Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3913: The truth

Hearing "Netherworld Great Emperor" and "Tiens Star Territory", Ji Tianxing raised his brows and vaguely guessed something.

But he did not interrupt Shenglongdi's words and listened patiently.

With a hint of anger on his face, Emperor Shenglong said: "The Great Emperor Nether has an impatient and irritable posture. After entering the Tianshi Star Territory, he will kill and forcibly occupy all the worlds.

It only took him twenty years to control the Tiens Star Territory with iron and blood.

Then, he enslaved the aborigines of the Tianshi Star Territory, forcing everyone to mine cultivation resources, and search for resources and treasures.

Although, the old man is not ashamed of his style.

But that was the matter of the Tiens Star Territory, and the old man didn't even think about grabbing the territory, so he didn't interfere.

But the old man didn't choose anything, the **** took the initiative!

Not long after he occupied the Tianshi Star Territory, he led a group of God Kings into the Tiankui Star Territory in a vain attempt to seize the territory.

The old man has long seen that he is ambitious and has always been on guard against him.

Therefore, before he broke into the Tiankui star field, the old man arranged heavy soldiers and ambushes.

That battle lasted for three years. The war destroyed dozens of stars and several worlds.

Although the old man was not an opponent of the Great Emperor Nether, the **** king under his command was killed by the soldiers under the old man.

In that battle, the Great Emperor Nether was miserably defeated, and nearly a hundred **** kings were damaged, and he could only return to the Tianshi Star Territory in embarrassment.

Ha ha... This is the difference between being popular and unpopular!

Although the old man occupied the Tiankui star field, he never bullied the people and was very generous to the soldiers.

For hundreds of years, the old man has been trying to maintain the peace of the Tiankui star field and teach the cultivation way of supernatural powers.

The entire Tiankui Star Territory respected the old man and obeyed the orders of the old man. The soldiers also bravely killed the enemy.

But the Great Emperor Nether, cruel and tyrannical, destroyed the Tianshi Star Territory in a terrible way.

Even the soldiers under his command have complaints against him, yang Feng Yin violates... It's strange if he doesn't lose! "

Speaking of the battle that year, even though Shenglongdi didn't elaborate on it, he still has endless aftertaste, full of pride and pride.

Ji Tianxing's expression calmly said, "That Great Emperor Nether should be the God Emperor of the God Realm, right?

When he invaded the Tiankui Star Territory, he had already broken through the Divine King Realm and reached the Divine Emperor Realm. "

The Emperor Shenglong looked at him unexpectedly and asked: "The old man hasn't talked about this yet, how do you know? Do you know God Emperor Nether?"

Ji Tianxing sneered, "More than just knowing."

Shenglongdi suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized, "The old man understands, you have an enmity with the Nether God Emperor!

Otherwise, he wouldn't catch Wuhate, and even wanted to bring it back to the God Realm. "

Obviously, the upper realm powerhouse who opened the passage between the two realms to save the Heavenly Clan and capture Ji Wuhen was the clone projection of the Nether God Emperor.

Regarding this, Ji Tianxing had just guessed it, and was not surprised.

The Emperor Shenglong went on to say: "Since the battle more than four hundred years ago, the old man has forged an enmity with the Nether God Emperor.

It was from that time that the old man stared at him all the time and investigated his details.

Later, the old man learned that he came from the **** realm and broke through the **** king realm, reaching the so-called **** emperor realm.

While the old man was dormant in the Tiankui star field, healed his injuries, he also paid close attention to the movements of the Nether God Emperor to prevent him from making a comeback.

However, the old man later discovered that he seemed to have more important things to do.

He did not stay in the Tianshi Star Territory, and left with a group of **** kings and **** kings, not knowing where he went.

The old man sent a lot of secret spies and spies, mixed into the Tianshi star field, and secretly investigated the secrets of the Nether God Emperor.

More than three hundred years ago, the old man knew a shocking secret.

Not only the Nether God Emperor, there are also four Peak God Kings in the God Realm who have also broken through to the Divine Emperor Realm!

To be honest, the old man felt very uncomfortable and felt very unfair.

None of our **** emperors appeared in the Dragon Realm, but five in the God Realm!

Moreover, the five **** emperors were all in the outer starry sky, each occupying a star field.

More than two hundred years ago, the old man personally killed a close friend of God Emperor Netherworld.

It was a **** king of the Nine Stages, staying in the Tianshi Star Territory as the deputy domain master, taking charge of affairs for the Nether God Emperor.

The old man refined the soul memory of the **** king, and only then knew that the **** emperor Nether was doing something, an incredible thing. "

Speaking of this, the Emperor Shenglong paused deliberately to show Ji Tianxing's appetite.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing replied without hesitation: "The Nether God Emperor not only controls the reincarnation island of the God Realm, but also occupied the Tianshi Star Territory, but also reached out to the lower realm!

He secretly supported the Fatian tribe in the lower realm, and interfered with the will of the Heavenly Dao by means of the **** emperor, avoiding the Heavenly Tribe of the Fatian tribe.

The Fatian tribe dominates the Lower Realm, and has the posture of sweeping three thousand worlds. "

The Emperor Shenglong became more and more surprised, his eyes were bright and he looked at Ji Tianxing, and said in a complicated tone: "You kid, how do you know everything?

The old man still wants to sell you something, it's really boring! "

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly and said: "You continue to speak, after you finish speaking, I will answer your previous questions."

"It's pretty much the same." Shenglongdi smiled satisfied and continued: "When the old man learned this secret, he was very surprised and very puzzled.

The old man can't figure it out, that guy has become a **** emperor, and can use the power of heaven, why is he still thinking about the lower realm?

The lower realms are all mortals, there are no people or treasures at all, it's worth his fascination.

But the old man learned later that he wanted to find something to support the Sky Clan in the lower realm.

It seems to be looking for a treasure map, maybe something like a treasure map.

After understanding this, the old man felt that it was not easy.

The treasure map that can make the Nether God Emperor take great pains is definitely the treasure of the gods.

Therefore, the old man also began to pay attention to the movement of the lower realm, always staring at the movements of the Nether God Emperor.

Since then, for more than two hundred years, the Nether God Emperor hasn't appeared, and he doesn't know what conspiracy he is doing.

It wasn't until eighteen years ago that the old man suddenly discovered that the Nether God Emperor had returned to the Tianshi Star Territory.

Moreover, he also built an altar, cast spells to interfere with the will of Heaven, and forcibly opened the two-world channel.

He actually sent a clone to project to the lower realm through the two-world channel.

At that time, the old man knew that something must have happened to the lower bound!

The old man has an enmity with the Nether God Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What he wants to do, the old man is determined to destroy! "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing gave a relieved smile.

He went on to say: "So, you also spent a lot of resources to build the altar, gathered the power of many gods and powerful people, and forcibly opened the two-world channel.

It's just that you open the channel a bit late.

After you open the channel, things in the lower realm are over.

At that time, the Nether God Emperor's clone projection, carrying Wuhen and a young man from the Heavenly Swordsman, was preparing to return to the upper realm.

So you made a decisive move, wounded the Nether God Emperor's clone projection, and saved Wuhen...

Senior Shenglong, am I right? "

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