Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3908: Agreement

No matter how the Blue Scorpion King defended or persuaded him.

He chased the Golden Crow chief and flew millions of miles in the void, but he could not be forgiven by the Golden Crow chief.

In the end, the patriarch of Jinwu left without expression.

He dragged the seriously injured body, the speed was not hurried, the figure disappeared in the depths of the void.

The Blue Scorpion King stayed in place, looking at the direction where the Jinwu Patriarch was leaving, his face was full of hatred and unwillingness.

"Damn it! The three thousand years of friendship, just like this?

In the future, without the help of the Golden Crow clan, without the deterrence of the Peak God King, how can this seat compete for the master of the star field? "

Over the past three thousand years, the Blue Scorpion King was able to stand out in the Scorpio Star Territory and become one of the two hegemons. His own hard work and planning were only part of the reason.

The more important reason is that he climbed onto the Golden Crow clan and made friends with the peak **** king, the head of the Golden Crow clan.

And now, after years of hard work have been put into waste, the Jinwu people will no longer be his backing and support.

If that powerful enemy knew the news, how could he continue to develop?

It will definitely destroy him and his forces as quickly as possible.

Thinking of this, the Blue Scorpion King was full of hatred towards Ji Tianxing and Long Yan.

"Damn bastards, you all killed them!

You can clearly kill the Golden Crow chief, and if you try to receive the Golden Crow, you can further strengthen your power.

But it's good for you, you let him go, leaving this seat in trouble.

Fake benevolent bastards, you must die! "

The blue scorpion **** king cursed a few words in anger, and the anger was mostly relieved.

He sighed heavily, turned and flew to the **** Jupiter to take care of the follow-up matters.


The Heaven Burial Sword galloped in the void, leaving the Scorpio Star Territory three days later and heading straight to the Dragon Realm.

Ji Tianxing and Long Yan stayed in the sword world, one to heal injuries and the other to practice in retreat.

Although, when he went to the Scorpio Star Territory this time, Ji Tianxing failed to fight against the Golden Crow chief, nor did he test the true power of the Heaven Burying Sword.

But he doesn't feel it a pity, there will be opportunities in the future.

After strolling around in the Scorpio Star Territory this time, his foundation of God's way was much firmer, and a little enlightenment was produced, and the realm of strength reached the limit of the eightfold level of the gods.

Everything is ready and the conditions are ripe.

So, he entered the twisted time and space to retreat, and took the opportunity to sprint into the nine layers of the gods.

Long Yan stayed in the sword world, and found a place with abundant spiritual energy, taking Shen Panghou exercises to heal his injuries.

His injuries are serious. Although he does not endanger his life and the foundation of God's way, he cannot be healed in a short while.

According to his estimation, at least it will take more than ten years to recover to Shenhuodongtian to recover completely.

The void is always dark and cold, and you can't feel the passage of time.

Half a month passed quickly.

The Sky Burial Sword straddled the void, returned to the vicinity of the Dragon Realm, and stopped in the void.

Ji Tianxing has been in retreat for 25 months in the twisted time and space of the **** tower.

In more than two years, he has attacked the Divine King Realm Ninth Layer three times.

But unfortunately, his bottleneck was so stubborn that he failed three times.

Ji Tianxing could only suspend the retreat and flew out of the twisted time and space and the world in the sword.


He appeared in the void, opened the sword world again, and awakened Long Yan.

Long Yan left the world of swords and appeared in front of him, looking at him with some doubts: "Long Tian, ​​why stop here? Wouldn't you follow me back to the Dragon Realm, to the Red Dragon Continent?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with a smile: "Lu Wu and Jinwu are resolved. As long as the two patriarchs are still alive and bound by the heavenly vows, they will not deal with you.

You can return to the fire hole with peace of mind and go to retreat and heal your injuries.

I will also go to the Sacred Dragon Continent to continue to investigate and look for Wuhen's whereabouts. "

Knowing that Ji Tianxing would not return to the Chilong Continent, Long Yan looked regretful.

"Our brothers haven't seen each other for more than a thousand years, and finally reunited. Are you leaving now?

Well, knowing that you want to find your nephew sooner, I won't keep you.

When you find your nephew, we will be together again in the future. "

"Definitely." Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, Long Yan thought of something, and then exhorted: "By the way, the situation in the Holy Dragon Continent is very stable. The Holy Dragon Emperor's family dominates, and there has been no trouble in thousands of years.

As far as I know, the Holy Dragon Emperor went to the outer starry sky hundreds of years ago, looking for opportunities to break through the God Emperor.

If you go to the Sacred Dragon Continent this time, I'm afraid you won't see him. "

Ji Tianxing had thought of this a long time ago and explained: "It's okay, even if his body is void outside the domain, he will definitely leave a clone in the Holy Dragon Continent.

I went to his clone to inquire about the news, and it was the same. "

"Okay." Long Yan nodded slightly, still a little worried, and asked: "By the way, do you have a lot of friendship with the Holy Dragon Emperor?

Moreover, you seem to have never been to the Holy Dragon Continent, and you are not familiar with the situation on that continent.

Why not, I will go with you..."

Ji Tianxing waved his hand quickly to persuade: "No, you should return to the fire and heal your wounds with peace of mind.

With my current strength and methods, walking sideways in the dragon world is fine, and there will be no danger.

Besides, the dragon world is like my home, no matter which continent I go to, it is like going home. "

Long Yan's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded in agreement, "Yes! This sentence is too right, Dragon Realm is your home!

No matter how long you leave, no matter where you go.

As long as you return to the Dragon Realm, you are going home!

Brother, you go to the Sacred Dragon Continent first, I will go back to retreat first.

After my injury is healed, I will call you again.

At that time, let's leave the Dragon Realm again, travel to the outer starry sky, look for opportunities to break through the **** emperor, and investigate the secrets of the five **** emperors..."

Long Yan is not so attached to power.

He just wanted to do his duty, maintain the peace of Chilong Continent, and shelter hundreds of millions of people to live and work in peace.

In addition, his biggest dream and goal is to investigate the secrets of the five **** emperors and find opportunities to break through the **** emperor realm.

This is his final pursuit.

Ji Tianxing also understood this, smiled and stretched out his fist to touch his fist.

"Okay, let's make an agreement, and we will explore the answer together in the future!"

The brothers touched their right fists, smiled at each other, and said goodbye to each other.

Long Yan broke through the space barriers of the Dragon Realm and returned to the Chilong Continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing rode the Heaven Burying Sword, continued to fly in the void, and rushed to the Holy Dragon Continent.

Ten days after the two separated.

Long Yan returned to the Shenhuo Dongtian in the Chilong Continent, and after dealing with government affairs, he went to retreat and healed his injuries.

Ji Tianxing also broke through the space barriers of the Dragon Realm and stepped into the Holy Dragon Continent.

But at this time, the Golden Crow patriarch, who was seriously injured and weak, returned to the vicinity of the dragon world.

He also broke through the space barriers, returned to Chilong Continent, returned to Daqiandongtian very low-key, and went to retreat to heal his injuries.

Of course, he issued an order to the Jinwu people before retreating.

From now on, stay safe and guard yourself, and never deal with Shenhuo Dongtian.

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