Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3912: Closed disciple?

The words of the Emperor Shenglong stunned Ji Tianxing.

He didn't expect that the Holy Dragon Emperor would actually ask this question.

He hadn't even said that Wuhen was rescued, and the Holy Dragon Emperor said Wuhen's name.

What this meant, he understood instantly.

Before coming to Yuan Jue Cave Sky, he had no hope.

Unexpectedly, Shenglongdi gave him such a big surprise!

"Senior Shenglong, what do you mean... Have you seen my son without hate? Did you save him?"

Ji Tianxing was full of surprises and a little unbelievable, and asked emotionally.

Shenglongdi nodded with a smile on his face.

Seeing him confess, at this moment, Ji Tianxing's heart was filled with infinite surprise and comfort.

After so many years of hard preparation and searching, it was not in vain.

Huangtian has paid off for his hard work, he finally found Wuhen!

"Thank you, Senior Shenglong, for rescuing children without hate. Such kindness will be remembered by Long Tian for life!"

Although Ji Tianxing was very surprised and excited, he did not lose his temper and quickly bowed to the Emperor Shenglong to express his gratitude.

Shenglongdi smiled and said: "In the past few years, as Wu Heng gradually grew into a young man, the old man felt more and more about his appearance and eyebrows, and looked at him with a sense of deja vu.

The old man pondered for a long time before he remembered that he was very similar to you back then... at least 70% similar!

But the old man never figured out why his surname is Ji and not Long?

Also, when you left the Dragon Realm more than a thousand years ago, didn't you go to the God Realm?

How could your son appear in the lower realm? "

After hearing the words of Emperor Shenglong, Ji Tianxing understood. No wonder that when the two first met, Emperor Shenglong said, ‘Like! Sure enough, there are seven points alike. ’

However, Ji Tianxing didn't know how to answer Shenglongdi's question.

If Snake Hu and Long Yan asked these questions, he might not hide them.

But the relationship between Shenglongdi and him is not so deep, he is hesitant to tell the truth.

After pondering for a moment, Ji Tianxing decided to divert the subject first, "Senior Shenglong, where is Wuhen now? Is he in Yuanjue Dongtian?"

The Emperor Shenglong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "If he is not in the cave, he has been in the outer starry sky, and he will pass the dragon world in the future.

The old man’s question, it seems that you are not going to answer it?

Well, it must be your secret. When you are willing to answer, the old man will ask you again. "

Although Ji Tianxing did not answer, the Emperor Shenglong had lived for more than 20,000 years, and he had already guessed something with his careful thoughts.

However, Ji Tianxing did not want to say, and he was not easy to force it.

Ji Tianxing also felt a little strange, so he asked, "Senior Shenglong, haven't you asked Wuhen about these questions?"

Shenglongdi smiled, and said helplessly: "The old man never wanted to understand, so he asked Wuhate on the sidelines.

It's a pity that this kid is just like you when you were young, always taciturn and cold.

The old man tentatively asked several times, but he pretended not to know.

After all, he is a junior and the old man's closed disciple. Since he is unwilling to answer, the old man can't force him... he can only ask you. "

"Senior, did you accept Wuhen as a closed disciple?" Ji Tianxing was shocked, his expression turned a little weird.

It's not angry and unhappy, he just didn't expect that the Holy Dragon Emperor would actually accept Wu Hate as his disciple!

It should be noted that Emperor Shenglong followed the example of Emperor Fengtian, and never married or had children in his life.

In the previous 20,000 years, he even confiscated one of his disciples.

And now, he actually accepted Wu Hate as a disciple, still a closed disciple!

The so-called "closed disciples" means ‘close the door once you have received it, and no disciples will be accepted again.’

Why isn't this surprised Ji Tianxing?

The Emperor Shenglong looked at him with a smile, stroked his beard and said, "Long Tian, ​​the old man saved the life of Wu Hate.

The old man saw that he was so talented that he had no one in a million, and that's why he started to love talent.

Although I didn't discuss this matter with you, the old man is your elder and has a good relationship with your master.

Now let me know, you shouldn't blame the old man for making opinions, right? "

‘You’ve taken my look, it’s useless even if I oppose it? Ji Tianxing muttered in his heart.

But on the bright side, he definitely couldn't say that. He bowed his hand and said: "Senior is highly respected, and is the oldest dragon emperor in the dragon world. It is his honor that you are willing to accept no hatred as a disciple.

Over the past ten years, I have troubled seniors to take care of and teach Wu Hate. I thank seniors here. "

The Emperor Shenglong waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Don't be so polite. It's your own family. This is what my master should do."

Ji Tianxing cared about Wuhen's situation and asked, "Senior Saint Long, how is Wuhen's situation now? Where has he lived and practiced these years?"

The Emperor Shenglong waved his hand with a divine light, took out a chair and placed it in front of Ji Tianxing, and said, "These things are a long story. Sit down and let's talk slowly."

Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement, and sat next to the jade case with him, chatting while drinking tea.

The Holy Dragon Emperor showed a look of memories, and said slowly: "Since your master Fengtian Dragon Emperor disappeared, the most respected and respected power in our dragon world is gone.

I'm not afraid of you laughing when I say it, he is the predecessor and backbone of all of us.

The main bones were gone, and the old man, the Black Dragon Emperor, the Red Dragon Emperor, and others, always felt uneasy in their hearts.

What's more, your master left some clues before his disappearance, which made us feel very strange.

We discussed countless times and finally reached a conclusion.

The dragon world was condemned by heaven, and dozens of races became sinners.

No matter how you practice, the strong in the Dragon Realm cannot break through the Divine King Realm and reach a higher realm.

Therefore, more than 800 years ago, the old man's true body left the Dragon Realm and went to the outer starry sky.

The old man has been operating in the Tiankui star field for more than two hundred years and has successfully controlled the Tiankui star field as the master behind the scenes.

Although, the cultivation resources and environment of the Alien Star Territory are a bit worse than that of the Dragon Realm.

But in the outer starry sky, the hope of surpassing the Divine King Realm is even greater.

Therefore, the old man's true body has been in the Tiankui star field, only a clone is left here, sitting in Yuan Jue Cave Heaven..."

Ji Tianxing originally thought ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shenglongdi would start talking about it 18 years ago.

But he didn't expect that the Holy Dragon Emperor started talking about the disappearance of Fengtian Dragon Emperor a thousand years ago.

Although, he has long known about the sinners and the scourge.

But Shenglongdi talked about Xing Zhengnong, and he could only listen patiently.

The Emperor Shenglong took a sip from his teacup, then continued: "The old man is the first to leave the dragon world and occupy the outer star field.

When the old man took control of the Tiankui star field, several other dragon emperors also entered the outer starry sky and tried to establish power.

Five hundred years ago, a guy who claimed to be the Great Emperor Nether, with a large number of **** kings and gods, broke into the Tianshi Star Territory.

The Tianshi star field is next to the old man's Tiankui star field, and there is only 3 billion miles between the two star fields. "

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