Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3936: Really still

Latest URL: At the same time.

The blue scorpion **** king, 48 **** kings, and 3,000 **** master masters, driving two **** ships, are heading for Feilu star.

In the beginning, their goal was to have poor stars.

The first information that the Blue Scorpion God King got was that the Evil Soul God King led many powerful people to the Poor Star, with unknown intentions.

However, the Blue Scorpion God King and others arrived at Youqiong Star ten days ago. After waiting there for two days, they did not see the Evil Soul God King.

Some generals suggested that they should continue to wait for the Evil Soul King to arrive on the poor star, and they could also lay an ambush in advance.

But after careful consideration, the Blue Scorpion King decided to leave the Poor Star and continue to the depths of the star field.

He and many generals believed that the Evil Soul God King was still on his way, and it was likely to be in the Feilu Star area.

From the poor star to the Feilu star, the golden mine star must pass in the middle.


Five days passed in a flash.

For these five days, Ji Tianxing has been casting spells on the mine star, devouring the stars.

The size of Mine Star is shrinking every day, and his strength is increasing day by day.

Fortunately, the past few days are very calm, no one disturbs him anymore.

But what he didn't know was that in the void not far from Mine Star, a fierce-looking Evil Soul battleship was quietly approaching.

Although the Evil Soul God King knew about Ji Tianxing's whereabouts, he was confident enough to punish him.

But in these five days, he has always been worried, anxious and urgent.

He wanted to arrive at the Mine Star immediately and blast the alien king into scum.

But he was afraid that the alien king would notice the danger, and he left Mining Star early and hid.

In that case, he has to run for nothing.

I don't know when I can find the trace of the alien king.

At this time, right in front of the Evil Soul battleship, was the mine star covered with a layer of golden light.

Very close to Mine Star, the Evil Soul God King's heart also lifted.

In this expedition, he personally performed the tasks assigned by the King of Changfeng. Whether he can succeed or not depends on today.

In order not to expose the trail, so as not to disturb the alien king, let the opponent escape early, the evil spirit king slowed the speed of the **** ship.

In addition, the gleaming light of the godship has also converged, becoming very low-key and concealed.

After reaching the Mining Star, the divine ship flew over the surface of the star, searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the alien king.

According to the report from the Feilu Star Master, the alien king was devouring the stars and arranged a powerful formation.

There is a white light net with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and two huge white light vortices, which look very conspicuous.

"Such obvious marks and features should be easy to find, right?

What's more, this mineral star is obviously much smaller than before. "

The Evil Soul God King thought so, and sent orders to let everyone prepare for battle.

Soon, thirty-five gods and a thousand masters of gods finished their cultivation and breath adjustment, all of them were full of energy, waiting for orders.

A few hours later, the Evil Soul battleship searched half of the mine star and flew to the other end of the mine star.

After flying for an hour, the Evil Soul God King and the others clearly saw that white light appeared on the surface of the stars ahead.

Farther away, you can only see a dim white light and two tiny spots of light.

When the divine ship flew for another hour and was very close to the white light, everyone could see clearly.

That piece of white light was indeed a large net with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, formed by hundreds of millions of white lights, extending from the ground to the stars.

And those two light spots are two whirlpools of white light with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles!

When the divine ship was still tens of thousands of miles away from the whirlpool of white light, the Evil Soul Divine King and many generals saw that an alien youth in a white robe was casting a spell.

"It's him, he really is still here!!"

At this moment, the Evil Soul God King was ecstatic in his heart, almost unable to restrain his excitement.

All previous worries and worries disappeared at this time.

The many powerful **** kings are also full of joy and excitement, and all of them are gearing up.

But the Evil Soul God King's excitement passed, and his heart was filled with deep anger and murder.

"Huh! Damn it, it's so arrogant, it's arrogant!"

The Evil Soul God King was sure that the other party killed two groups of generals under his command, and he must have guessed that he would retaliate.

Under this circumstance, the opponent had already exposed his traces, but still remained on the Mining Star and refused to retreat.

This shows that the other party did not take him seriously!

The divine ship was speeding up toward the white-robed young man. The Evil Soul God King looked at the emotional generals in the hall and exhorted: "Everyone should act carefully when they see the opportunity.

That alien **** king is very arrogant, and his strength should not be underestimated. "

Everyone nodded to express their understanding, but none of them took these words to heart.

After all, they have more than 30 **** kings, nearly a thousand upper **** kings, and there is only one person against each other.

Even if the opponent is the pinnacle **** king and besieged by so many of them, he will definitely die!


After a while, the divine ship rushed to the vicinity of the whirlpool of white light and stopped a hundred miles away from the white robe youth.

After the hatch of the divine ship opened, the Evil Soul Divine King and many generals who were ready to go rushed out immediately.


Only the Evil Soul God King, with four confidant God Kings, walked towards the white robe youth.

The other thirty or so **** kings, as well as a thousand **** master masters, all scattered in all directions, forming a huge encirclement.

Within a few breaths, an encircling circle was formed, encircling the white-robed youth.

At the same time, the white-robed youth also stopped casting the spell and put away two whirlpools of white light.

The difference from before is that this time he even put away the dzi beads.

He stood on the surface of the stars with empty hands, looking up at the Evil Soul God King and others, his eyes calm and indifferent.

He didn't pay attention to the thousands of gods around, and more than 30 gods.

The Evil Soul Divine King looked at him, and after only one glance, a strong vigilance and alert developed in his heart.

Because the white-robed youth's breath is restrained, so that he can't feel the fluctuation of divine power at all.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

Either the white-robed youth is a mortal without supernatural power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or he is a peak powerhouse who is much stronger than him!

The Evil Soul God King knew that the opponent would naturally not be a mortal, so there is only one possibility left...

The opponent is the pinnacle god!

Although the Evil Soul God King had already prepared for this.

But when he confirmed that the opponent was the Peak God King, he couldn't help worrying in his heart.

After all, even if he and the soldiers under his command can kill each other, they will definitely pay a heavy price!

Although, he would be very spared, even if the soldiers died here, he would not be killed.

But he had to consider how many soldiers under his command could survive after this battle.

Just as the Evil Soul God King thought to himself, Ji Tianxing took the initiative to speak.

"If this king guessed right, you are the righteous master, evil spirit **** king, right?"

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