Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3969: You must despair


Seeing the anger and murderous look of God King Luochen, Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile.

The outer starry sky is too vast, I don't know that there are hundreds of millions of trillions of alien creatures.

There is no unified cultural background, beliefs and moral standards, only intrigues and the weak.

Ji Tianxing had come into contact with so many divine kings in the outer starry sky, all of them were unscrupulous people to achieve their goals.

But this was the first time I met God King Luochen.

"Mr. Deer is dead, now is it important to you to be a domain owner, or is it more important to avenge him?"

Ji Tianxing looked at God King Luochen with a smile but continued to ask.

God King Luochen roared without hesitation: "Of course it is more important to avenge the domain master! I am not rare to be a domain master at all!"

"Oh?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and sneered: "What is your relationship with Mr. Lu, you are so loyal to him?"

God King Luochen said every word: "He saved my life, twice!

We are brothers, brothers in exchange for our lives! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "If you are the same, you are a respectable blood man.

Don't you want to avenge Mr. Deer?

This king is here, you can shoot. "

He had already seen the character of God King Luochen, and the plan to support God King Luochen as the domain master and deal with the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan was naturally impossible to implement.

At this moment, God King Luochen sprayed angry flames into his eyes, staring at Ji Tianxing.

He was full of murderous aura, offering two dark blue short blades, flying around his body.

Obviously, he wanted to get into trouble, kill Ji Tianxing who was close at hand, and avenge Mr. Deer.

He has been accumulating energy, and all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, deducing the next fight.

But no matter how he deduced and designed various battle plans, there was only one result.


Ji Tianxing looked at him indifferently, without even offering the Heaven Burying Sword, with his hands behind him, he appeared very confident.

Seeing that God King Luochen had been slow to take action, he frowned slightly and asked: "Why don't you take action? Aren't you going to kill this king and avenge Mr. Deer?"

The murderous aura of God King Luochen immediately pressed back, and the impossibly violent aura fell back immediately.

His eyes turned gloomy, and his voice said in a low voice: "I am not your opponent."

"Hehe... you know yourself." Ji Tianxing smiled, "But if you don't kill this king, this king can easily kill you."

God King Luochen held the short blade with both hands, blocked him in front of him, and made a full guard posture.

"If this battle is inevitable, even if you are the Peak God King, I will fight to the death!

Even if I died in this battle, I still have a clear conscience and returned the landlord's life-saving grace. "

"Huh, it sounds good, the king wants to see it, dare you face death!" Ji Tianxing snorted, his whole body burst out with the power of suppressing the world.

The invisible coercion, like a stormy wave, swept towards the Lord of Fallen Chen.

Suddenly, the suppressed body of God King Luochen trembled, and a deep fear grew in his heart.

Even though Ji Tianxing hadn't made a move yet, the God King Luochen was already overwhelmed, as if he was in a sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, drowned by boundless murderous aura and fear.

But no matter how scared he was, he would not take a step back, his eyes still firm.

Ji Tianxing slowly raised his right palm and used it as his sword finger, his fingertips condensed with bright golden sword light.

Ten feet long sword light, unparalleled sharp, unparalleled overbearing.

The Heavenly Sword Intent was able to penetrate everything, allowing the Lord Luochen to clearly feel the arrival of death.

In the next instant, Ji Tianxing stretched out his right hand, and the ten zhang sword light pierced the forehead of the God King Luochen.

Once he is stabbed by the sword light, he will fall on the spot, and even the godhead will be broken into dregs.


God King Luochen uttered grief and anger, roared furiously, and desperately broke free, resisting Ji Tianxing's pressure.

He exploded with the most violent power, brandished a pair of short blades, and slashed towards that ten zhang sword light.

At this moment, as he said just now, with the determination to die, he also has to fight Ji Tianxing with all his strength.

Seeing, the God King Luochen was about to die under the sword light.

Eighty thousand miles away, the four high-ranking **** kings saw that the **** king Luochen was killed by the sword light, and they were all shocked and desperate to come to help.

But they are too far apart, there is no time for rescue.

"The Peak God King, so powerful?

I can't even take a sword from him. Is this going to die? "

God King Luochen looked at the golden sword light, constantly zooming in before his eyes, feeling the death breath coming, and this thought flashed in his mind.

In the next instant, the golden sword light came to him, only three feet away from his forehead.

His breathing and heartbeat stopped, as if his thinking had also stopped.

He even thought that he was dead!

However, there was silence between the world and the earth, and the brilliant golden sword light also stopped in mid-air, motionless.

The body of the God King Luochen froze in place, his arms still holding the short blade and raising it high, but he froze in place like a stone sculpture.

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing stopped and spared his life.

When Ji Tianxing retracted his right hand, the bright sword light also dissipated.

Only then did God King Luochen come back to his senses, regaining his heartbeat and breathing, panting violently.

Only then did he realize that his whole body was drenched with cold sweat.

"You... why don't you kill me?"

He frowned, stared at Ji Tianxing, and asked.

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "Many gods say that the stronger the gods, the more desperate and selfish.

There are too many ruthless, sinister and mean people in this world today.

It's really rare to see someone with a true temperament like you.

Therefore, this king spares your life.

But only this time. "

God King Luochen looked up at him, and roared firmly: "Even if you spare me not to die, I will not forgive you for killing the domain master.

One day, I will also become the Peak God King, and I will seek revenge from you again!

If you are afraid that I will defeat you in the future, it is better to kill me now and cut the roots. "

"Haha... want to defeat this king? Then you must be desperate." Ji Tianxing's tone was very confident.

God King Luochen looked embarrassed, and a deep sense of frustration was born in his heart.

The opponent is too strong and confident, with unparalleled momentum and sword intent, which really makes people desperate.

That kind of powerful ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is like an ant looking up at the mountain, so that he can't even think of resistance.

Especially the sword just now made him face death for the first time in his life.

This sword will definitely make him remember for life!

Both of them were silent for a moment, and Ji Tianxing asked, "You used to be the sub-domain master of the Sirius Star Region, and you know the entire star region better.

For nearly a thousand years, have you ever heard of Fengtian Dragon Emperor? Have you heard any related news? "

Originally, God King Luochen and Ji Tianxing were enemies, and it was impossible to answer this question.

But Ji Tianxing just spared his life.

God King Luochen hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth.

He shook his head and said blankly: "I haven't heard of it, and this person shouldn't have appeared in the Sirius Star Territory."

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