Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3895: Make an oath

With only an immortal golden body, Ji Tianxing has stabilized the Lu Wu patriarch.

When he sacrificed the Primal Chaos Bell again, the battle was immediately divided.

There is no doubt that Lu Wu's clan leader was defeated by his sword and was severely injured by him, leaving only 40% weak.

"Om! Om!"

The Primordial Chaos Clock was suspended in the void, releasing endless coercion, and severely suppressed Lu Wu Patriarch.

His clothes were ragged, his armor was broken, and he was standing in the void covered with blood, his body rickety, and his appearance was very miserable.

Especially in his chest, there was a big wound on the washbasin, and the internal organs were clearly visible.

Except for the heart, his other internal organs have been fragmented, turning into blood and gushing out of the body.

Having received such a heavy injury, his divine body was only one step away from collapse.

This is a visible injury, but invisible, there are cracks in his godhead!

Ji Tianxing had put away the Heaven Burial Sword, standing unscathed in the void, looking down at the seriously injured Patriarch Lu Wu.

"You have lost!"

Ji Tianxing's tone was very calm, without the joy or excitement of defeating Patriarch Lu Wu.

The look and tone were as simple as eating and drinking water for him to defeat Patriarch Lu Wu.

"You actually have two superb artifacts?" Patriarch Lu Wu tried his best to support the injury, silently taking the Shen Dan to heal the injury of the Shen body.

Although his godhead was also injured, there is currently no cure.

"As the pinnacle god, it is a great blessing to be able to get a superb artifact.

You actually have two of them, you are simply the luckiest person in this world.

In this way, it is not a shame to lose this seat to you. "

Although Lu Wu lost a long time and suffered a miserable injury, he did not give in.

Anyway, Long Tian came to kill him, he couldn't beat Long Tian, ​​no matter whether he begged for mercy or not, he couldn't escape in the end.

That being the case, it is better to be hardened, at least it can die with more dignity.

Ji Tianxing walked slowly toward the head of Lu Wu, while urging the Primitive Chaos Clock to gradually increase the pressure.

Suddenly, Patriarch Lu Wu, who had a cramped body, made a crackling sound all over his body, and his body was also curled up like dried shrimps.

He struggled desperately, groaning painfully.

Ji Tianxing came to him a hundred steps away, and said blankly: "You are defeated, and your life and death are in the hands of this king."

"Haha...then what are you waiting for? Why don't you kill this seat soon?" Patriarch Lu Wu raised his head with difficulty, staring at him grimly.

"Do you still want to humiliate this seat before killing this seat, and want this seat to beg for mercy?

Pooh! Don't be foolish! "

Ji Tianxing still didn't change his face, "If this king wants to kill you, you are already dead at the moment, why should I talk nonsense with you?

What this king wants to tell you is that your life and death are in the hands of this king, but it also depends on how you choose. "

"What do you mean?" Patriarch Lu Wu was taken aback, frowned and asked: "Aren't you here to assassinate this seat? Would you be merciful and not kill this seat?

Hahaha...Stop acting, I won't be fooled by you! "

Patriarch Lu Wu was very vigilant and didn't believe that Ji Tianxing would let him go.

Regarding this, Ji Tianxing didn't force it, and said indifferently: "Well, since you give up the chance to live, then this king will send you on the road."

When the voice fell, he urged the Primal Chaos Clock to burst out a stronger amount of suppression.

At the same time, he sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword, preparing to punish the head of Lu Wu.

Seeing him bursting out of murderous intent, he was really about to do it, and Patriarch Lu Wu was a little worried and anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Hold on!"

"Why don't you pretend to be a tough guy? After all, I still don't want to die?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows.

Patriarch Lu Wu ignored his teasing and ridicule, and tried to ask: "Are you really willing to let me live?"

Ji Tianxing asked in a deep voice, "Then why do you think this king came to Zixia Cave?

Is it to kill you, or to stop this war? "

"Of course it is to stop this war!" Patriarch Lu Wu subconsciously replied, "I have no grievances or enmity with you. You don't need to kill them all."

"You're not confused yet."

"Then you mean, as long as you can stop this war, you can not kill this seat?" Patriarch Lu Wu finally opened his mind and vaguely understood what Ji Tianxing meant.

Ji Tianxing nodded.

"Really?" Patriarch Lu Wu saw hope of survival, his eyes showed hope, but he couldn't believe it.

Ji Tianxing nodded again.

Patriarch Lu Wu frowned and considered for a while, then said in a low tone: "Okay, I will believe you once!

This seat can now pass the order to let the soldiers on the front line retreat.

Our clan will give up this war, and this seat is guaranteed in the name and honor of the Luwu clan! "

"No, no, it's far from enough." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said in a contemptuous tone: "Patriarch Lu Wu, you think things are too simple.

What this king wants is not only to stop this war, but also countless future battles! "

"What do you mean?" Patriarch Lu Wu was suddenly alert, his expression and eyes became gloomy.

Ji Tianxing sneered: "If you want to survive, you must withdraw all the soldiers and end this war.

Moreover, you have to make sure that you will never seize the seat of the Red Dragon Emperor and never launch similar wars.

You promised in the name and honor of the Lu Wu clan, the weight is too low in my eyes.

You must swear to heaven, make an oath of heaven! "

"Never seize the position of Dragon Emperor, never start a war?" Patriarch Lu Wu glared and roared furiously: "This is impossible! You wishful thinking!"

Ji Tianxing didn't get angry, and sneered at the Heaven Burial Sword in his hands, and said with a sneer, "Since you can't think about it so much, then go to die.

In order to avoid future troubles, after this king kills you, he must get rid of all the **** kings of the Lu Wu clan. "

After speaking, he raised the Heaven Burial Sword again, and his luck urged the dazzling sword light.

"You...you are despicable and shameless!" Patriarch Lu Wu was furious, but helpless.

Seeing that the Heaven Burying Sword lit up with a dazzling sword light, it was about to fall from the sky.

Patriarch Lu Wu finally made a decision after suffering inwardly and hesitating for a while.

"Stop! I agreed!"

After shouting these words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Patriarch Lu Wu seemed to have exhausted all his energy, his steps became staggered and his figure became depressed.

He took a few deep breaths before suppressing the full of grief and humiliation, and said in a low voice: "This seat swears to the sky, from now on, I will never try to **** the position of the Red Dragon Emperor..."

Patriarch Lu Wu's oath was only halfway through, and was interrupted by Ji Tianxing.

"Read it!"

Ji Tianxing took out a jade slip and threw it in front of the head of Lu Wu.

Patriarch Lu Wu didn't know what to do, and when he took the jade slip, he was dumbfounded.

"This...this is a template for the oath of heaven? Are you ready in the morning?"

There are thousands of words in the jade slips, which were formulated by Ji Tianxing, a very formal and strictly forbidden oath of heaven, specially prepared for the patriarch Lu Wu.

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