Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3935: God's favor

The latest website: The two master craftsmen came fast, went faster, and disappeared after a while.

In comparison, there is a large hole in the tail of the godship, which is particularly embarrassing.

Inside the divine ship, in the spacious hall.

Dozens of appalled disciples looked at the two ragged, blood-stained master craftsmen with very complicated expressions.

"Cough cough..." Master Yan Liang coughed up blood and tried to make a calm and serious look, explaining to the disciples.

"Everyone must understand that for the teacher to demonstrate in person just now, I want to teach you a truth.

In the future, when you encounter a strong person with great strength, you must avoid their edge, never fight with them, try to convince people with virtue.

If you can't convince people with virtue, then take a detour and save your life.

There is only one life, and loss cannot be repeated.

Please remember that only those who survive are qualified to talk about courage, dignity, and revenge. "

Dozens of disciples nodded to express their understanding, and the complex expressions and eyes quickly disappeared.

‘I’m not so embarrassed to explain it this way, and I feel a little bit wise. Master Yan Liang kept a serious expression, thinking to himself.

The ugly artisan added: "As a teacher, we know that everyone is a healthy age.

If the other party is your enemy, the kind that doesn't share heaven.

Then you fight with your life, which can be called brave.

But the situation just now is another matter.

We neither know the alien youth nor have any grudges against him, so there is no need to fight with him. "

Dozens of disciples nodded again, with an expression of'what you said makes sense.'

But the disciple who was ‘whispering’ and ‘the brain hole was too big’ came out at this time.

"But two teachers, you were severely injured by him, and the divine ship was also severely injured. Can you bear this tone?

Is it because the other party is too strong, we have to swallow our anger and do it ourselves? "

At this moment, the two artisans tightened their pupils, wishing to strangle the talkative guy.

However, there were more than 20 young disciples, all with very angry expressions, and they all agreed.

"Yes, two teachers, this hatred must be reported!"

"That alien youth is too arrogant, you must get rid of him!"

"The humiliation of two teachers means that we are humiliated!"

"Although we can't beat that guy together, we can find a way to deal with him!"

Originally, the two master craftsmen saw the disciples making a fuss, and they still couldn't get off the stage.

Hearing the words of the last female disciple, the two of them suddenly lit up, and they returned to their solemn appearances.

"This disciple is very right! To deal with the enemy, we don't have to fight head-on, we can outwit!"

"That's right! That guy refines the mineral star, wants to swallow all the resources, has already provoked public anger.

The teacher will inform the star masters of the surrounding dozens of stars and ask them to take action.

Even as a teacher, he will report it to the Evil Soul God King..."

An originally embarrassing problem was solved by the two master craftsmen.

Many disciples showed surprise and admiration when they saw the news of the ugliness.

"Wow, Master was able to contact the Evil Soul God King, which shows that your status is too lofty!"

"Master, you have not only met the Evil Soul God King, but also received his appreciation, right?"

In the eyes of these young disciples, the Evil Soul God King is a great domain master.

It is extremely glorious to be able to see the Evil Soul God King in person and receive his appreciation.

In fact, neither Yan Liang nor Wen Chou could contact the Evil Soul God King, and they were not qualified enough.

But the cowhide was blown out, and of course he couldn't slap himself.

The two can only nod their heads ignorantly and smile to accept the compliments of the disciples.

‘Although we are not qualified to contact the Evil Soul God King, we can send the information to the Feilu Star Master and let him report it to the Evil Soul God King! ’

This thought flashed through the two of them, and they felt that they were not lying, not boasting.


The Evil Soul battleship is galloping in the void.

It has been on the road for 40 days, and it will be able to reach Feilu Star in three days.

A thousand masters of the gods, and more than 30 masters of the gods, all recharged in the godship.

Only the Evil Soul God King closed his eyes to nourish his mind, and he could never practice meditation.

During these forty days, he had to receive many messages every day, listening to reports from various star masters and generals.

At the same time, he also used the jade slip for messaging to remotely control numerous star masters and **** king powerhouses.

But what disappointed him was that the Feilu Star and the twenty-odd stars around him did not find the trace of the alien king.

This makes him have to worry, is that guy hiding?

The Scorpio star field is so big, if that alien **** king is deliberately concealed, no one can find him.

At that time, he will make chaos everywhere in the Scorpio star field, wantonly assassinating the star master and the **** king powerhouse, will surely create huge chaos.

Just as the Evil Soul God King was full of anxiety, a message of Jade Jane flew into the divine ship and landed in front of him.

This jade slip of information was sent by the star master Feilu.

When the Evil Soul God King finished reading the contents of the jade slip, he was suddenly surprised and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha... God really favors this seat, this is simply a surprise!"

The two guards guarding by his side both looked suspicious and tried to ask: "Master Domain, what makes you so happy?"

The Evil Soul God King was in a good mood, and patiently explained: "A few hundred million miles away from Feilu star in the void, there is a mineral star with a lot of resources.

The powerhouses of the surrounding stars often gather resources there.

The two master craftsmen of Feiluxing led their disciples to gather resources in Minexing.

Yesterday, they ran into an alien youth who was devouring the mining star!

According to their description, the alien youth with white robe and black hair is the one we are looking for! "

The two guards suddenly realized that they hurriedly bowed to salute and said, "Congratulations to the domain master, congratulations to the domain master!"

"God bless your lord, send that thief to you, let you kill it!"

The Evil Soul God King laughed a few more times before he waved his hand and ordered: "Pass the order, don't have to rest, go straight to the mine star!

Within five days, I will see that alien youth! "

The two guards said and obeyed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hurriedly exited the secret room and sent the order.

Only the Evil Soul God King remained in the secret room, and he muttered to himself: "The Blue Scorpion God King has planted a lot of spies in the distant star. Although hundreds of them have been removed from this seat, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net.

Perhaps, the news that this constellation led his troops to leave the distant star has been known by the Blue Scorpion King.

With his nature, he will certainly not let go of this opportunity.

He will either sneak attack on distant stars, or bring many powerful men to intercept and kill this constellation.

If he attacked the distant stars, he would definitely kill Thunder... That's good, use his hand to get rid of the serious troubles of this constellation.

If he comes to intercept this seat...

Haha, this seat has found a foreigner youth, and he can be killed within five days.

When the Blue Scorpion King arrives, it is too late. Maybe this seat can be arranged in advance and take the opportunity to destroy him! "

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