Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3915: 9 true and 1 false answers

Of course, this is just a joke, with a bit of ridicule.

Emperor Shenglong knew that Ji Tianxing didn't use this to express his dissatisfaction, but just remind him.

So, he smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, the old lady has thought about this problem a long time ago, and it won't embarrass you."

In fact, Wuheng can worship the Holy Dragon Emperor as his teacher, and Ji Tianxing is not dissatisfied.

If Wu Heng did not apprentice a teacher, then he must have taught him personally.

And the fate of Wuhen is tortuous, since he was saved by the Holy Dragon Emperor, it was nothing to worship the Holy Dragon Emperor as his teacher.

Anyway, the qualifications and strength of the Holy Dragon Emperor are enough to be a master without hate.

In this way, the relationship between Shenglongdi and Ji Tianxing can also be shortened.

In the future, Ji Tianxing will deal with the five great **** emperors, inevitably relying on the power of the holy dragon emperor, the black dragon emperor and others.

When the business was over, Ji Tianxing's heart fell, and he no longer worried about Wuhate.

Shenglongdi asked to stay, but Ji Tianxing left in no hurry.

He stayed in the secret room and continued to chat with the Holy Dragon Emperor, asking Wu Heng's current status in the Tiankui star field.

Speaking of Ji Wuhen, Shenglongdi was full of proud and pleased expressions.

He also talked about what happened in the previous decade or so.

"Wuhian, this child, although young, is very mature and stable, exactly like you back then.

He usually stays in the old man's shrine, and most of the time he is practising Shinto, and he is comprehending the various supernatural powers taught by the old man.

In the past ten years, he has left the shrine only a few times.

The old man remembered that he had the longest retreat, and he had been practicing for seven years.

After his retreat is over, he will break through from the Seventh Layer of the Heavenly God Realm to the Divine Sovereign Realm!

To be honest, he reached the realm of the gods at the age of only twenty years old, this is definitely the youngest **** in history!

The old man also opened his eyes. I really don't know where the blessing of your kid is that you have given birth to such a wicked son. "

The Emperor Shenglong looked at Ji Tianxing, his eyes and tone were full of admiration.

However, there is no envy, let alone jealousy.

After all, Wuhen has become his closed disciple.

Ji Tianxing thought about it seriously. After decades of cultivating in the human world, after flying to the **** realm, he also cultivated for several years before returning to the realm of the gods.

At that time, he became a **** at the age of more than eighty years, and he was already the youngest god.

But within a few years, his daughter Ji Wushuang also broke through the realm of the gods, breaking his record.

Only now did he know that in fact, the fastest way to break through the God Sovereign Realm was Wu Hate!

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing was relieved and proud, and thought to himself: ‘After all, it is Yun Yao’s and I’s children. They were born as gods. How can they be compared to those who are waiting? ’

At this time, the Emperor Shenglong said: "In addition to Wu Hate, the old man also accepted a female disciple.

She is the descendant of the unicorn that the old man found when he traveled in the outer starry sky, and it is probably the last trace of the unicorn bloodline between heaven and earth.

When she was still young, the old man named her Qi Linger and brought her back to the Tiankui star field.

Although, she started earlier than Wuhen, so she should be a sister without hate.

But she is a unicorn, and her life is too long and her growth is too slow.

Today, Wu Heng is already a young girl, and Qi Ling'er is still a little girl.

Therefore, the old man let Wuhen be a senior, and Qi Ling'er was a junior. "

"Oh? Is there such an interesting thing?" Ji Tianxing heard it interestingly, and said with emotion: "Since ancient times, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns have all become sinners and have been condemned by heaven.

The dragons have many bloodlines, and they can continue to this day, and they can still control the dragon world.

On the contrary, the Feng Clan and Qilin Clan had scarce blood, and now they are even less visible.

It is also a great opportunity for the predecessors to find the blood of a unicorn, and it is also a good fate to receive it as a disciple for careful teaching. "

The Holy Dragon Emperor nodded in agreement, and sighed: "Since ancient times, the dragon world has been condemned by heaven, and many races have become sinners.

They were difficult to thrive in the Dragon Realm, and gradually withered, they turned to the outer star field one after another.

But now that more than 30,000 years have passed, most races have gradually disappeared.

The dragons and dozens of sinners in the dragon world can only continue to find a way to survive.

Otherwise, the old man is worried that these sinners will die out in tens of thousands of years. "

Ji Tianxing quickly comforted: "Senior don't worry, there must be a solution, so that all races can continue."

The two were silent for a while.

Shenglongdi hesitated for a moment before trying to ask: "Longtian, five great **** emperors besieged and killed you thousands of years ago, trying to seize your treasures.

Afterwards, the Nether God Emperor secretly supported the Fatian tribe, searching for treasure maps everywhere in the lower realm.

The treasure map he was looking for was the treasure you got back then? "

This is one of Ji Tianxing's biggest secrets, he didn't want to expose it.

But Shenglongdi was very clever and had already guessed some secrets.

He wants to establish a good relationship with the Holy Dragon Emperor, and he can form an alliance in the future, and use it as a help, so he can no longer deceive and conceal.

The prerequisite for the two parties to enhance their relationship is to treat them with sincerity and mutual trust.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "You guessed it right."

There was a hint of hope in the eyes of the Emperor Shenglong, and he lowered his voice and asked, "So, that treasure map in your hand can help you break through the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said with some regret: "This is still not sure, I haven't tried it yet."

This is the truth, he hasn't reached the peak God King yet.

The Emperor Shenglong frowned for a moment, and then asked: "Since the treasure map is still in your hands and the five great **** emperors have not obtained it, how did they break through the **** emperor?

Even if one breaks through the emperor, five people have become the emperor. Have they got even more powerful treasures? "

Since Shenglongdi was already thinking about these issues, Ji Tianxing was even more difficult to conceal, otherwise the explanation would be unclear.

In order to avoid misunderstandings and grievances between the two sides, he took the initiative to explain: "Senior, it is true that there are two treasures we found back then.

The upper part of the book named Eternal Heaven ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was obtained by the five gods.

I suspect that it is through that heavenly book that they continue to break through the Divine Emperor Realm.

And the lower half of the treasure is a map.

The original was destroyed long ago, I just wrote down all the contents of the array. "

In fact, Ji Tianxing was so open and honest, and explained the truth, but it is nine true and one false.

The original image of Zhutian Formation has not been destroyed, it has always been on him.

The so-called "Tomb of the Sword God" is actually the Zhutian formation.

Back then, it was Zhu Tiantu who protected his wisp of spirit and survived in the realm of death, so that he could be reincarnated and reborn.

But the Emperor Shenglong was already full of excitement and emotion when he heard Ji Tianxing say the ‘truth’.

"So that's it! Hearing what you said, the old man wanted to understand the key.

No wonder there will be five **** emperors in the God Realm!

No wonder the Netherworld God Emperor would secretly support the Sky Clan and search for treasure maps in the lower realms.

I'm afraid, the Nether God Emperor also guessed that you were not dead and reincarnated to the lower realm. "

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