.

He stood farther than the Lu Wu clan, kept a distance from Ji Tianxing, fully guarded.

As long as the chief Lu Wu doesn't speak, he will never take action.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to take action. He looked at Lu Wu's patriarch with a calm expression, and said: "Your elders and deacons suffered heavy casualties, and Lu Wu's vitality has been greatly damaged.

If you insist on starting a war, the end is doomed. "

Although, the **** kings killed by Ji Tianxing were all in Zixia Dongtian, and they did not lead soldiers on the front line.

However, the power at the rear is empty, unable to be centrally dispatched and supported, and the front line will certainly not last long.

The Lu Wu clan can not be denied, if the war is really launched, the Lu Wu clan will undoubtedly lose.

In addition, most of the elders and deacons were killed and injured, and the power of the Lu Wu clan was greatly reduced, and it took a long time to recover.

If the Golden Crow learns this news, how can they miss the opportunity to make profit?

At that time, most of the Jinwu tribe will have peace talks with Shenhuo Dongtian, and first join forces with Shenhuo Dongtian to destroy the Jinwu tribe!

Therefore, the outcome of the Lu Wu clan is far more than just defeat.

Although the Lu Wu clan leader expected the solution, he also knew the consequences.

But he would never admit defeat, let alone swallow this bad breath!

If you can't kill Long Tian, ​​he will be like a thorn on his back, and he will have trouble sleeping and eating!

"Long Tian, ​​I have to admit that you are right.

When things have progressed to this point, so many elders and deacons have died in our clan, and it is indeed very badly injured.

Once war starts, our clan is likely to lose.

But so what?

The outcome of the war will not be known until it has been fought.

But today, you must die! "

Patriarch Lu Wu was full of golden light, blood-red murderous flames rose, and the meteorite whip in his hand was also burning with anger.

Obviously, even if he was hit hard, he would kill Ji Tianxing.

The right guardian not far away hesitated for a moment before he agreed: "Yes, you must die!"

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and sneered: "If you don't want to die, you should leave as soon as possible. You can't participate in the final battle of the Peak God King."

Right protector couldn't help nodding his head, agreeing with Ji Tianxing's statement.

It's pitiful to see God, in fact, he doesn't want to participate in this fight.

However, when Lu Wu Patriarch's face, he couldn't express this kind of thought.

After all, it's a shame to run away.

This kind of thing can happen to those deacons, guards, and even elders, but it must never happen to him as a protector.

He is a well-known strong man in the Chilong Continent, how can he escape without a fight so humiliated?

But... only him, the patriarch and Longtian are in the void.

As long as the patriarch does not hold him accountable, he does not care about dignity and honor.

"Long Tian, ​​even if you are the Peak God King?

This seat is indeed not your opponent, but as the guardian of the Lu Wuzu, this seat will never fear you.

Even if the war died here, this seat will avenge the dead people! "

You Hufa glared at Ji Tianxing and said righteously.

"Hehe...really?" Ji Tianxing glanced at him, with an undisguised mockery at the corner of his mouth.

He had already seen through the true thoughts of the right guardian.

And Ji Tianxing was not the only one who saw through him.

Patriarch Lu Wu sighed in his heart, there was no anger, only a touch of disappointment.

He turned his back to the right guardian and did not answer, but said in a calm tone: "right guardian, you have the idea of ​​revenge for your tribe, and you are not afraid of sacrifice. I am very pleased.

But in Zixia Cave, those injured people need you more.

Go, to appease our people and protect our homeland! "

Hearing these words, the body of the right protector was shocked, and his face showed a deep shame.

Of course he knew that Patriarch Lu Wu had already seen through his thoughts.

But he knew better that it was useless to stay, and it would not hurt Long Tian at all.

Therefore, after he was silent for a moment, he bowed to the clan chief Lu, and said solemnly: "Thank you, the clan chief, please take care of the clan chief, your subordinates...your orders!"

After the salute, he suppressed his guilt and helplessness, turned and flew towards the Zixia Cave.

After a full twenty breaths, when the right guard flew out more than a hundred thousand miles, the chief Lu Wu said: "Now there are only you and me. You can fight without scruple."

"As you wish." Ji Tianxing raised the Heaven Burial Sword blankly and launched an attack.

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

With a flash of his figure, he teleported thousands of miles away, appeared in front of the chief Lu Wu, slashing his sword severely.

It is ten thousand meters long, like a sword light like a dragon, bursting out the power of shattering everything.

Patriarch Lu Wu suddenly tightened his pupils, and his eyes flashed with shock and surprise.

"You can teleport in the void? How is this possible?"

He knew very well that the space between the void and the dragon world was different, and the gods could teleport in the dragon world, but the distance was different.

But in the void, no one can teleport, even with the power of a divine weapon.

Because there is no space force in the void to control and use.

And now, Long Tian has done it!

Patriarch Lu Wu couldn't understand and couldn't believe it.

It was the shock in his heart and the moment he was stunned, which made his counterattack a little slower.

When he swung the meteorite whip to counterattack, the golden dragon sword light had already been cut off when he sprinkled the heavenly light and whip shadow.


With a loud and deafening noise, Patriarch Lu Wu was smashed and flew back on the spot. The light and armor of the body guard broke, leaving a few gaps in his body.

This is the first time he has been injured since fighting against Ji Tianxing.

Although the injury was not serious, it was caused by the distraction of the head of Lu Wu.

But he still looked solemn and had a bad feeling in his heart.

as predicted.

The result of the next two fighting battles confirmed the premonition of the Lu Wu patriarch.

Since he was injured ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he has been at a disadvantage, completely suppressed by Ji Tianxing, and he has been defeated steadily.

Patriarch Lu Wu didn't know whether he was injured and his strength declined, or the other party finally used his full strength.

All in all, he felt the tremendous pressure, rushing from left to right in the overwhelming sword light and the supernatural power of the law, but he could not get rid of it.

Even if he tried his best to activate the power of the Meteorite whip, he was blocked by Ji Tianxing with an indestructible golden body.

The power of the king-level high-grade artifact was unable to play a decisive role, and Lu Wu's situation became more and more passive.

An hour later, the two sides fought each other to kill more than 8,000 moves.

At this time, the head of Lu Wu was already scarred and weak.

Ji Tianxing is still very powerful and unscathed.

Moreover, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, he also sacrificed the second king-level supreme artifact, the Primal Chaos Clock!

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