Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3914: Destiny

The truth is out, everything is right!

Eighteen years ago, Ji Tianxing didn't know who the clone projection was, nor did he know who the strong man who rescued Wu Hate was.

And now, Emperor Shenglong tells the past that year, allowing Ji Tianxing to understand everything.

Emperor Shenglong stared at Ji Tianxing with deep eyes, and said meaningfully: "You understand so clearly, were you there at the time?"

Ji Tianxing smiled without explaining, "You go on."

The Emperor Shenglong gave him a white look, stroked his white beard, and continued: "The old man is just a **** king, and there is no such method as the Nether **** emperor to let the clone projection descend to the lower realm.

However, the old man tried every means to open the channel between the two circles.

Although, the old man's clone cannot be lowered.

But the old man can cast spells in the air to injure the ghost projection of the **** emperor.

After all, the projection of his clone descended on the lower realm, which would be against the will of heaven, and his power would be limited.

The old man wants to destroy what he wants to do.

The man he wants to take, the old man will take it too!

Although, the old man had no lower realm at the time, neither knew what happened in the lower realm, nor did he know Wuhen.

But the old man is very grateful for the decision that year! "

Having said this, Shenglongdi once again showed a proud and proud expression.

Ji Tianxing nodded in sympathy, and said in a complicated tone: "Yes! Fortunately, you saved Wuhen, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The mind of the Nether God Emperor is very cruel and vicious!

He brought Wuhen to the upper realm, and he would probably refine Wuhen into a puppet, and then let Wuhen kill my father and son.

After all, the Netherworld God Emperor hated me to the bone, just killing me, it may not be able to relieve the hatred. "

Shenglongdi's eyes were brighter, and he asked expectantly: "The old man is right, you really have a deep hatred with the Nether God Emperor!

Come on, what the **** is going on?

You are definitely not in the God Realm for more than a thousand years. You have gone to the Lower Realm, right? "

With the wisdom of Emperor Shenglong, after doubting the identity of Ji Wuhen, many conjectures and associations will surely arise.

However, before seeing Ji Tianxing, he was still unsure.

And now, the answer is about to be revealed, and he can't wait.

Ji Tianxing could tell that Emperor Shenglong was still as temperamental as he was back then, gentle and kind, and still a little chatty and long-winded.

He really loves and respects Wu Hate.

That being the case, Ji Tianxing decided not to conceal anymore and tell the truth of the matter to the Emperor.

After all, he already has the strength of the Peak God King.

Soon, he is likely to face the five **** emperors.

At that time, even if he doesn't say it, the truth will be exposed.

That being the case, it is better to inform everyone early.

The so-called people are not only the holy dragon emperor, but also the red dragon emperor, the black dragon emperor and the snake husband.

These four pinnacle **** kings are Ji Tianxing's relatives and friends in the dragon world, and they are also the help of his future revenge.

There is no need to hide it from relatives and friends.

Ji Tianxing was silent for a moment before raising his head to look at Emperor Shenglong. Under his expectant gaze, he slowly said, "Senior Shenglong, you already guessed it.

Yes, eighteen years ago, I was indeed in the lower realm.

When the clone of the Nether God Emperor descended to the lower realm, I was destroying the Sky Clan. "

"It really has something to do with you!" Shenglongdi's eyes flickered, and he said earnestly: "This may be the arrangement of fate."

After a long sigh, he asked again: "By the way, since you are the Peak God King, how can you stay in the lower realm for a long time?

If you are the Peak God King, the clone of the Nether God Emperor, you will only be able to take a single move, and you will not be caught without hate.

What is going on, you can elaborate, and tell it like the old man just now. "

‘Do you think everyone is as wordy as you? Ji Tianxing secretly slandered himself.

However, he is not in a hurry to do anything for the time being, nor is he afraid of delaying this time.

For the sake of no hate, he gave a general explanation to the Nether God Emperor.

"Back then, I was in the fourth stage of the Divine King Realm. I left the Dragon Realm and went to the God Realm to practice.

One thousand and one hundred years ago, I was the pinnacle **** king, known as the sword **** in the gods.

Due to the struggle for the most precious treasures of the gods, the five peak gods made their best efforts to lead the gods and kings of over ten thousand to encircle and suppress me.

I led the relatives, friends and soldiers under my command to counterattack, fought against the sky outside the sky, and fought against the five peak gods, and finally fell with hatred.

Fortunately, I had an insight into the secret of heaven, disrupted the rules of heaven in advance, and ambushed my opponents.

After the fall, my soul remains immortal, and I return to the mortal world.

A hundred years ago, I was reincarnated and rebuilt, grew step by step from the mortal world, and returned to the gods 18 years ago.

I originally wanted to go back to the God Realm to practice, and after returning to the Peak God King, I would seek revenge from the five great God Kings.

Unexpectedly, they broke through the shackles and reached the Divine Emperor Realm.

I was found out in the God Realm, and I was surrounded and suppressed by the Five Great God Emperors, and I had no choice but to return to the Dragon Realm. "

Ji Tianxing briefly explained the cause, and then looked at Shenglongdi calmly.

The Emperor Shenglong was surprised and a little unbelievable, his eyes gleaming with complicated light.

After a long time, he sighed deeply: "Although, the old man has long guessed that things are not simple, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated!

You are the only disciple of Fengtian Dragon Emperor. Back then, the old man felt that you were extremely talented and would surely become the pinnacle **** king.

Unexpectedly, you actually became the pinnacle **** king thousands of years ago, and then so many things happened.

Alas... The old man is already feeling the pressure when he is enmity with a **** emperor.

You are more sturdier, and you directly forge feuds with the five **** emperors.

From the perspective of the old man, even if you are now the pinnacle **** king, there is no chance for revenge.

Let's go to practice outside the territory and strive to break through the **** emperor as soon as possible. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, and said: "Thank you senior for your concern, I have my own plans.

I have been waiting for more than a thousand years, and I am not in a hurry.

By the way, seniors have practiced in the Tiankui star field for hundreds of years, are there signs of breaking through the **** emperor realm?

If you can take the lead in breaking through the Divine Emperor Realm, you will surely regain the confidence of the Dragon Realm and let other Dragon Emperors see hope. "

The Emperor Shenglong curled his lips and said helplessly: "The old man is already old, and whether he can break through the Divine Emperor Realm, he really can only do whatever he wants.

It's you kid, terribly talented.

The old man is sure that you are definitely the first to become the emperor. "

"Senior praised~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing just smiled and didn't say much.

I know my family's affairs.

He thought to himself, if you knew that I was God King Jiuzhong, I wasn't the Peak God King at all. Wouldn't he be so confident?

At this time, the Emperor Shenglong said earnestly and earnestly: "Long Tian, ​​you reincarnated and rebuilt this matter. It is a bit weird, and it will shock the world if it spreads out.

Moreover, it will also let the five great **** emperors notice you, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, the old man will help you keep it secret, and you should also be careful. "

Ji Tianxing felt warm in his heart and nodded and said, "Thank you senior! By the way, I wanted to talk about a question before.

You are my predecessor, Wu Heng is also your disciple.

We are still different, otherwise the generations of our father and son will be messed up. "

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