Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3907: You're right, i'm wrong

Chief Jinwu would not believe that Long Yan would be so kind and deliberately spare his life.

No matter how sincere Long Yan's tone is, he is also on guard and guard.

Even, there is only one thought in his mind.

"Why didn't Long Yan kill me? How could he not kill me? He must have some conspiracy!"

The patriarch of Jinwu was silent, his thinking turned quickly, guessing what exactly Long Yan had conspired.

However, he thought about ten breaths of time and couldn't think of an answer.

"Long Yan doesn't kill me, it must be because he can get more benefits!"

Chief Jinwu firmly believed in this idea, staring at Long Yan with gloomy eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?

If you want to use this to buy this seat, and then to subdue the entire Golden Crow tribe, then this seat advises you to die immediately! "

Long Yan showed a contemptuous sneer, "The Jinwu tribe is a sin tribe, and it has withered to such an extent, do you think this king can see it?

Stop saving a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, hurry up and swear! "

The patriarch of Jinwu was skeptical, and reached out to take the jade slip to check the contents.

He felt that Long Yan's conspiracy and purpose would definitely be hidden in this jade slip.

When he read the vows of heaven in the jade slip with his divine sense, his face suddenly became angry, and endless anger and humiliation burst into his heart.

It wasn't that Long Yan had any conspiracy or purpose. Apart from restricting him and the Jinwu tribe, there was no practical harm.

But the heavenly oath of thousands of words can be described as meticulous, complete, and comprehensive, without a trace of loopholes.

If the leader of the Jinwu clan swears according to this, then he and the Jinwu clan can only dispel their thoughts and will never be able to **** the position of the Dragon Emperor, which is not good for Shenhuo Dongtian!

Unless he dares to ignore God and break his oath.

Otherwise, he will never stand up.

This is the real reason why the patriarch Jinwu is angry.

"Long Yan, you are too vicious and absolutely!"

The patriarch of Jinwu held the jade slip, staring angrily at Long Yan, his face became very hideous.

Ji Tianxing said indifferently, "You can still live, and the Jinwu tribe will not be annihilated. This is the great kindness of heaven.

The content of the oath of heaven is determined by me, you don't need to read it, and I will let you know what is truly vicious. "

The patriarch of Jinwu was speechless at once, full of anger and anger, and quickly dissipated.

His mood returned to calm, and he knew that Ji Tianxing was right.

Long Yan was kind enough to do this.

And he is a loser, he can only choose to obey or die, there is no other way to go.

After a moment of silence, the patriarch of Jinwu could only pick up the jade slip and read it out in a low tone according to the oath of the heavens inside.

Ji Tianxing and Long Yan looked at him quietly.

When the Golden Crow Patriarch's oath of Heaven was halfway through, thunder bursts in the void, and strands of divine light appeared around him.

After he finished reciting his heavenly vows, the divine light that contained thousands of laws around his body became more and more dazzling.

Even a touch of heavenly power appeared above his head.

It was a touch of almost transparent Taoist rhyme, and after a slight rotation, it disappeared quickly.

Under the power of the Dao of Heaven, the patriarch of the Golden Crow only felt that he was under great pressure, his heart was anxious, and his heart was full of fear.

It wasn't until the divine light and Tao Yun had dissipated that the anxiety and fear in his heart gradually faded.

"How could this be? It's just an oath, and it actually aroused the power of heaven?

Is this the real oath of heaven?

If I violated the vow I just made, wouldn't it... Heaven would really condemn me? "

These thoughts flashed through the head of the Jinwu Patriarch, and his heart was suddenly disturbed, and he became more and more panicked.

Before swearing, he still had a trace of luck in his heart.

Even if he violated his vow and recuperated for thousands of years, and then dealt with Shenhuo Dongtian and snatched the position of Dragon Emperor, it should be fine.

However, the appearance of the power of heaven and Tao Yun completely broke his illusion.

He didn't dare to doubt, he didn't dare to take a chance.

This heavenly oath has firmly restricted him and the Jinwu tribe!

"A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, Jinwu patriarch, congratulations, I have survived."

Seeing the patriarch of Jinwu was still in a daze, his expression was very complicated, Long Yan waved his hand and struck out a divine light, and took away the jade slip.

At this time, Ji Tianxing spoke again: "Jin Crow Patriarch, you have fulfilled the first condition. Next, this king will ask you one more thing."

Some of the Jinwu patriarchs who had lost their souls came back to their senses, looking at Ji Tianxing dimly.

Ji Tianxing asked, "About eighteen years ago, have you ever met a human teenager..."

Regarding the situation of no hate, he briefly said it again.

Patriarch Jinwu shook his head blankly after listening, "I haven't seen it, let alone heard of it."

Ji Tianxing stared at him sharply, observed for a moment, and made sure that he had not lied, then turned and left.

"Clan Chief Jinwu, there will be a period later." Long Yan glanced at the Chief Jinwu, abandoning these words, and turned and flew away.

The two flew side by side and disappeared into the void in a short while.

Looking at the direction they left, it was obvious that they wanted to return to the Dragon Realm.

Chief Jinwu stood there, frowning and murmured: "Just left? Long Yan really let go of me and the people?"

Until this time, the Jinwu Patriarch still felt unbelievable.

This unexpected result completely wasted the psychological preparation he had made before.

Not long after, the Blue Scorpion King, who was hiding tens of thousands of miles away and observing the situation in secret, flew to the Golden Crow chief.


When he came to the patriarch of the Golden Crow, the blue scorpion king silently looked at his expression, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Brother, I'm sorry..."

In fact, the Blue Scorpion King also thought that Long Yan would kill the Golden Crow chief.

But he didn't expect that the two sides didn't fight at all, Long Yan just forced the Golden Crow chief to take an oath, and then turned and left.

This made him unexpected and had to bite the bullet to explain and apologize to the chief of Jinwu.

But before he could finish his words, the patriarch Jinwu raised his hand to stop him.

"You don't need to explain, I understand."

The chief of the Jinwu clan cast a blank look at the Blue Scorpion God King, then turned away with a cold expression.

He didn't even return to the **** Jupiter, but also flew towards the dragon world.

Seeing his appearance, the blue scorpion **** king knew that he had left a gap in his heart, and he wrote down this account~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Brother, things are not what you think, I will never harm you. It's even more impossible to leave you alone..." The Blue Scorpion God King hurriedly caught up and explained after the chief of the Jinwu Clan.

The patriarch Jinwu didn't mean to stop, and said indifferently: "It has already happened, what else can I say?

You want to survive, and you also want to fight for the position of the domain master of the Scorpio star field.

This is your choice, you are right.

This seat is wrong, you should not trust you so much and entrust your life to you. "

For all that was said, the Blue Scorpion God King could no longer argue, and could only change the subject.

"Brother, it doesn't matter if you don't forgive me, but you are still hurt, you can't cross the void at this time!

You go to Shenmu for sexual healing first, and it’s not too late to return to the Dragon Realm after the injury is healed...

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