Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3909: The Black Dragon Emperor

As Ji Tianxing said.

With the deterrence and restraint of the oath of heaven, the Lu Wu and Jinwu tribes are completely at peace.

The millions of troops gathered in the previous year fell apart within a few days and all retreated.

All the rhetoric and passionate fighting spirit disappeared.

Even Patriarch Jinwu and Patriarch Lu Wu were discouraged and hid in retreat for healing.

They handed over the affairs of the clan to the protectors and elders.

For the future direction of development, the two patriarchs have no ideas and fighting spirit.

They only have one requirement for the people of the tribe, that is, to stand by themselves, don't provoke the gods, and stay in their respective caves to practice well.

Such a sudden change caused both the Jinwu and Luwu tribes to fall into chaos and disputes.

The clansmen of the two races, as well as the large and small forces under their command, couldn't understand what was going on.

Obviously they have the advantage, they have assembled a million army, and they can defeat Shenhuodongtian by launching an attack.

As a result, the war had not yet started, and the two clans died down and the entire army retreated.

This kind of anticlimactic, the contrast is huge, so many people are puzzled and angry.

The two patriarchs hid in retreat and healed their injuries, but the law protectors and the elders understood the reason and the truth.

But they couldn't explain to the tribe, and the big and small forces under their command, it was too shameful.

As time went by, the people of the Luwu and Jinwu tribes were quite criticized.

The large and small forces under the two clans also felt anger, humiliation and depression, and grievances grew.

Many protectors, elders, and deacons watched the situation develop in a bad direction, but they were helpless.

Everyone knows that this is a bad start.

In the next few hundred years, the forces under the two clans will definitely gradually get out of control.

In other words, the power of the Jinwu and Luwu tribes is bound to weaken day by day.



Over the Holy Dragon Continent, the sky suddenly cracked a dark crack.

As a white light flashed, a dragon youth wearing a white robe appeared above the sky.

He stood in the high sky, looking down at the sea of ​​clouds below, and his sense of consciousness probed the surrounding mountains and rivers.

White robe and black hair were flying in the gusty wind, and the void cracks behind him were quickly healing.

"The Emperor Shenglong lives in Yuanjue Cave Mansion on Longyin Mountain.

But where am I now? Where is Longyin Mountain?

You have to find someone to ask about the situation first and find out the route. "

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing flew across the sea of ​​clouds and headed north.

After traveling less than 30,000 miles, he encountered a city where the demons gathered.

It was a thousand-year-old city, in which millions of monsters lived.

Although the city is protected by a divine formation and there are tens of thousands of city guards, it is not difficult for him.

With a little trick, he sneaked into the city.

Divine consciousness spread and enveloped the entire city, and various voices from all directions entered his mind.

He wandered around the city for a quarter of an hour, and then he understood the basic situation.

This is Tianan Region, Baiyue City within the Yongan Empire.

Tian'an Region is in the southwestern part of the Holy Dragon Continent, which is relatively remote.

Nevertheless, a statue of the Holy Dragon Emperor was built in the city.

The prestige of Emperor Shenglong is also deeply rooted here, and is worshipped and admired by all the demons.

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing found several demon clan people, and inquired about Longyin Mountain and Yuan Jue Dongfu, but found nothing.

Those people have only heard of this holy place, but don't know the direction and location.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing sneaked into the city lord's mansion, quietly restrained the city lord of the upper gods, and asked the location of Longyin Mountain from his mouth.

"Longyin Mountain is in the middle of the mainland. From here to the northeast, you can reach it through twenty domains.

Seniors are forgiving, I have the old and the younger, and I am also very kind to the people.

Except for occasional greed for a little money and money, I have never made a big mistake! "

The city lord, who was completely imprisoned, sat stiffly on the grandmaster's chair, and could do nothing but talk.

Ji Tianxing stood behind him, asking in a low tone, but he couldn't see Ji Tianxing's appearance.

Of course, even if he could move freely, he would never dare to watch.

He could deeply feel the aura of the **** king and power that Ji Tianxing exudes.

How dare he, a little god, have the slightest heart to resist?

Even more, he was even more afraid that after Ji Tianxing had finished asking, he would kill him easily. That would be wrong and worthless death.

Fortunately, after Ji Tianxing got the answer, he left quietly.

The poor city owner didn't notice, he still sat on the chair with a pale face, crying bitterly and begging for mercy for a long time before the imprisonment of the **** body gradually disappeared.

After he resumed his action and supernatural power, he discovered that the "mysterious strong man" had already left.

The city lord, who was lucky enough to get his life back, sat paralyzed on the chair of the master, breathing for a long time before calming down.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he can only pretend to be calm and pretend that nothing has happened.


Ji Tianxing had left Baiyue City a long time ago with the Heaven Burial Sword.

The Heaven Burying Sword flew across the vast sea of ​​clouds and hurried towards the northeast.

Ji Tianxing was about to enter the distorted time and space, and continued to attack the Ninth Layer of the Divine King Realm.

At this moment, an aura of light flew from the sky and fell in his palm.


After the aura dissipated, a jade slip for communication appeared.

Ji Tianxing picked up the jade slip and looked at it, and his eyes burst with joy and spirits.

"It's a message from the old black dragon, this guy, there has been no news for three years..."

At the beginning, he asked the Black Dragon Emperor to help him inquire about WuHan.

As a result, the Black Dragon Emperor has been silent.

Now that the newsletter jade slip was finally sent, Ji Tianxing was of course excited and thought there was good news.

The divine sense entered the jade slip, and the voice of the Black Dragon Emperor immediately rang in his mind.

"Little brother, this king hasn't sent you a subpoena in the past two years. You must be waiting in a hurry?

Tell me honestly, are you whispering behind your back, thinking that the king has forgotten about you? "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but smile, and thought to himself: "This old and rude fellow knows me very well."

The Black Dragon Emperor paused, then continued: "However, you have received a message from this king, so don't be too busy to be happy.

In the past two years, this king has traveled all over the Black Dragon and Sacred Dragon Continent, and visited several peak **** kings to help you inquire about your son.

It's a pity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They haven't seen your son and don't know about it.

So, you don’t need to search everywhere, just ask them.

Only Shenglongdi is left, this king hasn't seen him yet.

Now, this king is in the outer starry sky, on his way to the Tiankui star field.

This king is going to find the Holy Dragon Emperor and ask about this in person.

Just stay in the dragon world and wait for news from the king. "

After hearing the words in the jade slip, Ji Tianxing's eyes dimmed, and his mood became more worried and anxious.

"Now, with the exception of the Holy Dragon Emperor, all the Peak God Kings in the Dragon Realm have already inquired about, but there is still no trace of Wuhen.

No hate, no hate, who on earth have you been taken away? Where is it now? "

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